Torn Ear Drum

Hi Orly,

I ruptured my eardrum about 10 weeks ago.
I had a massive head clash playing soccer, put the two of us in hospital. Anyway the other guy's head hit flush on my ear and the pressure popped the eardrum.
I knew pretty much straight away (well, after I regained consciousness), I had an overwhelming desire to equalise (as in diving where you block your nose and create pressure inside the ears) I felt the air go whistling out of my head.

I was freaked out at the prospect of not being able to dive again, not to mention my hearing was fucked and I had no stereo capacity which was extremely disconcerting.

After the usual total absence of any decent medical advice , I discovered (through my spearfishing forum) that it would probably grow back in time.
I was very worried because I knew it was a serious tear (from the reaction of doctors and nurses who looked at it) and because I'm not so young anymore and feared the regrowth might be slow.
Anyway it's healed over, I can put pressure on it and I'm about to have my first dive in 3 months tomorrow.
It took exactly 6 weeks to rejoin itself.

Good luck with the recovery.
Maybe, and you shouldn't go swimming or get the bloody thing wet.

when I yawned I could feel cool air rushing in to my head.
and the urgent care Dr. never said a thing about keeping it dry. Why does it need to be kept dry?
and the urgent care Dr. never said a thing about keeping it dry. Why does it need to be kept dry?

Because inside your ear is ment to be sealed, do you really want to wash wax, bacteria and dirt and the rest of crap thats in the outside of your ears into the sterile enviroment inside?
I don't know if it ruptured because of an infection (I had poison ivy in my ear) or because I tore it while scratching the hell out of it. Anyways, it excruciatingly painful. How long til it heals? And are there any home remedies to lessen the pain?
Good lord Orly! You're talking about your sense of hearing here! It's one of the most important parts of your body. If it doesn't heal correctly the consequences could range from never being able to enjoy music again to completely losing your binaural hearing and not being able to tell which direction a sound is coming from--such as a speeding ambulance.

I can't believe you're so stubborn that you refused to get medical attention for something this delicate and this important. You should get up from your computer and go to an otolaryngologist right now! l know it's Saturday night but your husband should have hogtied you and schlepped you to the nearest E.R when it happened! Shame on him for not doing that!

Eardrums do not always heal correctly without surgery. Especially if there's some underlying condition that you're not even quite certain about. The rest of your life could sound like a Motorhead concert.

I notice that you carefully avoided starting this thread in the Health and Fitness subforum, where you might have gotten some really good advice.

You kids with your fear and skepticism of medicine just amaze me. Our school system has completely broken down.
Good lord Orly! You're talking about your sense of hearing here! It's one of the most important parts of your body. If it doesn't heal correctly the consequences could range from never being able to enjoy music again to completely losing your binaural hearing and not being able to tell which direction a sound is coming from--such as a speeding ambulance.

I can't believe you're so stubborn that you refused to get medical attention for something this delicate and this important. You should get up from your computer and go to an otolaryngologist right now! l know it's Saturday night but your husband should have hogtied you and schlepped you to the nearest E.R when it happened! Shame on him for not doing that!

Eardrums do not always heal correctly without surgery. Especially if there's some underlying condition that you're not even quite certain about. The rest of your life could sound like a Motorhead concert.

You kids with your fear and skepticism of medicine just amaze me. Our school system has completely broken down.
Err.. Frag, she already went :D :p
...I notice that you carefully avoided starting this thread in the Health and Fitness subforum, where you might have gotten some really good advice.....

I was hoping to avoid Asgard's 'in my medical field experience' spiel :)

I went, but I don't think I got a very good Doctor. She prescribed an ointment and never said a word about keeping it dry
wouldn't the antibiotics I'm on take care of it?

how you feeling dear . O.K. Take care of your self . You are the only you you got . I like the way you smell . If you got to stay dry you can think about that . Better that you heal good Aye . I have some loss of hearing . Sometimes a 2 chord sounds like a 5 chord to me because of it ( Oh Yeah they are related ar'nt they ) Skill saws with out ear plugs . Yeah takes it toll . Be good and follow the doctors instructions . No booze either I am pretty sure is true .

Oh , Well maybe it is O.K. if you shower ? Do you feel you need a second opinion ? I don't like water in my ears my self . When I swim I do everything I can to keep the water from getting in my ear . As long as I don't swim on my back water stays out pretty good . With some precaution maybe ?
I can only post my own experience:
When I had the ear infection that popped the drum out...I was given drops with a steroid and ciprofloxacin in them (Y'know, the antibiotic of choice for anthrax attacks). I was also given two weeks of oral Augmentin, which is cephalexin with a booster.
I have recently discovered Amazon's selection of aquaria supplies.

They sell antibiotics over the counter labeled for fishtanks, but very conveniently in the typical human doses.

Consider it will now take me about a month to see a doctor through the county system I'm enrolled in...I can get mighty sick in a month, you know.

Not telling you to go out and do something like that. Not recommended. I only do it because of the exigencies of the situation.
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