
786 said:
So you admit that the Bible has been altered. If you read the verses it explicitly states that Michal had no children, but on the other hand the other verse says Michal had 5 sons. Did the "Holy Spirit" forgot how many children Michal had? BTW which one is correct?
Which number is right? So you have the wrong and the right numbers? Do you know which one is right? Weren't the authors inspired by the Holy Spirit. Then how could they get it wrong?

If you look at your answers then you will notice that you are actually accepting that there are some things "altered" in the Bible. Then how do you know which part is true, and which is not?

We are talking about God here. You are willing to DIE for the belief. So your belief lies on guesses, on which is true and which is not?

What I am trying to show you is that the Bible has been altered. The original message of Jesus has been changed. There are even doubts about the authors of the books. DOUBTS! Your whole belief lies on Doubts. Is that how the Word of God is preserved?

That is just pathetic.
As I said: it's fortunate people don't have to die for the amount of sons Michal had. Maybe it's a Muslim thing to want to strap themselves up with explosives and die over every detail. You're reinforcing that mentality, you know. My point was: these are not life and death issues!

The Holy Spirit doesn't possess a person, who then gets a blank stare and starts writing automatically! (!!) It empowers a life, makes us see things God's way instead of our own. Because our own ways are concerned only with ourselves and our abilities: "Is this scientifically correct? Should I count those sons one more time? Maybe it wasn't God who did this but me?"

The Bible categorically condemns that mentality, and you wish it would reinforce it? These aren't guesses, they're truths greater than two, three or four versions of the same thing. They're certainties of events and lives God himself was involved in. God allows people to make mistakes, be human, and still use them - because His work, his promises, doesn't depend on how clearly we see it, but how faithfully we trust Him.

You have no idea what innerancy means to God. You are only interested in what it means to you. I've warned you before: you should make certain whether you are doubting God's work or man's work. You'll know that by examining your heart (and I don't mean with a stethoscope). Ask for God's Spirit.
You don't get my point.

I am trying to say that Bible is not Inerrent.

BTW what will make you think that Bible is not the Word of God?

Peace be unto you :)
786 said:
You don't get my point.

I am trying to say that Bible is not Inerrent.

BTW what will make you think that Bible is not the Word of God?

Peace be unto you :)

I think if you had the capability to listen he is trying to tell you he disagrees ;)

BTW sorry for butting in but I have enjoyed following this, Jenyar almost made a christian out of me :p
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Actually no! He himself admitted that the Bible has been altered in some way or another.

Peace be unto you :)
Okay, I get it: you only wanted to show that the Bible doesn't conform to current standards of conformity. It's an argument like saying the Quran is inspired because just look at it's divinely poetic language, and me pointing out a few sloppy parts.

Maybe, just maybe, God doesn't depend as much on a human reflection of divine perfection as you thought. You're argument wants to prove that language (being intrinsically human and imperfect itself) cannot convey divine truth. By extention, no man can convey divine truth. By extention, Muhammed and the Quran is just as flawed as the Bible, and your argument self destructs.

You are saying that God cannot work with us. We're too flawed. Which I don't dispute. Every word from our mouths is imperfect, every intention and attempt at perfection is insufficient.

Wasn't that Moses' excuse?
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