UFO engine

You need sufficient power for a ufo to ever get off the ground,the craft would need to be so powerful it would need a very powerful generator,which will have to create a Higherpowered generator than the ones we have thought of on earth.We need a Generator to take high pressure which most cant.
Ive read tons and tons of Russian Physics Magazines and none of them have ever proved electrokinetics is a way forward in making a ufo.
Once I read an article in Sience et Vie, outlining the possible use of a machine (ufo) driven by Magneto-hydro-dynamica,...

but unfortunatly, I can't seem to find the article again,...I can summerize however it's principle's:

-circular movement of electrons via a transductor = multiconductor
-horizontal/vertical/up/left/right,...any direction trust via relay of these Ionising particles trough these pathways on the craft,...

AND --> most important too: IT IS actually feasible.

There are experiments enough who confirm the use of this 'levitational' force.
second: it IS under investigation, so apparently it's still economically intresting to keep on going research.

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Are you referring to the technology supposedly used in ancient Indian Vimanas (sp?) and reported to be used by a government craft called the TR-3B?

Google Search

Well, not entirely,

But this TR-3B seems pretty close, to what I was referring to yes.

Magnetic hydro Drive is indeed the way to create these plasma's wich in turn seem to create this anti-gravity-trust.

but anyway: if you just think about what the Man (Einstein) says:
gravitational mass and
inertial mass are equivalent
now connect that to that flying magnet over a cooled superconductor,....

then thing about reversing this idear: instead of generating this effect with a 'cooled' superconductor: it could also be generated trough an electro-magnetical force field, wich trusts the Electrons and makes them inonising.
Hmm those photos look a lot like the military ufo's that the united states were trying to develop during world war 2... i think it was duringthat time, used a giant fan, but way too unpredictable
Indeed.. the saucers have an engine...

As my name suggests.. saucers are man made and CAN be understood by the human brain... in fact, they were invented by Nikola Tesla. Ever heard the word: Tesla Coil? Look em up on the net.. you will find awsome pictures. Email this man for his opinion on UFO's and ask him how he thinks they work: William R. Lyne: billlyne@earthlink.net READ HIS BOOKS!!! They are awsome... I suggest you read Occult Science Dictatorship first before you about reading his other books.
IF I believe in UFO's I think they have gravity generators.
I recently saw a documentary on the subject and in it was a scientist who was employed by the government to work on ufo's. They told him that they made the ufo's and they wanted his "expertise" or whatever to check it out but he after asking them questions he realised they didn't know anything about the ufo's. They were actually employing him to figure out how these things worked.
He did and he said they don't use "engines" at all but generators that produce an artificial gravity so that the ship is constantly rolling down an imaginary hill no matter which way its going. Thats why in footage you can see them tipped to the side of whatever direction they are travelling. The artificial gravitational force can be increased and decreased but g-forces are never felt within the craft because it works outside of space and time(I couldn't understand the explanation of this. Actually I couldn't understand alot of the documentary but it was pretty good), this is why in some footage ufo's have been seen doing a loop in one frame, as though they were at every part of the loop at the same time, the truth is our eyes(or cameras) play tricks on us because again, it works outside of space and time.
Because they work with gravity they are unstable within the atmosphere of a planet, they are suited best for interstellar travel where they can actually travel much faster than the speed of light if you were to judge it by "point (a) to point (b)", of course they do not go faster than light by force like we would imagine. Many ufo's have been seen flying eradicly(sp?) and there is the famous crash in rosswell. This is because of the unstable nature of the machines, the eradic flight pattern is not done on purpose it is just difficult to control.

