Truth about 666, the beast and the seal of beast

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Everyday I'm watching myself in mirror! I know that werewolves exist because I'm existing!

So, if you're a werewolf, post a picture of yourself as it will be the only picture of a werewolf in existence. I'm sure many here would like to see what a real werewolf looks like.
So, if you're a werewolf, post a picture of yourself as it will be the only picture of a werewolf in existence. I'm sure many here would like to see what a real werewolf looks like.
When I'm living with my ordinal life then I'm looking like a man!
When I transforming then I can't make the photo because my hands transform into paws and I'm not able to operate them as by hands

Did you watch the Werewolf movie with Jack Nickolson? This is almost correct movie with 90% of truth
Werewolves I can handle...
Silver bullet... bang-bang... it's all over...

This scares me...

I got a Rod of Iron wit' yo' name on it, sukka !

M*W: I sure hope the Rod is threatening Sheila Jackshit Lee. She's the worthless Rep in my district. Come to think of it, that fake kinky hair piece makes her look like a werewolf. Don't get me wrong. I don't live in shanty town or anything, in fact, I'm just within the district line. There's talk about redistricting our district, and I hope I will end up in somebody elses district. Sheila Jackshit Lee will never get my vote. Her district (shanty town) is full of crack cribs and ho's. She won't clean up her own district. Why would anyone think she could do something good for our country. She's not interested in white folks like me. I know my baby daddy.
This has been an unsolicited and unpaid political advertisement that I approved myself.
When I'm living with my ordinal life then I'm looking like a man!
When I transforming then I can't make the photo because my hands transform into paws and I'm not able to operate them as by hands

That's just an excuse, there are plenty of ways to get that picture without you having to take it.

So, when will we be seeing this picture of yourself as a werewolf?

Did you watch the Werewolf movie with Jack Nickolson? This is almost correct movie with 90% of truth

Then, prove it. Post a picture of yourself as a werewolf. I'm not about to take your word for it, if that's what you think.
That's just an excuse, there are plenty of ways to get that picture without you having to take it.

So, when will we be seeing this picture of yourself as a werewolf?

Then, prove it. Post a picture of yourself as a werewolf. I'm not about to take your word for it, if that's what you think.

M*W: For crying out loud! Trick or treat! It's almost Halloween. Let him believe he's a werewolf if he wants!

(BTW, the costume is $19.99 at Target).
That's just an excuse, there are plenty of ways to get that picture without you having to take it.

So, when will we be seeing this picture of yourself as a werewolf?

Then, prove it. Post a picture of yourself as a werewolf. I'm not about to take your word for it, if that's what you think.

Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed!
M*W: I sure hope the Rod is threatening Sheila Jackshit Lee. She's the worthless Rep in my district. Come to think of it, that fake kinky hair piece makes her look like a werewolf. Don't get me wrong. I don't live in shanty town or anything, in fact, I'm just within the district line. There's talk about redistricting our district, and I hope I will end up in somebody elses district. Sheila Jackshit Lee will never get my vote. Her district (shanty town) is full of crack cribs and ho's. She won't clean up her own district. Why would anyone think she could do something good for our country. She's not interested in white folks like me. I know my baby daddy.
This has been an unsolicited and unpaid political advertisement that I approved myself.

In a just world, they would replicate the climactic scene in that old hoot of a movie, "Excalibur", where King Arthur and Modred impale one another on their respective weapons, and expire in grand, pompous style, while Wagner's Siegfried's Funeral Music plays in the background...
Think I'll give that tune a spin and imagine said event over toast & coffee.
Ooh, a lycanthrope!

Does it happen if you look at a picture of the moon, too?

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