UFO engine

ok your ideas seem to be scattered but i'll help ya out.

i can vouch for manmade, we live in the same town and i'll say that we've met up a few times on the foothills to watch the skies...

it is an odd coincidence gas prices are as high as they have been recently, and the drug problem has always been bad... but my previous post stands.

it does make sense though that if the oil tycoons wanna keep their business up they wouldnt reveal an oilless/gasless vehicle... why dont they manfucature them in mass production though... they could be just as rich, no?
Ski Wampas

No.. they couldn't be as rich... think of the AMOUNT of gas that is used daily. Its sick to calculate how rich they are from that!
Conclusion on electrokinetic propulsion:

No experiment to date has been able to lift a self powering vehicle off the ground or produce anywhere near enough thrust to do so. It would require Gigawatts to lift 1 ton. Also almost all experiments result show the need for air or a ionizing fluid for thrust meaning this propulsion is limited to the atmosphere or will need fuel in space.
As of yet electrokinetic propulsion best future is in quite efficient active cooling for computers (as a replacement for fans) also the possibility of laser power electrokinetic propulsion (this way the ship would not need to provide its own power)

The ionizing fluid you speak of that is needed is called ether, and it exists everywhere... and in everything. To access it you need super high power high frequency electricity... which is something a tesla coil can provide. Then you think.. OH! don't tesla coils require a ground? (in most tesla coil circuits you will see a wire that leads to the ground) If you tune the secondary coil to 1/4 wavelength of the primary the top charge is attracted to the bottom,(and vice-versa) hence eliminating the need for a ground wire. The ether is pumped through the saucers hull so that it is like a fan pumping air.. except, its ether. (and not pumped through in a "rotary way"). Nikola Tesla at first did consider using lasers to power the ships.. then he realized such is not needed... a generator that can put out your average wall socket output will do the job in powering the coil and hence propelling the ship.

"The facts of reality are what they are, irrespective as to whether or not we know them." -Ayn Rand
well this "ether" does not seem to exist in a vacuum because this engine and many of its similar designs do not work in a vacuum (tested and proven so!)

Fukushi (on the first page) has some nice links, I read them, many were done with decent sciences and this is what the scientific result were, now if you could post equally tested result that prove your theory please be my guess.
ManmadeUFOs Quote:
"The government is truely covering up the fact that UFO's are 100% man-made and they have HUGE holds on the media. I hate it when people give the word conspiracy a bad name"

........No Offense, but....I hate it when people hate it that I firmly distrust the truth of ALL conspiracys! think about that a minute.. a conspiracy is based on unorthadox Far-Fetched theories mostly unproven that spin an intricate detailed fuzzy sketch of elaborate well laid plans that lack habit and common sense mostly, but use both as a tool to decieve people into thinking, or Not thinking! sorta.. ALL Government of Mankind, universally uses these methods in varing ways, because of the power of deception is better than an Arsenal of weapons.. For one thing, Governments that hope to last, must have people to govern.. Common sense tells most Rulers that Killing your people off is not condusive for the Tax base, nor the lasting Health of said Ruling class which is Habitually Hungry for power. Give the people what they want, Give them the truth, but lie about it a lot.. When they catch you lying, Create a "Conspiracy" to defer the majoritys attention from the Truth that you were lying. ...
.....Personally speaking, I hate Conspiracys, but its a factful truth that people lie, and as this pattern emerges, so do People Who Dwell on Conspiracys.. speak of them, and share common and uncommon ones. Thinking about Conspiracys is one thing, but jumping to and clinging with any and all Conspiracys is not progressive in the mental growth of independent thinkers that are independently searching for absolute truth... I Fall into this category, as I have a Quest for trueness of conspiracys, so I inadvertantly mull all of them over, and apply common sense devoid of the basic "Groupie" gossip.. I try to use a set of mental scales or scoring system that leaves anger, fear, and love out of it.. In other words, become spiritual and let the truth flow to me, or expose its secrets in hidden yet obvious ways. I have also found that it can be a hindrince to use mind altering drugs like Mushrooms, acid, peyote buttons, or five day meth binges to loosen the spirit to the truth.. Conspiracys conspired during those occasions can lead to some awesome conclusions.. take yours for example, What kind of drugs do you do on that mountain? Do you wear a parachute, or do you simply Flapp your arms and Fly around without fear? I Hate to Fly.. All that Flapping wears me out.. but when I get enough altitude, I can Glide... hehe... that was a joke.. No Offense to you, but I think your "Conspiracy" has taken too many shortcuts to the conclusion.. The real troubling thing about conspiracys and Governments are that, as crazy as they can get, there will often be truth mixed in somewhere. I usually file those away in the "Trash" file.