I can't remember alot but I must say this documentary changed me from a doubtful skeptic to a firm believer in ufo's. It was great, there pretty much IS definitive proof for them now. There is a piece of one of the ships circulating around the labs in america and everyone agrees it is not of this world.
What branch of the goverment may make a BIG difference as to how much they know on UFO's. The man was either employed by gov to actually look into this or.. it was an ignorant part of the government who isn't really in on secret illegal plans between two or more people.(in other words conspiracy but that doesn't give it a "good taste" and often puts sceptical thoughts into people)
Where you say that they are as though they are always going down a hill is very true.
"The artificial gravitational force can be increased and decreased but g-forces are never felt within the craft because it works outside of space and time". Ill agree with the first part :"The artificial gravitational force can be increased and decreased but g-forces are never felt within the craft" I just don't agree with this part:"because it works outside of space and time."
I don't see us having anything like a UFO engine until we find safe and easy means to tap a vast energy source like zero point, and then safely and easily channel that into manipulate spacetime directly. I'd say about 500 years from now maybe, but if one thing's true in science, it's that the doubters are always proved wrong, so maybe in 200 we might have something.
Iv'e long thought that saucer shaped UFOs used a magnetic generator of sorts, and being shaped as a saucer, they had a Gyro ring to stablize the craft in slow flight. They still appear to be wobbly. The Delta winged craft could also use a magnetic generator, but with a pulse power to stablize it while hovering. witnesses have described Balls, Delta wings, Tops, wedges, Long Rod shaped craft that are Huge, Blimp shaped, with strange script on the sides and scaucers. some make a humming sound, some make no sound. I believe the universe is home to many alien races. In old writings people tell of wars of the crafts, where the rods and balls fought, many of the crashing to the earth smoking.. There are some extremely unusual craft that SOHO has photographed cruising by the sun. Last year I witnessed a huge Ball shaped craft that fell to the earth in front of me about a mile distant at nite. I was in the wilderness of southern missouri near a closed canoe rental camp on the river. it was in the early spring, still cold. I was alone driving in early looking to camp, about 2:00 am, and the Ball was the size of the moon, it fell into my eyesight as I was looking out the windshield of my van. It sharply reduced speed and slowly settled into the woods beyond my view. it had Flames trailing like a meteorite, but they had a green tint. if it were a meteor I wold be dead, as it was close enough to leave a huge crater. I stayed in the area for approx one hour, and there were no fires in the woods.
..As a child, about twelve years old, my entire family saw about seven ufo's doing crazy manuvers in Space one evening. they made abrupt stops, then zipped at amazing speed and made complete angle turns, no banking! we watched for about 30 minutes before they dissappeared in space. I live in rural East Texas and many sightings have been made in Broad daylight.

I believe we already have the technology for UFOS. YOU GUYS REALLY NEED TO READ THIS BOOK!!(it explains VERY well how saucers fly)>>> Occult Ether Physics. It claims that the saucers actually do tap into the zpr (zero point radiation). Its a REALLY good book! To buy it email billlyne@earthlink.net (he is the author) I bought the book and loved it. I plead that you guys get your hands on the book! (no Im not an advertiser.. the book really did rock)
The drug problem here is rather huge campare to the surrounding cities. I have a belief that "UFOs" are man made/man flown. And drug trafficers use them. (the "elite trafficers") Think of it! Transporting drugs in an extremely fast vehicle that "doesn't exist!"
I have also recorded a good few saucers on my video camera. (Daylight) Ive seen more at night only because the tesla coils inside them let off electrical charges that charge the hull of the ships which in turn lets off a corona. Purple, White, Green and Orange are the dominant colors that poeple usually see on saucers.
I have even HEARD the saucers! I and one other was hiking up on a nearby mountain and we heard what sounded like a bullet ricochet. We ducked behind a rock and yelled up the mountain that we weren't deer. (we thought there may have been a hunter) After I think back... there was no gunshot. A month later I returned with a different friend. We stayed up till four in the morning talking. At around that time (and same place I heard it before) we heard the bullet richochet sound! We both decided it had to be a UFO.
\/While searching the net I later found this...very interesting.\/
"Jun. 02, 1964 Hobbs (New Mexico). A "black object with flames" is blamed for burns suffered by an 8-year-old child, who said he saw the object coming from the sky. His grandmother, Mrs. Frank Smith, who was standing nearby, heard a sound similar to that of a bullet, but saw nothing. The child suffered second-degree burns on his face, and lost part of his hair. "
I don't really think they are man-made. The Tecnology alone is worth billions more than Illict drugs could reap! a drug dealer with a UFO could challenge any army, Oil as a power source would be prehistoric. Any Nation with a fleet of them could own the planet, not to mention solve the SpaceShuttle problems forever, and the no mar probes would be nessesary.. I'm sure lots of money has been spent to find the secrets of UFOs. It doesn't exist on Earth yet. UFOs have been around since man started drawing on cave walls and rocks.

go here and look.. http://www.ufoartwork.com/

there are lots of depictions of UFOs in artwork that dates back centuries.. here is a pic done on wood, telling of an actual Battle that occured..

