Ufo NUtCAsEs

Not at all. I myself believe in UFOs. In my opinion there is no reason for anyone not to believe UFOs, there is more than sufficient evidence, I'm sure you've seen plenty of them on TV, maybe some in person in the sky, and both the government and scientific community recognizes their existence.

Remember what a UFO is: Unidentified Flying Object. Anything in the sky that we don’t have the means at hand to explain qualifies as a UFO.

Now the people who may well be crazy would probably be those who believe that UFOs are a single unified phenomena (that is that all UFOs are the same thing up in the sky), and that those things are alien space ships or the like. There’s certainly no information which points toward that conclusion.
Originally posted by MrMynomics
All i see is Blue Skies,maybe its a yank thing.

I'm sure that people of other nations always know exactly what they are looking at in the sky, without fail.
Stanton Freidman, et al, notwithstanding, I think it's a matter of education. The more educated one becomes (formally or informally), the less likely one is to place faith in the paranormal and supernatural.

I think this might be that, along with education comes an understanding of just how wonderfully mysterious and complex the universe is without the hocus pocus.

Sure... alien visitation to this planet is a possibility, but there is no conclusive or even suggestive evidence to indicate that people are experiencing anything more than they would at a magic show, tarot card reading, faith healing, or astrology reading.

People want to believe.

Until they educate themselves by either attending an institution of higher learning or reading the texts of the great scientists and scholars, they are doomed to make attempts at understanding the universe from an uninformed perspective.

This is why I get so discouraged at recent trends in public schools.... the sciences are suffering from either poor teachers or having to compete with the now generation (computers, television, automobiles, music, trendy clothes, and coca cola). Kids don't have time for learning and are "bored" in school, even though many of the curricula I've looked at are far more exciting than the curricula my generation had to endure!

When religion fails and people don't understand even the fundamentals of science, they turn to the easy explanations of the paranormal and supernatural.

It's not nonsense.... it makes perfect sense.
Originally posted by SkinWalker
Sure... alien visitation to this planet is a possibility, but there is no conclusive or even suggestive evidence to indicate that people are experiencing anything more than they would at a magic show, tarot card reading, faith healing, or astrology reading.

haha, careful, man you're shaking some people's belief system to the very foundation here. Quit rocking the boat with your tempered level headedness.

Originally posted by SkinWalker
This is why I get so discouraged at recent trends in public schools.... the sciences are suffering from either poor teachers or having to compete with the now generation (computers, television, automobiles, music, trendy clothes, and coca cola). Kids don't have time for learning and are "bored" in school, even though many of the curricula I've looked at are far more exciting than the curricula my generation had to endure!

Ahh, so the fact that kids throughout time have always hated school is not an indication of a cohesive trend which both your generation and the current generation of school going kids face, but instead is caused by separate reasons. Those being that your curriculum was genuinely boring and dull, and that today's youth are impatient rambunctious and unthankful.

In psychology we know that as the fundamental attribution error. When you do something wrong it's because of the circumstances involved which prevented you from succeeding, when someone else has done something wrong, though it's because they are a bad person.
Its ridiculous to not believe in ufo's at this stage.
The most hardcore skeptics in the business agree they exist but they think they must be a secret government project.
People who don't believe at all are just ignorant and must be living under a rock to not have seen the tonnes of evidence, I find it harder to believe these people exist than I do ufo's.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
People who don't believe at all are just ignorant and must be living under a rock to not have seen the tonnes of evidence.

That's just it... there is no evidence that can be weighed. Nor counted or measured.

Just anecdotal accounts and easily faked videos by people who undoubtedly take advantage of people who are willing to "believe."
No seriously there IS TONNES OF EVIDENCE.
Their is a piece of a ufo circulating labs in america with each proffessional that studies it agreeing it could not possibly be of this world.
There are thousands of mass sightings, some videotaped, some not, but mass sightings are seen by a large groups of people all seeing the same thing.
There is footage of a ufo that can be freezeframed and in one frame it is clear the object was in all areas of a loop at the same time, meaning it was moving atleast at the speed of light, this could not be faked by any technology we have, we can't make light go that fast.
There is more and more, it is piled up, so much evidence that its not worth arguing about. Its much more than you would expect.
Like I said, no legit skeptic can say they don't exist, and they don't because they no they would look like an idiot. It would be like saying the planet mars doesn't exist, you would merely be showing your ignorance of the subject by denying the evidence.
You are not a legit skeptic because you haven't studied the subject in order to attack it like real skeptics have, you are just someone who doesn't know of the evidence. They do and they agree ufo's exist. They play games of semantics, like "there is no proof that aliens are driving the ufo's" but they don't try and deny their existence, thats just foolishness.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
No seriously there IS TONNES OF EVIDENCE.
Their is a piece of a ufo circulating labs in america with each proffessional that studies it agreeing it could not possibly be of this world.

