UFO study finds no sign of aliens

Reminds me of one "Karlson" story by Astrid Lindgren. There a housekeeper asked if anybody is hiding in the wardrobe, and the burglars inside answered "No!".
In the Library of Space we are a book on the shelf of planets that is new, moderately interesting, and worth a small chuckle - but read for enjoyment more than understanding...yet hardly read at all.
Flying saucers are real, I have seen them, they are top-secret flying machines which are manmade, they propagate lies about extreterrestrials to cover up a technology which can be built if you hold only a basic understanding of electricity. You just have to know what goes inside them.

(high voltage tesla coils, tuned just right)
Flying saucers are real, I have seen them, they are top-secret flying machines which are manmade, they propagate lies about extreterrestrials to cover up a technology which can be built if you hold only a basic understanding of electricity. You just have to know what goes inside them.

What did you expect this report to state? That they had proof and here it is?

I don't know which is scarier...the people who "know" that UFOs are man-made machines or the ones that "know" that UFOs are extraterrestrial! Either way, it's insane to act like you have the foggiest idea what they are. They could be man-made, or they could be alien technology...I would accept either, I suppose, so long as no one claimed to know for sure.

But to claim to know for sure either way is rediculous! If all this stuff is top-secret (either the cover-up or the man-made technologies) then how the fuck do you know??

Yea, it always seems that thees crackpot theorists know all the top secret government information that there is,
as if governments were incompetent idiots.

Insight: if they were incompetent, they wouldn't be governing you.
Just thought I`d pop in my two penn` orth ,since it appears nobody thinks very clearly here.
I doubt very much whether the MOD would allow anything to be published on this subject unless they had total control of the information contained .
This so-called investigation has all the hallmarks of an incompetent ,hackneyed ,devious government department desperately trying to look as if they know what they are doing.
Since no papers have been published or reviewed by scientific peers ,this sort of gobbledegook has no value except as brainwashing for the unaware.

a secret study in the recent past by hynek part of project blue book, concluded that 1% of saucer reports were indeed strange and needed careful examination...

ps: i was tempted to quote : "playboy recently conducted a survey proving gay men and women were extraterrestrials.." but what does that do to your beliefs? does that change your opinion on homosexualities (well i am reserving my opinion on that topic here, since most people here are in 40s and would prolly give me a lecture or something so whtvr)?...

and also, get a life dude, its summers beaches are soaring with chicks burning their skins just for you...mmmmm

awdsci said:
I doubt very much whether the MOD would allow anything to be published on this subject unless they had total control of the information contained .
This so-called investigation has all the hallmarks of an incompetent ,hackneyed ,devious government department desperately trying to look as if they know what they are doing.
Since no papers have been published or reviewed by scientific peers ,this sort of gobbledegook has no value except as brainwashing for the unaware.



Review it yourself and perhaps criticize some of the main points the 400 page report has reached in its conclusions.

Otherwise, your simple-minded criticism here is "gobbledegook" that "has no value."
Avatar said:
And you of course are aware and informed of THE GREAT TRUTH. :rolleyes:

No, I doubt anyone on the planet is in that position.
However, it appears you`ve not taken advantage of the information at the head of this section ,which gives a reasonable resume` of the subject .
There is sufficient detail to provide some people with an interesting background to further reading .
Of course that may not include you,since that would require an open mind.

Some hold the mind so open, that the brain has fallen out of the scull.
Read the report and, if have objections, contact the UK gov.
illuminatingtherapy said:
They're here, watching and scheming and doing their nasty tricks. Of course, they're just covering it up. :p

No we're not.

...I mean they aren't.

i have neither compulsion nor need to prove myself as anything, so yeah; your right..

I'll chip in my 2c. (I know you were all hoping I would.)

If there were such things as alien visitations - which I think we all have to admit are not out of the realm of possibility - then I would be a little dubious that any government would simply cough up the evidence and admit there were (although...haven't the Belgians, the Russians and Brazil or Mexico done pretty much that??? I'm sure I read that somewhere).

My impression is that it might not be very conductive to public order. Certainly not everyone's psychology would be so affected - but imagine the admission that there were intelligent bodies capable of fantastic power, in full knowledge of our existence and hovering over us, on whose presumably inhumanitarian sufferance we might consider ourselves to be living. If one could put a name to total multi-societal panic, that might be its initials. People might well worry about space-related natural disaster, but the latter represents an unintelligent threat and my impression is that the human psyche responds different to a perceived intelligent threat than a mere statistical risk.

imo., if anything, that would unite the people of this planet, and that's a good thing™
Avatar said:
Yea, it always seems that thees crackpot theorists know all the top secret government information that there is,
as if governments were incompetent idiots.

Insight: if they were incompetent, they wouldn't be governing you.

explain the bush regime then :cool: