Torn Ear Drum

The whole side of my face hurts, all the way down into my neck. I'm tearing the house apart looking for a heating pad. I think that might help

what about hydrogen peroxide?
Go to your GP and have her/him look in your ear.
The usual disclaimers:
-- I am not a medical doctor, neither is anyone else in this thread.
-- Always be very wary of internet medical advice.
-- Face-to-face diagnosis is always the best, so go see a doctor!

Having said that, my guess is.....
The pain you are describing is indicative of a bacterial infection of the middle and/or inner ear. It is likely nothing to do with your ear drum which is likely still intact. Any smell and/or oozing from your ear will confirm an infection. This is not life-threatening and will resolve but you don’t want to leave it as complications might affect your hearing. Antibiotics are required, either systemic or topical or both. OTC pain killers will help; you can ask the doctor for something stronger if you need it.
I blew mine out twice scuba driving. The second time they took skin from my butt and repaired it. I lost a little hearing, but not so as I notice it.

But, now my wife calls me butt head.

Hope yours is better.
Having said that, my guess is.....
The pain you are describing is indicative of a bacterial infection of the middle and/or inner ear. It is likely nothing to do with your ear drum which is likely still intact.

I hope we scared her enough to go to the doctor and that's why she's not here.
Yeah, I was in pain and on vacation for three days...driving up and down hills caused my infected eardum to give, pus started oozing out, and the pain went away mostly.
Herc, you're likely right. But it ain't getting better with home remedies. I know lots, none that would work this far along for this...and none I'd suggest to anybody sight unseen anyway.
The usual disclaimers:
-- I am not a medical doctor, neither is anyone else in this thread.
-- Always be very wary of internet medical advice.
-- Face-to-face diagnosis is always the best, so go see a doctor!

Having said that, my guess is.....
The pain you are describing is indicative of a bacterial infection of the middle and/or inner ear. It is likely nothing to do with your ear drum which is likely still intact. Any smell and/or oozing from your ear will confirm an infection. This is not life-threatening and will resolve but you don’t want to leave it as complications might affect your hearing. Antibiotics are required, either systemic or topical or both. OTC pain killers will help; you can ask the doctor for something stronger if you need it.

Also infections in the ear CAN break into the brain cavity and become menginitis which is fatal if not treated imidiatly. If you start getting a sore neck or photophobia (sensitivity to bright light) you need to get to a hospital IMIDIATLY, by ambulance is best as they can (in South Australia at least) give IV penicilin on site if menigitis is suspected.

The same goes for sinus infections BTW, facial trauma when you have even a mild cold can be REALLY BAD:p

In general its best to have all ear infections checked out, i have scaring in my ears because when i was little i never used to complain when i had ear infections so mum never knew so she never took me to see a doctor. Now i have trouble hearing because of that scaring.
I hope we scared her enough to go to the doctor and that's why she's not here....

yes, ya did.

torn ear drum, ear canal infection. Both brought on by me scratching the poison ivy

She gave me 800mg Ibuprofin for the pain of the infection and bacitracin for the infection itself. I also got a lecture on Q-tips and why hadn't I come in sooner? :eek:
Hope you feel better soon.

Bacitracin? just a topical????*looks skeptical*

If that isn't better in about 3-4 days, call the doc and demand either a phone-in or pick up of a prescription for oral antibiotics. And don't let them give you freaking cephalexin, too many resistant bugs for that.
yes, ya did.

torn ear drum, ear canal infection. Both brought on by me scratching the poison ivy

She gave me 800mg Ibuprofin for the pain of the infection and bacitracin for the infection itself. I also got a lecture on Q-tips and why hadn't I come in sooner? :eek:

Just got one of those on Q-tips myself. "Why are you using those?" Cause it's the only damn tool I have.
You punctured your own eardrums with Q-tips?

anacdotaly i would suggest this happens quite frequently, even the packets of cotton buds warn against using them like that (even though thats what everyone buys them for)
and they have steroid drops that you can put in your ear

I wouldn't advise taking those unless you really really need them. Steroids can cause vertigo, which is one of the things you're trying to avoid...
I wouldn't advise taking those unless you really really need them. Steroids can cause vertigo, which is one of the things you're trying to avoid...

I'm trying to find that-oral steroids or the drops?
Sorry, neither did that to me.
I do get vertigo from blowing my nose; my eustachian tubes are swollen a lot, one or the other will catch and entrap air...and suddenly the whole world feels like it's trying to tump me off.
I'm trying to find that-oral steroids or the drops?
Sorry, neither did that to me.
I do get vertigo from blowing my nose; my eustachian tubes are swollen a lot, one or the other will catch and entrap air...and suddenly the whole world feels like it's trying to tump me off.

Steroids in general can do that to you if you're susceptible, however you take them in. They did that to me, anyway.
Steroids in general can do that to you if you're susceptible, however you take them in. They did that to me, anyway.

For the mood-disordered, they can do even funkier things: mania, anger, agitation, rages. But usually only at the high doses...

Then again, one of my probably-normal coworkers said he got high as a kite on dexamethasone once...he was working a multi-story construction site at the time. BAD. He had to be sent home.
yes, ya did.

torn ear drum, ear canal infection. Both brought on by me scratching the poison ivy

She gave me 800mg Ibuprofin for the pain of the infection and bacitracin for the infection itself. I also got a lecture on Q-tips and why hadn't I come in sooner? :eek:

thank god ! My dad had a friend that insisted he was not affected by poison ivy . He would pull it out of the ground , burn it and what have you , but to prove his point even more he ate it in front of the naysayers . He die in a hospital bed that night. That was the story my dad told me at a young age . No I will not eat poison ivy . You can't make me . There are things even a Mikey won't eat

I hate it when my vertigo kicks up . Dizzy is no fun at all . Walking top plate can really stress you out when it is . Like buck fever .
Hope you feel better soon.

Bacitracin? just a topical????*looks skeptical*

If that isn't better in about 3-4 days, call the doc and demand either a phone-in or pick up of a prescription for oral antibiotics. And don't let them give you freaking cephalexin, too many resistant bugs for that.

well, that might explain what took so long at Walgreens. My husband said they had to call the doctor. She told me that's what I was gonna get and I believed her. Thought it was the pill. Now I gotta check.

Oh, a co-worker also asked if I was told to keep water out of that ear. Nope, I wasn't. Why would I be told that? :shrug:
LOL, I got amoxicllin. see, this is who works at the 'open all night' clinics. Doctors who prescribe odd meds and don't tell you to keep the water out

I wish I had a med for teh damn itching
For the mood-disordered, they can do even funkier things: mania, anger, agitation, rages. But usually only at the high doses...

Then again, one of my probably-normal coworkers said he got high as a kite on dexamethasone once...he was working a multi-story construction site at the time. BAD. He had to be sent home.

Lol when I was taking a mild corticosteroid I just got mildly irritable and aggressive, got dull aches in legs and lower back, and had violent vertigo attacks. Not fun.
I'm not sure if I've had vertigo. I do feel like I'm leaning to one side as I walk. I do keep bumping into things