Then why have I not read a peer reviewed paper of it's study? Certainly, at least one of the labs would have a scientist that would have made some interesting observations that he'd be eager to share before the other labs did.

Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
There are thousands of mass sightings, some videotaped, some not, but mass sightings are seen by a large groups of people all seeing the same thing.

All seeing something easily explained through known phenomena.

Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
There is footage of a ufo that can be freezeframed and in one frame it is clear the object was in all areas of a loop at the same time, meaning it was moving atleast at the speed of light, this could not be faked by any technology we have, we can't make light go that fast.

Again, if this were true, there would be a peer reviewed paper in circulation.

Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
There is more and more, it is piled up, so much evidence that its not worth arguing about.

Evidence is always worth speaking of. Unless it is baloney.

Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
Its much more than you would expect.


Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
Like I said, no legit skeptic can say they don't exist, and they don't because they no they would look like an idiot.

Actually, it appears to be the other way around.

Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
It would be like saying the planet mars doesn't exist, you would merely be showing your ignorance of the subject by denying the evidence.

I can bounce a laser off of Mars... it stands still (relatively speaking.. Kepler's laws afterall) for detailed imagery, and presents enough mass to orbit. UFO's fit none of these criteria.

Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
You are not a legit skeptic because you haven't studied the subject in order to attack it like real skeptics have,

How do you know? This is the problem that UFO "believers" have... they make too many assumptions rather than present multiple hypotheses to make appropriate theories.

Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
you are just someone who doesn't know of the evidence.

Apparently I'm in good company.... none of the scientists and researchers who write peer reviewed papers do either.

Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
They do and they agree ufo's exist.

Who's they? Cite referrences.

Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
They play games of semantics, like "there is no proof that aliens are driving the ufo's" but they don't try and deny their existence, thats just foolishness.

That is not in the nature of science. The possibilty of extraterrestial visitation is a valid possibility. It just routinely falls vicitim to lack of physical evidence and Ockham's Razor.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
Their is a piece of a ufo circulating labs in america with each proffessional that studies it agreeing it could not possibly be of this world.

By UFO in this instance, I assume that you mean an alien spaceship, and I'd very much like to see you substantiate this claim. Where did this "UFO piece" come from?

Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
There are thousands of mass sightings, some videotaped, some not, but mass sightings are seen by a large groups of people all seeing the same thing.

And more often than not it turns out to be a planet, or a helicopter, or a flare or the like.

Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
There is footage of a ufo that can be freezeframed and in one frame it is clear the object was in all areas of a loop at the same time, meaning it was moving atleast at the speed of light, this could not be faked by any technology we have, we can't make light go that fast.

That effect doesnt' mean that it was traveling at the speed of light, it means that it had to be traveling fast enough that it could complete the loop on one frame (depends on what kind of camera was being used, it could well have been 1/30th of a second to 1/60th of a second)

Also effects like this could be produced extreemly simply, maybe you should head to the theaters sometime and take a look at just what people are doing with film nowadays. Take it from an amature film editor and graphic artist, these things are extreemly simple to do.

Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
There is more and more, it is piled up, so much evidence that its not worth arguing about. Its much more than you would expect.

More and more evidence that people sometimes see things in the sky and are not sure what they are, not that any of these things are alien space ships, or interdimentional travelers, or whatever rubbish you want to jump to conclusions about.

Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
They play games of semantics, like "there is no proof that aliens are driving the ufo's" but they don't try and deny their existence, thats just foolishness.

That's not semantics it's fact. Also we don't even know if "UFOs" are driven as it were.
I only semi believed in them until I saw something really crazy one night out in the country. This thing messed with my mind. It was so unearthly in it's movements and shape that it could only be something from "beyond". I don't think I'm nuts and I know what I saw!
I am yet to see anything which proves that any aliens or alien craft have visited earth. Most of the so called evidence is either anecdotal or vague photographs
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
Its ridiculous to not believe in ufo's at this stage.
The most hardcore skeptics in the business agree they exist but they think they must be a secret government project.
People who don't believe at all are just ignorant and must be living under a rock to not have seen the tonnes of evidence, I find it harder to believe these people exist than I do ufo's.

haha thats great... actually it is true people won't believe in this stuff because they never have done the research. Just like you wouldn't know the history of Spain, untill you learn about it in detail or do some research.

The only problem with UFOs is that it goes against people's beliefs. The belief that we are alone..the belief.. that is a wholy GOD that takes care of us...and GOD did not make aliens...its not average thing they would see or hear about ...etc... There are a lot of people right now..who try to big media press conferences... so the whole world would hear the evidence...and btw..there is a lot of evividence and even smoking gun evidence....people just want to believe.....just like u would feel a peace of metal from the crashed plane....they would take the metall..and identify it.. find it was an F-16....if they find the metall..and it has elements that do not exist on the planet...people would automatically asume something like it was a meteroid, and then when they look at it...scientists say that it can only be man made...no nature..and then these skeptics..say ooh the meteroid..somehow combined with this and this ..and whats the possibility for that eh? they always have this little tiny possibility which bomes..oh thats the 100% explanation..and now just stfu and be quiet.

