Truth about 666, the beast and the seal of beast

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oh, well;)
very interesting discussion.
BTW Nickols_K you could always set the timer on your camera.
Seriosly, though, get a video camera, so we kno you didn't go into photoshop and doctor your photo, I'd be very interested to find out what a werewolf looks like-furry human head, gollum-like, regular wolf, so what is it?
Seriosly, though, get a video camera, so we kno you didn't go into photoshop and doctor your photo, I'd be very interested to find out what a werewolf looks like-furry human head, gollum-like, regular wolf, so what is it?

It would be cool to watch the transformation, as well.
At the age of thirteen I was thrown into another world by a fateful accident. Clinically pronounced dead, I returned from the afterlife with knowledge rarely glimpsed by the average person.
a person is not dead until they are cold and dead.
did your heart stop? for how long?
did you stop breathing? for how lomg?
was there any brain activity?
what did your body core temperature drop to?
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