Torn Ear Drum


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
I don't know if it ruptured because of an infection (I had poison ivy in my ear) or because I tore it while scratching the hell out of it.

Anyways, it excruciatingly painful. How long til it heals? And are there any home remedies to lessen the pain?
And are there any home remedies to lessen the pain?

You could try putting orajel in there...and I have put triple antibiotic in my ear canal...and also gargled with peroxide in order to disinfect 'round the eustacian tubes:

but I actually reccomend your choice of tylenol or ibuprofen in the doses recommended on the bottle.

Do not mix my suggestion with Mac's...which would work too.


You really ought to go have it looked at to make sure it's healing...and they have steroid drops that you can put in your ear...prescription ciprodex eardrops...MMMMM. Brings down the swelling and the infection.

If the eardrum ruptured due to infection? chances are pus oozed out of it...when that happened to me, the doc said that was common...
I found the pain diminished considerably after the eardrum burst. When I accidentally poked a hole scratching there was blood.
Either way, when I pinched my nose shut and blew, I could hear air whistling out of the hole in my eardrum, so I was sure it was popped.

The fact that it hurts you worse now I find worrisome. I don't want you to lose hearing or get your sense of balance damaged. Both possibilities (I think).

Get thee hence! To the GP with thee, woman!
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The whole side of my face hurts, all the way down into my neck. I'm tearing the house apart looking for a heating pad. I think that might help

what about hydrogen peroxide?
The whole side of my face hurts, all the way down into my neck. I'm tearing the house apart looking for a heating pad. I think that might help

what about hydrogen peroxide?

That's a sign of a serious infection.

You probably need systemic antibiotics.

Can you go to an urgent care clinic tonight?
I agree with Chimp on this one...infections in your head can be very dangerous and potentially life-threatening.
nnnooooooooooooo, I hate going to the doctor. Not because I don't like them, I t's just inconvenient. I'd miss work, I have to mess with forms, I have to get a prescription filled.

So, no home remedies then??
You have no urgent care clinics you can go to?
I'd rather you go tonight if possible
And no home remedies for a serious ear infection.
Trust me, I know a LOT of them.
You play around with it, it will just get worse.

They might give you hydrocodone for pain....;) nummy.
nnnooooooooooooo, I hate going to the doctor. Not because I don't like them, I t's just inconvenient. I'd miss work, I have to mess with forms, I have to get a prescription filled.

So, no home remedies then??

Losing your hearing in one ear is inconvenient is dieing. (my grandfather on my mom's side died of an infection that started in an abscessed tooth.)
a shot or pills? I prefer a shot to get me through the worst of it and then aspirin to take the edge off. I always worry about becoming an addict. Stupid I know, but ....

Gods that is so funny . It would not be that funny but just minutes ago I heard a song on the radio and the chorus was j" Just had whiskey for breakfast and the somg was hilarious with a hill billy back beat with banjos playing double 4 time , or to say half time 2/4 against the 4/4 rhythm of the melody . Great song !! wish you all coulda shoulda heard it . Maybe next time I will catch the name . I tell you it almost made me want to take a shot of whiskey
Losing your hearing in one ear is inconvenient is dieing. (my grandfather on my mom's side died of an infection that started in an abscessed tooth.)

I think Oscar Wilde died from a skull infection that started as an ear infection. Oh crap. Now I'm worried.

so, how about hydrogen peroxide?
nnnooooooooooooo, I hate going to the doctor. Not because I don't like them, I t's just inconvenient. I'd miss work, I have to mess with forms, I have to get a prescription filled.

So, no home remedies then??

Find a Now Care or shopping mall emergency . Don't play around. You don't have to fill out to many forms at those places and once in there system you can just go and pay the 100 bucks or so if you don't have insurance . Don't play around . This is the kind of stuff Doctors are good for . Even the great Me who never goes to doctors went an got a penicillin shot when I had strip throat
I think Oscar Wilde died from a skull infection that started as an ear infection. Oh crap. Now I'm worried.

so, how about hydrogen peroxide?

If your whole face hurts, it could have spread internally where hydrogen peroxide won't reach. It's just better to have a doc look at it, and prescribe you some antibiotics if they are needed.