UFO Crash

The Russian research team is called the Tunguska Space Phenomenon foundation and is led by Yuri Labvin. He said in late July that an expedition to the scene would seek evidence that aliens were involved.
"We intend to uncover evidences that will prove the fact that it was not a meteorite that rammed the Earth, but a UFO," Labvin was quoted by the Russian newspaper Pravda on July 29.
That's the way to do science: decide what you're going to discover, then find it.;)
Only one, and he doesn't have a space ship.

Only one?
Kal El (Superman)
Kara Zor-El (Supergirl)
Krypto (Superdog)
All the bad guys from Krypton that escape the Phantom Zone (General Zod & co.)
Everone living in Kandor (the bottle city)... etc. etc.
And that's just off the top of my head.
We're over-run with the damn things!
Only one?
Kal El (Superman)
Kara Zor-El (Supergirl)
Krypto (Superdog)
All the bad guys from Krypton that escape the Phantom Zone (General Zod & co.)
Everone living in Kandor (the bottle city)... etc. etc.
And that's just off the top of my head.
We're over-run with the damn things!

I had no idea the Superman universe expanded so far. There was only ever one when I watched it and I can't say I was overly interested in it. I suppose it's a franchise like Star Wars with everything from comics to movies to tv series and toys... er, I mean action figurines.
That's the way to do science: decide what you're going to discover, then find it.;)

Forgive me, but what is your point Oli? If you don't have a clear focus of what it is that you are looking for, how do you expect to find it to be the case or not? Science is not about stubbing your toes in the dark, it's about the discovery of PROOF previously only classifiable as speculation. It's not about accidents, or assumptions based on Occam's razor. That's just lazy science. Extraordinary events require extraordinary faith to see them through scientifically. All of scientific history has been built on these principles and without them, the future of science is lost.

Why not refute Stanton's treatment on pseudoscience and skeptics? That should keep you busy for a few millennia.
Forgive me, but what is your point Oli? If you don't have a clear focus of what it is that you are looking for, how do you expect to find it to be the case or not?
The point being: if you've decided what you're going to look for before you set off then you're not going to notice/ give credence to anything that disagrees with your prejudgement.
And possibly even twist what there is to suit that pre-judgement.
That is NOT science: science says "What is this? What does it tell us?".
I had no idea the Superman universe expanded so far. There was only ever one when I watched it and I can't say I was overly interested in it. I suppose it's a franchise like Star Wars with everything from comics to movies to tv series and toys... er, I mean action figurines.

Er, apart from the name of General Zod (which I couldn't swear to either way), ALL of those are from the comics - and from the sixties editions too.
Not part of the franchise, part of the original continuity.
Er, apart from the name of General Zod (which I couldn't swear to either way), ALL of those are from the comics - and from the sixties editions too.
Not part of the franchise, part of the original continuity.

I think I worded my post very poorly, I assumed they'd come before the movies, especially as I've never read the comics and was blatantly oblivious to what you were talking about, but I presumed they'd also be included as part of the "franchise" as it has now become.
Having only watched a small selection of TV from the franchise I've only seen Superman himself. Even his parents were human in everything I've seen.
The point being: if you've decided what you're going to look for before you set off then you're not going to notice/ give credence to anything that disagrees with your prejudgement.
And possibly even twist what there is to suit that pre-judgement.
That is NOT science: science says "What is this? What does it tell us?".

But isn't that just what many scientists do with respect to Ufology? They approach the entire scenario with minds made up without so much as doing a shred of real research. I am certainly not implying this on a personal level that is directed at you Oli. However, the sarcasm, overtly redundant, and downright childishly predictable responses to matters such as these by the "scientific" fan base, is in fact ridiculous.

Also, with respect to the Russian quandary here, isn't this precisely what the scientists have done as related to the quartz tablets? They have asked "What is this? What does it tell us?" and they are proceeding based on their determined hypothesis.

I disagree that science starts off with an intelligent blank stare and a clean slate. Human nature dictates suspicion on a essential instinct based level. We may ask honest and unbiased questions all day long, but that doesn't mean we are in any way more likely to discover the scientific truth because we negate predisposition. It's emotional and irrational attachment to predisposition that yields tainted results, not inherent speculation or suspicion.
The point being: if you've decided what you're going to look for before you set off then you're not going to notice/ give credence to anything that disagrees with your prejudgement.
And possibly even twist what there is to suit that pre-judgement.

Imagine the discoveries that would've been made across the spectrum science if not funded by corporations/governments with a predetermined desired outcome in mind, dismantling programs that begin to suggest other findings than what's required.
On the other hand, who's going to throw money at something for "no reason"?

