U.F.O.s ?

Brilliant UFO seen by hundreds in Turkey...

Volume 7, Number 7
February 12, 2002
Editor: Joseph Trainor

Around 11 p.m. on the night of (Saturday) January 26, 2002, the General Directorate of Police in Adiyaman, a city in eastern Turkey, received a phone call informing them that a brilliant flying object was being observed on the eastern side of the city.
Police headquarters radioed the patrolman on duty at the checkpoint beside the Adiyaman/Kahta highway and he also confirmed the sighting of the brilliant object in the sky. The chief of police was notified, and a police team was sent to the area equipped with night-vision cameras. They spotted the brilliant object, which was rotating around its own axis and spreading outward colorful lights, and managed to film it for around five hours.
On Monday, January 28, 2002, at around 2:15 a.m., two similar flying objects were observed. The objects also were filmed by the (Turkish) Security Directorate between 2:29 a.m. and 3 a.m.
Haktan Akdogan, chairman of the Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research Center in Istanbul (Turkey's largest city), telephoned Halil Isrik, governor (mayor) of Adiyaman, about the incident. Governor Isrik reported that five UFOs were observed. Twenty police officers and hundreds of civilians witnessed this incident.
On the videotape, five glowing objects are viewed, in motion and much brighter than any star or planet. In close-ups, the objects are rotating around their own axes.
Enhanced by computer, the objects were scattering lights of
various colors. The brightness and proximity of the objects
indicate that they were inside the atmosphere. The light beams spewed out by the UFOs have been measured by spectral photometer, which also confirmed that the objects were in motion. The objects (first) hovered and then started moving. The glowing objects do not make any sound and exhibit and advanced technology and do not fit any category of conventional aerial devices.
Adiyaman is about 300 kilometers (180 miles) southeast of Ankara, the capital of Turkey.

Can we open up the thread again with this? Obviously nobody wants to go in to the questions.:p To difficult to give proper comments I guess.Oh, whell, the questions speak for themselves.;)

What about this sighting? Any comments? Come on people, lets go again please...:cool:
Sure they're UFO's and were there if hundreds of people saw them AND filmed them-however that does not guarantee them to be alien spacecraft!

Do you have any pics, banshee?
UFO's from Earth ?

Why should they not come from Earth, in a far away past or future ?

UFO's can be populated by intelligent life forms, or driven by artificial intelligence.

The possible reason for UFO visits:

Scientific research by anthropologists or historians.

They only need to have a time travel engine on board,

or move with a speed far beyond light speed, allowing timeline inversion.
I have been speculating that UFOs could be from our future for the last 20 years - now we have another member who thinks so...welcome zira to sciforums.

The reason I dont think they are from past is because, if we had super civilization in the past, then before the iceage, they would have jumped time and landed say 10,000 years ago with their time machine and all the stuff. But no such item exists.

The only reference (and a lot of it) to other planets come from India's epics such as Mahabharat and Ramayan and other mini stories that includes multi-planet travel etc.