The image is of an actual sighting that occurred in Nuremburg on the 14th April 1561. It appeared in a local broadsheet and was a woodcut by Hans Glasser. The globes, crosses and tubes began to fight one another, and this went on for an hour. Then they all fell to earth, as if on fire, and faded slowly away producing a lot of steam. Afterwards a black spear-like object was seen, and the whole event was taken to be a divine warning. Held at the Wickiana Collection, Zurich Central Library.

If you new how the technology worked you wouldn't say it was worth billions. They are more basic than what one might think. The people that own them have extreme codes of conduct that if broken have extreme punishments. They aren't your "average drug dealers", only the "elite of the elite" get to use them.
As for the oil.. the oil companies themselves are usually the owners of them.. thats why they keep them so secret.. if they showed the public how to make them thier business would be destroyed so fast it would be almost "sick." Indeed any nation with a fleet of them could own a planet.. but thats why there are many nations with them.
You mention space shuttle problems? NASA is just a BIG-A waste of american tax dollars and its biggest purpose is to show our "top technology".. when in reality our best tech has been around for many years. (about 50)
Cave drawings? Wait thats right they are DRAWINGS! Which falls under the catagory of art. Art is and can be interpreted by who ever it may be that is looking at it. Pretty picture. Art.

<i>The drug problem here is rather huge campare to the surrounding cities. I have a belief that "UFOs" are man made/man flown. And drug trafficers use them.</i>

What on earth makes you believe that?

<i>I and one other was hiking up on a nearby mountain and we heard what sounded like a bullet ricochet. ...A month later I returned with a different friend. We stayed up till four in the morning talking. At around that time (and same place I heard it before) we heard the bullet richochet sound! We both decided it had to be a UFO.</i>

You don't think that's jumping to a rather hasty conclusion? You hear a noise, and of all the possible things it might be, the very first thing you think of is a flying saucer? That's far to credulous.

<i>"Jun. 02, 1964 Hobbs (New Mexico). A "black object with flames" is blamed for burns suffered by an 8-year-old child, who said he saw the object coming from the sky.</i>

Blamed by whom?

Were there any other witnesses?

Could it have been a micro-meteor?

<i>If you new how the technology worked you wouldn't say it was worth billions. They are more basic than what one might think.</i>

How do you know this? Have you seen the workings up close? If so, when?

<i>As for the oil.. the oil companies themselves are usually the owners of them.. thats why they keep them so secret.. if they showed the public how to make them thier business would be destroyed so fast it would be almost "sick."</i>

Ah... another conspiracy theory. Of course, nobody who worked for an oil company would ever tell, would they?

<i>You mention space shuttle problems? NASA is just a BIG-A waste of american tax dollars and its biggest purpose is to show our "top technology".. when in reality our best tech has been around for many years. (about 50) </i>

So, government conspiracy too? Of course, nobody in government would ever tell either.
Ok, now flying saucers are reserved for elite drugdealers?
Wow, so I guess the idea of aliens just isn't quite crazy enough for you huh?:rolleyes:

