TruthSeeker's Debating Skills

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Naw, he always glares at me.

Adam: I am a prophet too!

Stupid people will rise to postions of power
The earth will keep turning
There will be conflict in the Middle East
Xev will never understand men
Somtime, somewhere, it will rain


There is nothing inherent in the title "prophet" which has anything to do with worth or value, superiority, or anything like that.
So the belief that a higher infinite all-powerful being has chosen you above everyone else to pass on special information to the world, does not indicate pretensions of superiority? You must be joking right?

Hell, I make prophecies all the time. I even get some right. Make enough and you'll hit the mark some day.
And so do I, they are called guesses, but I don’t attribute them to a supernatural force.

Originally posted by Cris
So the belief that a higher infinite all-powerful being has chosen you above everyone else to pass on special information to the world, does not indicate pretensions of superiority? You must be joking right?

Why do you connect the word "prophet" with worship of deities?
Odd. Last I read, prophet meant "one who predicts the future". I wonder if it has always had such religious connections or if this is a modern change to the word.
1) A person who speaks by divine inspiration or as the interpreter through whom the will of a god is expressed.
2) A person gifted with profound moral insight and exceptional powers of expression.
3) A predictor; a soothsayer.
4) The chief spokesperson of a movement or cause.
1) one who predicts the future, esp. one considered to be speaking under divine inspiration and revealing divine will.
2) in the Old Testament, one chosen by God as a messenger and guide to the ancient Hebrews.
3) in the early Christian church, one who was divinely inspired to make revelations and predictions.
4) (cap.) Muhammad, founder of the Muslim religion (prec. by the).
5) a teacher, leader, or spokesman of a movement or cause, esp. a religious one, who is believed to be the recipient of some special inspiration or revelation.
1 : one who utters divinely inspired revelations; specifically often capitalized : the writer of one of the prophetic books of the Old Testament
2 : one gifted with more than ordinary spiritual and moral insight; especially : an inspired poet
3 : one who foretells future events : PREDICTOR
4 : an effective or leading spokesman for a cause, doctrine, or group
5 Christian Science a : a spiritual seer b : disappearance of material sense before the conscious facts of spiritual Truth
- /-"hud/ noun

What I'm seeing here is a remarkable judeao-christian influence on the English language. All from the web. I don't have my dictionaries and such here at uni, but back home I have some old English dictionaries form eary last century and before, and I don't recall seeing such religion-inspired definitions in them.
You may have noticed in many threads that I often use long-standing or original meanings of words rather than modern mutilations. A side-effect of hunting OLD books.

Interesting observation on ‘prophet’.

But I will admit I was using the term in the context of Truthseeker’s claim where clearly he saw himself as having received divine inspiration and which he felt he had to proclaim to all at sciforums.

So even if the dictionary had a different definition at least the implication and meaning that truthseeker intended would correspond with my interpretation.

Of course he may be a real prophet divinely inspired, however, if true then wouldn’t it be the duty of others who witnessed the truths of his revelations to come forward and declare him a prophet? That has not occurred and all we have is a self-declared alleged prophet without witness but he insists he is correct. Isn’t that a definition of arrogance?

From Webster’s: Arrogance: a feeling or an impression of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or presumptuous claims.

Take care
We have a rather HUGE library back home, but we haven't bought any modern dictionaries in many years. I'll have to get one. It often seems other people and I are talking about entirely different things.
Whoa! We had better be carefull, remember what happened to the kids who taunted Elijah.....:eek:

2 Kings, Chapter 2
And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.
And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.
And he went from thence to mount Carmel, and from thence he returned to Samaria.

You may have noticed in many threads that I often use long-standing or original meanings of words rather than modern mutilations. A side-effect of hunting OLD books.
Ok but isn’t that dangerous? How would you determine which is the correct definition? Wouldn’t it follow that current usage is likely to be the most accurate?

I’ve had many disputes here over the definition of the word ‘atheism’ and until recently most dictionaries have definitions that do not reflect the definition that has been adopted by active atheists. In other words the dictionaries significantly lagged behind actual usage.

