Truth about 666, the beast and the seal of beast

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Peace to you!

I've published the article:
This material makes understanding of Revelation more clear
and will help to be saved for many many people and will help to avoid terrible plagues for many other people!
You will not carry any responsibility for this link since this material was signed by me!
But availability of this material is important for now as never before!
Be bless!


At the age of thirteen I was thrown into another world by a fateful accident. Clinically pronounced dead, I returned from the afterlife with knowledge rarely glimpsed by the average person. This experience has defined my life as a person with each foot in a different world. Explaining the afterlife to those who have not had a near death experience requires breaking down the illusions that most people hold of what they call "reality". I hope that my experiences can enlighten others while allowing me to share my insights with my fellow humans.

I have received the seal of the beast in afterlife world 20-22 years ago. Main information - the first who meets us in afterlife world is the BEAST which is described in Bible, but not God as many think!
BEAST - this creature has size about 12 meters in height. This creature is able to stay on two legs and has very long tail (so it also 30 meters long including the tail).
IMAGE OF BEAST is any creature which has seal of beast with spirit of beast inside and without man's status!
MARK OF BEAST. After sealing up appears imprint! This imprint has name - mark. It looks like black tattoo which is putted on spirit (not on body) therefore can not be cutted out. It contains the head of dog with iron slam on head.
SEAL OF BEAST. The beast has the seal. It is like iron seal on a long pole. Any host is able to mark by seal of beast.
666 is number of men who will be marked by beast but will be saved!!! (i.e. common number of saved from all who will be marked by beast).
FOREHEAD whole forehead bone from brows up to top of head! The seal of beast is fatal when it putted on forehead or on any hand.
NAME OF THE BEAST. The beast has name, same as any creature which was created by Creator.
NUMBER OF NAME OF THE BEAST is number of people who will call themselves by name of the beast. I.e. 666 is number of people who will be saved from the lake of fire with seal of beast on any place. But the number of name of the beast is number of people who will call themselves same as the beast.
HOST is creature (man or angel) who received the seal of beast!!!
ROD OF IRON is spirit of beast which is inserted into us horizontally.
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Originally was: I prefer mine vertically.
When the spirit of beast is inserted vertically the people become a werewolf!

Could you show me a picture of what I'm to become? Of course, I mean a picture of a werewolf, not a drawing or animation.
Could you show me a picture of what I'm to become? Of course, I mean a picture of a werewolf, not a drawing or animation.

If you don't believe in werewolfs then you are speaking with nobody!!! ;)
I don't have such pictures but my avatar is ROUGHLY similar to werewolf's head!
If you don't believe in werewolfs then you are speaking with nobody!!!

Why should I believe in werewolves? Can you show they exist?

I don't have such pictures but my avatar is ROUGHLY similar to werewolf's head!

Why wouldn't you have pictures? Have you ever seen a werewolf? How do you know they exist?
Werewolves I can handle...
Silver bullet... bang-bang... it's all over...

This scares me...

I got a Rod of Iron wit' yo' name on it, sukka !
Why should I believe in werewolves? Can you show they exist?

Why wouldn't you have pictures? Have you ever seen a werewolf? How do you know they exist?

Everyday I'm watching myself in mirror! I know that werewolves exist because I'm existing!
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