UFO Crash

That's my point. This happened in 1908, 20 years later they reached the site. When did they first test for radiation levels ?
No idea.

Any levels found we dismissed as coming from Russian nuclear testing. Not saying it wasn't but they don't seem to be sure of anything surrounding the event just speculation and best guesses.
Maybe because the levels found were fully consistent with that testing, and similar to other places that hadn't had a similar event?

Again, the likely scenario based on knowns is what they are suggesting and it makes sense to me. But we also can't just turn assumptions into facts nor do we need to go along with pure fiction.
Depends what you mean by assumptions: there was (apparently) nothing particularly anomalous, and other similar events have been witnessed (in more detail) since.

The UFO theory I understand, but not the ET craft flying into the meteor to save mankind part.
Because it provides the perfect explanation for there being no debris...

My main point being that they are claiming to have recovered evidence that is out of this world. Which is different than making up a story.
And making false claims on that: see above for the "ferrous silicate".

What do you think are the chances that the quartz from outer space will be just another story ?
Given the links I provided, the lack of anything but a single press release (admittedly taken up by a large number of web sites), no provision of samples to anyone else, etc. I'd say it's more of a non-story, merely some woo-woo trying to be famous.
Given the links I provided, the lack of anything but a single press release (admittedly taken up by a large number of web sites), no provision of samples to anyone else, etc. I'd say it's more of a non-story, merely some woo-woo trying to be famous.

They should stick to writing books.