My current Merriam-Webster software dictionary finally has both the correct definitions but my hardback older Webster still has it incorrect.

However, I can see the value of knowing how words were defined in older times especially when trying to understand what someone truly intended from a specific era.

It is even more difficult to interpret ancient writings, such as the bible, that not only had words whose meanings have significantly changed over time but were also written in multiple languages.

Take care
Well, I never liked the Websters anyway. One of theirs I have back home is from the 1970s I think, and the defintions are all basically American.

Some words, such as "atheism", have very clear meaning, which can be seen from the parts of the word. Example: "a" and "theism". No, I won't get into the meaning here, since you've probably had enough of people arguing over that as well.

But yes, it does often cause difficulty when I'm the only person in a conversation who says "gantlet" instead of "gauntlet", or whatever.

Well, I never liked the Websters anyway. One of theirs I have back home is from the 1970s I think, and the defintions are all basically American.
Well that does make sense since Webster’s is an American dictionary.

Where is back home? Aren’t you in Melbourne?

I use Webster’s since I live here in the US but I originate from the UK where I would always use the Oxford English or my Collins English. But on an international website like this and where most posters are from the US I think Webster’s is probably the best choice.

But that brings up an interesting point when considering the increasing widespread usage of the internet – there should be an internationally accepted English dictionary. Hmm that could cause some fun since American English has an extraordinary number of differences from British English. And I suspect that Australian English is very close if not the same to British English. Do you know if that is true or not?

Take care
odin understands what I'm saying... :)

There will always be someone that do... :)

Posted by Tyler:
The ego goes on.....and on.......and on

Ok... let's see who has been really egocentric all this time.

You say:
"I don't need a god."

You say:
"I don't need your opinion."

You say:
"I'm right, you are wrong, that's all."

Who is really egocentric...?

If he's a prophet our insults should mean nothing to him. He should take no offense as he already knows we are unworthy.
Everyone is worth fighting for. I'm not a prophet, but I still wonder about other people...


Whoa! We had better be carefull, remember what happened to the kids who taunted Elijah.....

Do you still remember what I taught you about Love...?

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Do you still remember what I taught you about Love...?

You do not teach anything. You just shoot off your mouth. You are a child pretending to be a grown-up.

Australia used to use primarily good old King's English. Now, with the flood of USA TV and the internet and such, most people are growing up with USA spelling. It makes my teeth ache every time I see Australians using words like "nite" and "thru".

Home is indeed Melbourne. My family's home is a farm near a town called Mount Eliza. The entire house is full of books, nearly every wall is bookshelves. I'm now living at Monash university in Clayton, much closer to the city. But I'm going home this weekend, so I might steal a few boxes of books. :)

EDIT: Spelling. :p

Awright good for you.

I've pretty much given up complaining about English/American differences and have found it easier to just convert to American while I'm here.

Although there are some words that continue to bug me.

Take care

You do not teach anything. You just shoot off your mouth. You are a child pretending to be a grown-up.

Yes, I'm a child...
Fortunatly... :)

No... I really taught her about Love. All that I told her is about the spiritual meaning of Love...


... you, Northwind, Tyler, (Q), goofyfish, Xev...

TRUTHSEEKER? I don't understand you! I took a 3 month vacation from posting much and now I see you, obsessed with finding your place in the Sciforums 'Hall of Fame'? Of course you cherish your young age; you must think it an effective tool for impressing people...I am not impressed by, and frankly I'm disguisted. I'm thinking 'psychological complex'. Use your 'genious' and diagnose yourself, then find the appropriate hosptital to suit you. Good luck!:D:eek:
Congratulations, I see you, obsessed with finding your place in the Sciforums 'Hall of Fame'?

Where did you got that idea?????? :confused:

I didn't do nothing!! THEY started the thread about me, THEY are giving me fame, not me!!!!!!!!! :bugeye: :bugeye:


I should have continued to follow the Taoist philosophy...
Don't know why the Universe want me to speak up if so many people don't even listen... :(