I think you'll find, if you check it out, that most people who don't believe in God also don't believe in UFOs. If refusing to believe in UFOs is because of religious beliefs, how do you explain that?
Originally posted by James R

I think you'll find, if you check it out, that most people who don't believe in God also don't believe in UFOs. If refusing to believe in UFOs is because of religious beliefs, how do you explain that?

you made a point..but I know that people who are strong believers and who don't want to believe in anything else other than what they believe...ignore these UFO facts..
You once I really pissed of this guy.

You taking some ufoiology class..if they exist.. and you study the whole term about UFOs and even since thousands of years to the recent ones. On the final you have a question...

Do you UFOs exist?

A. Yes
B. No

Whats the highest probability Yes or No. With all the evidence ...everything points to Yes. Because if even one out of thousands of reports is real...it becomes..Yes...If you say No..obviusly your wrong because ..UFOs were recorded in history..and are all over the place. Nothing points to No..Only narrow minded people point to No...and its just stupid..

Second question,

Are these UFOs ET?

A. Yes all
B. Yes some
C. None

You can't say all because you know for fact that the government always tests flights experimental crafts.

B, Yes some...very possible..because US government can't test flight 100 UFOs at the same time or over a course of few days all over the country...we don't have freakin 100 experiment aircrafts to fly ..and most likely they will be in one place...but they r all the country and all over the world.

C. If you say none then you use they are all government..then you go back to the question....how the F ..did the goverment back in the 60's figure out to go Mach 20...and we know nothing about it right now!! ..
Originally posted by AlexKN1
Do you UFOs exist?

Only in the sense that there are certainly apparent objects which are apparently airborne and not enough data exists to clarify their identification. I say "apparent" since there are many documented phenomena that include reflective effects from the moon, sun, etc.

The probability that such unidentified "flying" objects are actually the result of extraterrestrial intelligence is quite low, despite the high probability that intelligence exists outside of our little bubble existence we call "Earth."

Originally posted by AlexKN1
Whats the highest probability Yes or No. With all the evidence ...everything points to Yes.

Your "everything" seems to consist of only annecdotal account and very non-conclusive imagery.

Originally posted by AlexKN1
Because if even one out of thousands of reports is real...it becomes..Yes...If you say No..obviusly your wrong because ..UFOs were recorded in history..and are all over the place.

As I type this, I'm looking at an old map that I have hanging on my wall that shows where ships should not venture for fear of falling off the edge of the planet. The other side says "here be sea monsters." These were recorded in history. As was the Earthcentric hypothesis. As was the idea that the oceans were always as they currently are, an idea revised by the discovery of tectonic plate movements. I'm afraid merely "recorded in history" isn't enough to costitute significant evidence.

Originally posted by AlexKN1
Nothing points to No..Only narrow minded people point to No...and its just stupid..

Actually, most of the people who lean to "no" are the least narrow minded. This is because they consider all hypotheses, not just "UFOs are alien visitation." We also consider the mulititude of other possibilities: weather anomalies, civilian/military aircraft, military flares, hoaxes, meteors (remember, a billion burn in the atmosphere per day), reflections, etc.

Your theory (certainly a very loose one, since it excludes these additional hypotheses) is that UFOs are largly a result of alien visitation. Good scientific method therefore dictates that the theory be tested. All efforts to do so to date have met with failure or inconclusive results (SETI, Project Hessdalen, etc.). Not one bit of conclusive evidence exists to suggest that "alien visitation" is anything more than another human cult such as astrology, religion, witchcraft, magic, shamanism, dowsing, etc.

Originally posted by AlexKN1
Are these UFOs ET?

A. Yes all
B. Yes some
C. None

D. Probably not.

A & B are conclusive postive responses and C is a conclusive negative response. The matter of Extraterrestrial Visitation consists of nonconclusive information, though the preponderance of evidence is against this.

:cool: Hi everyone!,
I think everyone should be open minded to all theories, people who says aliens dont exist are small minded to me as where is the proof to say the dont exist. There are billions and trillions of galaxys out there with billions and trillions of planets, and for someone to say that they dont believe in aliens, and that we are the only planet with species upon it is plain silly.
There could be millions of diffent species of aliens out there investigating space just like we would if we had the technology to go beyond our galaxy, it makes sense. We already have numerous satilittes and telescopes out there trying to find answers and to discover new things, so it makes sense that other races would be doing the same thing even if they do it differently. If you look at pictures from the Hubble telescope and it shows you all the different galaxys out there, if you look at the pictures from the hubble, every dot you see no matter how tiny is another galaxy.After looking you will see and realise how tiny we really are!