U.F.O.s ?


Registered Senior Member
How can some people say there are no such things as ufos,but how can anyone be truly sure,for centuries man has been seeing strange lights in the sky, the African dogon tribe decorate their houses with motifs that have been interpreted as the ladder to heaven people have argued that the tribe was founded by spacemen from sirius c,also in the caves in austrailia paintings have been found that look like a spaceman.:confused:
UFOs exist. As to whether or not any of them is, or has ever been, an alien spacecraft is complete spectulation.

I know of no instance when a professional or skilled amateur astronomer has ever seen an alien spacecraft even though they spend more time looking skyward that most anyone else.

Flying saucers seem only to reveal themselves to people with limited familiarity with the daytime and nighttime skies.

Many will claim that astronauts have seen strange lights, and indeed some have. But to conclude that what they saw was an alien spacecraft leaps far beyond the limitations of their observational data.

It is highly probable there are aliens elsewhere in space. As to whether any of them can visit Earth, or ever has, again is wild speculation in the absence of empirical evidence.
Strange light

You know when you get one of those nights,you know the ones clear except for maybe two or three clouds light grey in colour, well this was one of those nights, it was about eight thirty,on a winters night i was walking home and saw a strange light in the sky, i took no notice to it as someone has a beam which they shine up onto the clouds, but as the cloud moved over head this light followed it,it stayed in the contour of the cloud, it followed the out line perfectly,and it even went at high spee fro one side to the other,and stoped right on the edge of the cloud,now if that was a beam from the ground then it would not have been adle to do the things that this light did, it stayed in this one cloud as there was no other cloud anywhere near it, it kept playing around speeding right upto the edge and then stopping dead on the edge never showing its self,my wife watched it as well and to this day we can not explain it, the light its self was a perfect circle but as i have said it followed the cloud edge perfectly.
It is unfortunate that UFO is defined as alien spaceships. Until we know for sure they still remain unidentified. Now, that does not mean, we can not speculate what they could be. But jumping into conclusion that they are nothing but alien spaceships could be only one very remote answer.

The otherpart that only stupid people see alien spaceships are true, but a lot of intelligent people see light or other strange phenomena but rarely an alien spaceship.

Suppose the lights that move in right angles with incredicble speed are a natural phenomena, since we do not know what it is, any speculation is useless. But we can speculate as in SCi-Fi.....

Energy beings running around, checking out the landscape....right???
Yes, the salient question is: when you see something you cannot explain, how much of the substance of your interpretative conclusion is made of what you want to see?
What is the aim of believing in UFOs?

I cannot see any sense in discussing UFOs until their existence is proved and they have a real influence on our life.

I assume that many UFO believers regard this as some kind of religion for getting an answer where we are from. Does this mean most UFO believers are materialists just considering also people from other planets? Or could they be also dualists believing in a spiritual world and hoping to get more knowledge about that from UFO people?

Everyone sees the world with his own eyes - my updated weltanschauung (world outlook) is described at:
http://home.t-online.de/home/hraith/english.htm - related forum discussions are listed at: http://home.t-online.de/home/hraith/links.htm
I am a firm believer of the existence of UFOs and I se one in my back yard every night.

It is a rather large looking light, that appears to be a star or a planet. However, this "star" seems to make brief movements in the sky in irregular intervals.

I've shown people this and they have no clue what it is.
There are a lot of UFO sightings which were explained to be something completely different. But so once in while there are some weird lights and other sightings which are not to be explained. So the question stays a question.

What about this link, scroll down, read it...ancient, but in this case perhaps a nice 'story' to read.
Just to go along with Boris, this is from an earlier time being...

Kmguru, it is the way you look at it.
Did you take a look at the link? What do you think of it?

And perhaps the human race should head in a complete different direction. Which won't happen, but it should make a difference.

Take a look at www.space.com

An interesting article there about humans and why they cannot live in Space with the kind of energy the human body uses. And what solution they come up with.

Have fun.;)
Excuse me, you have to look at topstories: Drugs for boneloss.

Hope you like it. Forgot to mention it in the above reply.
May be I am in the wrong topic. What I meant to say that, is it possible that there are other specis much different from ours developed over the last 5 billion years, just as Dolphins evoloved separately from humans - that are co-existing with us, but away from our perceptions....just a thought....
Originally posted by kmguru
May be I am in the wrong topic. What I meant to say that, is it possible that there are other specis much different from ours developed over the last 5 billion years, just as Dolphins evoloved separately from humans - that are co-existing with us, but away from our perceptions....just a thought....

neanderthal man for example?(sorry if spellings are wrong),but they are not that different,and just speculations that they co-existed with us.but whats the point?:confused: :confused:
Kmguru, I agree with you about the Dolphins and the Whales. They are much more developed then most humans think.

That is why humans who hant and kill them are standing at the bottom of my list of thinking of these humans as being 'intelligent', for they are just stupid.:mad:

But the topic is about UFO's, isn't it? That is why I posted the link.
And I mentioned Space.com,because I thought you could be interested in it.

Just another thought.;)

We can not dismiss ufos surely, humans can not be clever enough to design all the tools of war that the human race have,ie stelth fighters/ killer subs/ guns that can kill at a mile away and so on.
Banshee, points well taken. We have discussed about UFOs many times on this forum. For those that are new or want to address any new items, we can revisit a few points.

What I am reffering to is that the UFOs can be products of another specis out of our perception. We think, we are the top banana, but we may not be....
Originally posted by kmguru
What I am reffering to is that the UFOs can be products of another specis out of our perception. We think, we are the top banana, but we may not be....

i still dont get it KM.out of our perception??(still terrestrial but we havent met them??)or does that indirectly point to alien occupancy of the flying saucers that we see??.i am surprised at this,or i have become a FUSED BULB that i"ll never understand your point.plz explain ellaborately.:confused: :confused:
Oh yes, the human race loves to THINK they are on top of the banana, but it doesn't mean that is the truth....

Imagine all these Universes....and then the human race living on Planet Earth are the only 'intelligent' living Species??

Don't think so, think again please and don't be so arrogant to see humans as the top of the banana, for they are not.

Consuming species, that is what we, humans, are. Invent televisions and newspapers to keep them on top of all the killings and tears from the rest of this worlds population, while drinking and eating in between. Just like that...in front of the TV screen on which they see the women and children bleed in another part of the world.

Pretty 'intelligent', we humans....

BTW. the word is Spacecraft, never flying saucer, this is coming from the early 50's when some guy saw an UFO and described it as a saucer. From then on this (very wrong!) word kept on existing.