... "its something that happens a whole lot more than you think.(conspiracies) But believe what YOU will... or shall I say..."

............. "what the media has told you." ..............

... I hate that statement, it is rude! ..and it is often used loosely often to de-moralize and classify a person as Shallow or Stupid! We are all free moral agents to think as we wish.. I am not a programed user-friendly model, and I have renegade type of outlook. When my curiosity is teased, I do not take the simple approach and agree.. I want to know "How?" and "Why?".. If it makes no sense to me and I am confused, I will ask for examples and proof without fear anger or denial... If that cannot be produced effectively, and exceeds my bounds of Truth, Fairness and Relativity, I will simply say... "Your Full Of Shite!" and walk.

... think of this...... What IF the occupants of the UFOs are in Fact Biblical Angels, and in times of massive spiritual torment and stress, they are keepers of the spirit? The Drug Activity is conducive to Demons, torment and mental dispair.. Where you find it enmass, you will also find morally corrupt people mixed in with the good spirits, certain drugs amplify and persuade people to do what they normally wouldn't. The Bad people prey on the good. What if the purpose of UFOs is Opposite of what you have imagined? I See no evil connections or harmful purposes for the UFO phenomena. With the awesome power and abilitys they So Obviously possess... the HUGE Size of the Motherships.. the Destructive capabilities they control, and yet they choose to be invisible and fleeting... Even though Our military has tried to Blow them out of the Skies for fear, They do Not Harm us! We are to be pitied... and avoided!
...I'm no bible thumper, but am spiritually curious, I do not totally discount anything anymore.. I am 50 years old and was a simi country Hippie in the 70's.. kinda still am.. I have toyed with many notions over the years, some were a fiasco, some were enlightening, teasing, and others are too ... too... dark? devious? those shadows that run past your vision, unexplained, but I think I saw, but... I KNOW I Felt it.. and ... but I cannot tell anyone kind of experiences. I was raised in the country most all my life, and have spent many hours in the woods, walking slowly, sitting, mentally connecting with old secrets of " All that Is", Does exist.. things you feel, the Language of the universe and all its creatures. I don't normally do conspiracys.. Some things are simply unexplained, however I try to keep a path open to wisdom always.
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To slim

there is a difference in trying to convince others of your opinion and boring them to death with long as hell posts.. I wont read it
lol.... I figured that... I made my point. Too much techincal info huh? ..hehehe.. the fine print IS boring, I know! one who professes to know all, shouldn't be bored with the likes of details. if you did read it, you still wouldn't understand. Shortcuts to the truth often has uneeded details strewn about, like the nuts and bolts of a vehicle... what do all those round sqiggly things doo? deemed uninportant by the master, they are left to gather dust.. things like .. wheels, brake parts... etc...

.....unless you read and listen to what even the lowly people say, you will remain right in the wrong way forever! no man is an island unto himself..

Borrowing from you.. ""The facts of reality are what they are, irrespective as to whether or not we know them." -Ayn Rand"

The whole truth is never irrevelant, slow down and make yourself tend to "Boring" details. seek the truth, and it will set you free. you must be a young man obviously, No offense intended to you.. The impatience of youth eventually must give way to wisdom and true understanding.. believe it or not, those old people know their Shite, and they also get bored.... your attitude can open or close a virtual library of stored truths, and you can learn it the hard way.. so, since long mutterings are boring, , and you won't read them.. maybe those UFOs are in fact owned, maintained, and operated by Ortega, Castro, and Osama, to run drugs in your area. I see your point! It does make sense to infiltrate and destroy the people with drugs.. using revolutionary UFO technology, stay hidden.. undercover, secretly, dealing with cutthroat users, landing the Mother of all secrets among them, and give them beads, trinkets and Dope. sort of like demoralize the nation, and battle the nutty dopeheads you supplied.. overdose them, and all the land is left unscathed.. cities included. Do they Sell stock?