....Believe what you want.. I will not make fun or pick an arguement. but what you say sounds more unbelievable than actual Alien UFOs visiting our planet.. your idea is farfeched in that mankind cannot keep a secret, nor can mankind handle that type of power without using it to Kill others and win wars. I can honestly say that I do not believe Earthlings have the power of UFOs. No one could keep that type of knowledge secret. I do believe that The US and Maybe Russia have Salvaged part or all of an Alien craft, but I bet we don't know how it works. maybe the aliens have retaken it and left a warning.. I don't think they would abandon that type of power for us to hurt ourselves with. We are not old enough, or wise enough to possess time and space altering technology yet.
..Apparently you didn't go check that site out... there are a lot more than cave drawing there! I firmly beileve that UFO's are Not of this planet. Perhaps we would have the technology by now, if mankind weren't so savage and backwards. We seek to Destroy what we fear and do not understand. We have had visitors since the dawn of time. Perhaps we are decendents of ancient space travelers, maybe we are an experiment..Who knows? I think that many religions are based on past visitations. Our Goverment Knows enough about them to hide the truth from us, probably for fear we would panic enmass. The occupants of UFOs have tecnology and power to travel the universe at will, maybe they use portals or tunnels, holes in space, and I think Earth is a major stopover for many! There are reported abductions but they do not seem dangerous to us. I do think there is something to the old testiment way of meat sacrifices, and many religions like the Incas, Aztecs, and American Indians that base their religions on visitations. Jesus Decended in a cloud, the parting of the red sea, Ezekials Wheel, Daniels Dream, In Revelations, there is a new Jeruselum that is to land, it has a gold dome, and all around the edges of it are shining Jewels, Beryl, amethist, jade, and other precious stones... Perhaps they are nothing more than Landing Lights? they would be confused as such by someone who didn't know about electricity and the Lighbulb. there are numerous occasions where animals are taken by the ufos, no telling how many wild animals are taken and no one wittnesses it! Perhaps our planet is a source of food. What happened to the Dinosaurs? Perhaps they were Killed off for a purpose to colonise Earth? They could possibly have an undersea base. there have been numerous reports by fishermen of UFOs surfacing out of the ocean as well as diving into it.
..Perhaps we are concidered offlimits to tamper with, and they are protecting us from other aggressive alien races. I have found numerous movies on the net taken from the Spaceshuttle flights and also from the spacestation, one of the most notable is STS 48 .. look it up! you'll see one ufo advancing toward another that seems to want to enter earths atmosphere. the larger one fires a spray of some sort and the smaller one doubles around and runs away exremely fast.. He is headed away from Earth. Maybe they are mining Earth, or they Stop here for water or supplies.. they do have a cloaking system and many seem to change shape, almost like the Ship is alive, or exists by compressed matter. maybe they are pure energy, with no mass. or they gain mass as needed. that would explain the speed and manuverability the craft have.. the human body could not live through the G forces they exibit, nor can anything manmade turn so abruptly! the craft I saw made instant starts and stops and could cover from one side of the horzon to the other in a blink of an eye, and make pointed Right or left angle turns wide open, no banking, just imediate, like defying gravity.
..It also seems like the there always seems to be a lot of UFO activity in thunderstorms, Volcanic eruptions, maybe they recharge the craft system with the Static discharge from our planet. durring times of War between man, there have always been a rash of sightings, perhaps because so many eyes are searching for the enemy, and UFOs are widely seen then. I know durring Meteor showers there are also a lot of sightings. Perhaps they duck into our atmosphere to escape damage to their craft. I do know they are ALWAYS entering and leaving this planet! Its like they are babysitting us but are not allowed to interfere in our fate.
..maybe when mankind can learn to live in peace, and greed and corruption are a thing of the past, when Knowledge is power, and Mighty Destruction has no rewards. When people are one race of all for all who covets life, and we all exist for each other... then they will bring us into the fold of universal conduct of the universe. at present we are much too destructive to trust with their collective knowledge! Many of them are so far advanced from us, we could not even hope to grasp their everyday common thoughts.. we are in the infant stage still... and we haven't earned the responsibility.

YEs.. they do move in very extreme ways. If you read Occult Ether Physics you'd understand how they work! But anyway, it is my belief that they don't "bend space or time." They do have a finite top speed of travel.. they don't warp about the universe, it sounds more religious than scientific to suggest such. The government is truely covering up the fact that UFO's are 100% man-made and they have HUGE holds on the media. I hate it when people give the word conspiracy a bad name... its something that happens a whole lot more than you think.(conspiracies) But believe what YOU will... or shall I say... what the media has told you.

Thank you, that is all!

Some quotes: "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still." (that goes for both of us)
"The facts of reality are what they are, irrespective as to whether we know them or not." -Ayn Rand
personally i do not like to fathom such things... they are UFO's because we cant identify them... personally it's to much to bother...

i have seen them with my eyes, and i dont know what they are anymore than i dont know. they exist, and i'm not even sure of that... something can explain it, but obviouslyt it's beyond us.
To: James R.

What makes me believe that they send the drugs in UFO's? A: The UFO activity where I live is HUGE and so is the drug problem here. (to thoughs who actually watch the skies and aren't brain dead like the rest of the people)

I didn't jump to that conclusion. I have several other friends who have heard them as well...and on the mountain at that . What thee hell else would it be? A gunshot... noooo (no "shot noise")... a bug?... noooo (it was to loud to be that)... Hmmm I have also recorded them with my own video camera and seen them with my own eyes over that area I camped. I at first thought it was a bug or bullet.... until I actually thought about it.. then it began to piece together.... it took about 2 months to get that conclusion.. not a jump the gun.

If you want to know how they work as well read the book: Occult Ether Physics. (something I doubt you will do)

Only the elite of the oil companies know of them. They aren't about to shut down thier own businesses.

NASA is the same way the oil companies are... only the guys that get the huge-A amounts of money know the secrets.

Why do you choose to give the word "conspiracy" a bad name?
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