ToR starts BRILLIANT dream analysis site

From the link:

"I have been analysing dreams with success for many years for friends, family and complete strangers..."

That's funny, Leya's 'analysis' of anything here has been so far off the mark, one would suspect she lives in a dream world.

Maybe that's why she thinks she's been so successful?

Unfortunately, I can't offer her my congratulations as I don't support people like her who peddle BS for money.

We should defintely inform Penn and Teller, though.
(Q) said:
From the link:

"I have been analysing dreams with success for many years for friends, family and complete strangers..."

That's funny, Leya's 'analysis' of anything here has been so far off the mark, one would suspect she lives in a dream world.

Maybe that's why she thinks she's been so successful?

Unfortunately, I can't offer her my congratulations as I don't support people like her who peddle BS for money.

We should defintely inform Penn and Teller, though.

oh but you are supporting me dear Q, boosting my threads to top place so they don't get forgotton, helping to raise my public profile with all the controversy. This is what boxer promoters do all the time. Why anyone would think we were in league the way your 'alleged negativity' assists me.

Merci beaucoup, keep posting and keep slandering it's all for the greater good

Oh and thank you everso much for visiting the site, do read the pages of dream analysis though and don't forget the photo album oh and then there is the order form.

Theoryofrelativity said:
Merci beaucoup, keep posting and keep slandering it's all for the greater good

Do you even know the definition of slander? I could dig up a number of your posts to offer some examples, but you'd only accuse me of stalking you, or some such nonsense.

BTW, did you come up with the idea of taking advantage of others for money all by yourself?
(Q) said:
Do you even know the definition of slander? I could dig up a number of your posts to offer some examples, but you'd only accuse me of stalking you, or some such nonsense.

BTW, did you come up with the idea of taking advantage of others for money all by yourself?

Q everyone knows you are a stalker, you prove it by 'stalking', you are all over me already, I've only been back 5 minutes. how you can deny what is so blatantly obvious. Oh and since when is £2.99 to cover internet connection costs taking advantage? Unless of course £2.99 is your weekly wage. Is it your weekly wage Q? Oh u don't have one...ah I see.............Just because you cannot afford the small running costs fee, don't be a hater.

If you like Q, your first dream is on the house.

Have a nice day :)
Theoryofrelativity said:
Q everyone knows you are a stalker, you prove it by 'stalking', you are all over me already, I've only been back 5 minutes. how you can deny what is so blatantly obvious.

You're confused. I tend to expose bullshit, you just happen to spew forth copious amounts with almost every one of your posts. It's merely a coincidence.

Oh and since when is £2.99 to cover internet connection costs taking advantage? Unless of course £2.99 is your weekly wage. Is it your weekly wage Q? Oh u don't have one...ah I see.............Just because you cannot afford the small running costs fee, don't be a hater.

I made my money years ago, the cost is a mere pitance, of course. That is not the point, which I'm not surprised you didn't get yet.

You are peddling BS for money, that is the point. You are no different than any other snake oil salesman, and you should be exposed as such.

If you like Q, your first dream is on the house.

Step right up and spin the wheel!
actaully Q, you are a peasant

Only you could think a nominal £2.99 is taking advantage. As all my dream interpretations have been spot you , you cannot accuse me of BS can you? Well you can but it's not accurate is it Q?

The dream thread started by Johnny reveals my analyses and how accurate they were thought by the posters unless of course you wish to label them idiots?

There are a few other threads here I have contributed analyes too also, none of which were refuted.

Thanks :)
Theoryofrelativity said:
As all my dream interpretations have been spot you , you cannot accuse me of BS can you? Well you can but it's not accurate is it Q?

Quite accurate, in fact.

The dream thread started by Johnny reveals my analyses and how accurate they were thought by the posters unless of course you wish to label them idiots?

Or, just incredibly gullible.

There are a few other threads here I have contributed analyes too also, none of which were refuted.

Yes, they were refuted. In fact, you offered some very bad advice to several posters. You completely failed in those analyses as you didn't think through the consequences.

Good thing I was there to straighten it out. No need to thank me. ;)

More proof Q is a LIAR

My analyses were accepted as correct by those who posted the dreams. They did NOT refute them.

Q the LIAR and plagiarist
I have reported this thread. Hopefully it will be completely deleted rather then merely locked. We should not stand by and let someone advertise their own for-profit website where money is charged for a service. If this isn’t against the rules, then it should be. It’s spam and if we don’t kill spam ruthlessly it will multiply.
Theoryofrelativity said:
oh but you are supporting me dear Q, boosting my threads to top place so they don't get forgotton, helping to raise my public profile with all the controversy. This is what boxer promoters do all the time. Why anyone would think we were in league the way your 'alleged negativity' assists me.

Merci beaucoup, keep posting and keep slandering it's all for the greater good


I'll give you some money to support your business if you put your avatar on the front page of the site.
Herc, it's not a for profit service, There is a tiny fee for running costs only £2.99. My getting rich on it was a joke..:)

I have been analysing dreams here for months with no charge on forum and in pm and on msn, but it takes an hour of my time each time, hence on the site there is a small running cost fee, much like sci forum has running costs and asks for donations.
It's no biggy
Hey ToR, here's some free analysis of you;

Bored Housewife.

Wow, my intuition is amazing! Spot 0n! 100% accurate! Recommend me to a family member!
phlogistician said:
Hey ToR, here's some free analysis of you;

Bored Housewife.

Wow, my intuition is amazing! Spot 0n! 100% accurate! Recommend me to a family member!
Your analysis is accepted as correct by those reading this thread. I do NOT refute it.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Herc, it's not a for profit service, There is a tiny fee for running costs only £2.99.

These guys will do it for free:

I have been analysing dreams here for months with no charge on forum and in pm and on msn, but it takes an hour of my time each time, hence on the site there is a small running cost fee, much like sci forum has running costs and asks for donations.
It's no biggy

Unless of course, you're being bilked out of your money.