Anyway, as far as UFOs, I'd like someone to do an experiment. 1.Call all of your local press and authorities and tell them you think you've recovered UFO material from a crash. Tell them it's locked away and that you cannot let anyone see it until it's tested.
2. see what happens.
Imagine the discoveries that would've been made across the spectrum science if not funded by corporations/governments with a predetermined desired outcome in mind, dismantling programs that begin to suggest other findings than what's required.
Examples being?
Or are you confusing science with technology?
There was no meteorite: it's defined as a meteor until it actually hits the ground.
All indications from Tunguska are that the "object" (I'll call it that since it leaves hope for the UFO fans) broke apart/ detonated in mid air - there is no impact crater.
It wasn't a nuclear-powered spaceship:

And Tunguska isn't unique:

Same source.
Which also concludes:

Yes thanks for the correction, meteor.

All we have is speculation. Jim Oberg from NASA is perfectly content in his speculation and never has a problem making assumptions about what happened even though he does not know what occurred.

I don't believe for a minute that an ET craft tried to save humanity from a meteor. But it is possible that a craft blew up there and it doesn't have to have been nuclear powered (no radiation), if it was a ET craft what kind of power generation does it have ?

They looked for radiation because ? Would we expect to see radiation levels from a meteor explosion ? Have we found any evidence of a meteor event ?
Isn't it still a mystery ?

The quartz could be totally unrelated to the incident.

However, the quartz is what has started the discussion of a UFO crashing into a meteor. Because without it that explanation would be even more out there.

But apparently there are these unique quartz pieces. The question is not whether a ET craft crashed into a meteor.

The question is are the quartz pieces something interesting and truly beyond our abilities or are they not.
Examples being?
Or are you confusing science with technology?

All examples would be hypothetical of course. But aren't most scientists working for someone else? perhaps someone trying to solve a problem or improve a product?
No one has endless cash flow so to suggest that "real science" is random and unbiased on all levels is kind of a joke.
They looked for radiation because ?
Er, because that's what real science does: tests for anything it can think of.

Would we expect to see radiation levels from a meteor explosion ?
Nope, but when they went to Tunguska (actually back to Tunguska - there have been a few expeditions) they weren't entirely sure what had caused it.

Have we found any evidence of a meteor event ?
The Oberg article does mention that there have been several similar events (and better witnessed) of bolides "performing" similarly.
The Wiki page on Tunguska lists a few more.

Isn't it still a mystery ?
It is, but mostly to those who wish it to remain so (so that they can espouse the UFO theory one more time).

The quartz could be totally unrelated to the incident.
However, the quartz is what has started the discussion of a UFO crashing into a meteor. Because without it that explanation would be even more out there.
Not true: the UFO theory was first posited in the 1940s IIRC, without the quartz as support.
Other claims of exploding alien spaceships or alien weapons detonating to “save the Earth from an imminent threat” appear to originate from a science fiction story “A Visitor From Outer Space” written by Soviet engineer Alexander Kazantsev in 1946, in which a nuclear-powered Martian spaceship, seeking fresh water from a lake blew up in mid-air. This story was was said to be inspired by Kazantsev’s visit to Hiroshima in late 1945.

The question is are the quartz pieces something interesting and truly beyond our abilities or are they not.
Now that's a better question, but the information (on the net) is too nebulous - "ferrum silicate":wtf:
Either very badly translated or a nonsense term.
Is it "ferrous silicate"?
In which it appears to be untrue that it only forms in outer space:
All examples would be hypothetical of course. But aren't most scientists working for someone else? perhaps someone trying to solve a problem or improve a product?
No one has endless cash flow so to suggest that "real science" is random and unbiased on all levels is kind of a joke.

"Real science" is a "what's happening here, let's investigate" process.
Most scientists* actually work for companies as "technology enhancers" i.e taking a known process and seeing how it can be used or improved.
Improving a product is technology.
Agreed it's not random, inasmuch as funding is required and few people are going to pay big money for something that appears to have no basis in reality.

* meh, at least those people are recognised as scientists - you do need a degree, etc.

Er, because that's what real science does: tests for anything it can think of.

That's my point. This happened in 1908, 20 years later they reached the site. When did they first test for radiation levels ?
Any levels found we dismissed as coming from Russian nuclear testing. Not saying it wasn't but they don't seem to be sure of anything surrounding the event just speculation and best guesses.

Again, the likely scenario based on knowns is what they are suggesting and it makes sense to me. But we also can't just turn assumptions into facts nor do we need to go along with pure fiction.

Not true: the UFO theory was first posited in the 1940s IIRC, without the quartz as support.

The UFO theory I understand, but not the ET craft flying into the meteor to save mankind part.

But I guess it doesn't much matter, either way they are still claiming that an ET craft blew up or was destroyed at the scene.

My main point being that they are claiming to have recovered evidence that is out of this world. Which is different than making up a story.

Now that's a better question, but the information (on the net) is too nebulous

What do you think are the chances that the quartz from outer space will be just another story ?

We shall see.