Topic: Mayan Calender videos, some of the best info i have came accross.


Registered Senior Member
, , , and so, this is aimed at what?
To inform that we are at a unique time in mankinds history?
I all ready know that the whole system here on earth is about to go down the toilet.
Why should I spend the time to look?

That UFO's are real, YES
That ET's are real? YES
Some of us know why they are here, and why they are out there too. Do you?
Some of us know that they have had a major war in our solar system in very recent history. Do you?

We know why "they" are here in this forum, and in most forums. Do you?

It's an information war. Truth, or deceptions, figure it out.

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craterchains (Norval said:
Some of us know that they have had a major war in our solar system in very recent history. Do you?

No but please share what you know, sounds interesting. Between who?
To answer your other questions i know very little for certain, i know theres people out there with intentions to decieve and so i just look where my intuition leads me, some topics just feel "truthy". I do believe in ETs but as for knowing what there actually called or come from i have no clue, Pleidians, Osirus, Grays of various sorts etc. Im sure theres more than just one race of them(tons i bet) but i would bet some are made up as well. I look as deeply as i can into all these things and many more and like to share articles, videos etc that i deem worthy of at least looking at. Im glad you have researched as much as you have, many are too closeminded or lazy.
barehandkiller said:
No but please share what you know, sounds interesting. Between who?
To answer your other questions i know very little for certain, i know theres people out there with intentions to decieve and so i just look where my intuition leads me, some topics just feel "truthy". I do believe in ETs but as for knowing what there actually called or come from i have no clue, Pleidians, Osirus, Grays of various sorts etc. Im sure theres more than just one race of them(tons i bet) but i would bet some are made up as well. I look as deeply as i can into all these things and many more and like to share articles, videos etc that i deem worthy of at least looking at. Im glad you have researched as much as you have, many are too closeminded or lazy.
As part of my research I found the mayan calender story very interesting!
It is a fascinating combination of mapping the solar year and integrating it with their mathematics and their religious system. The calendar was originated by the Toltecs and was adopted and improved upon by the Maya. The Maya began counting from their year "0" which corresponds to our date of 3113 BC and all dates correspond to this date as the starting point. This is the same rationalle as our calendar starting our year "0" from the birth of a religious leader and the count moving foreward from that point. .

They had a very unique knowledge of the stars.
However much of their knowledge was destroyed when the european explorers first arrived and built settlements. Only remanants of their history and culture have survived throughout the centuries.

Mayans claims that their calender does, in fact, predict the end in 2012. Now, obviously, this still doesn't prove that they could predict the future, and is hardly a deciding factor in the argument, but it's got me interested. It seems unlikely to me that if the Mayans put a date to the end of the world they'd choose one that was so close to when they were still around, but I may be wrong.

According to my hypothesis the 2012, December 12 end date corresponds to an entry of a celestrial object or planet into the solar system.

If you think its all about space aliens and stuff,. you are right , the mayans owe their knowledge to visitors from another world, quite possibly the one in their end date!!
All most all of the old cultures have tales of "visitors".

The most accurate I have found is the bibles.

The bible, it is not about religion.

craterchains (Norval said:
All most all of the old cultures have tales of "visitors".

The most accurate I have found is the bibles.

The bible, it is not about religion.

You are correct!!,. The bible is a collection of logs recorded by waves of civilizations possibly 10,000 years or even more who have spoken about their encounters and observations on this planet . Over the centuries these stories and events were dressed up in a storyline to explain the philosophy behind the creation of moral laws in a society. hence you have the birth of a religon.
Biblical events are always built around stories of great facination, Its in these stories that you find most of the science.
What do the Maya have to with space aliens? Can someone please tell me so I don't have to sit through the video.

Why do people think that because a race is able to follow the stars across the sky there is somehow alien knowledge involved?

Every reputable source I read says the the Maya did not predict the end of the world with the ticking over of their long count calendar (they had a few calendars you know). It is just the calendar ticking over and a time of change.

I would not put much faith in any of their prophecies anyway as they were unable to predict their own demise.

Vega said:
You are correct!!,. The bible is a collection of logs recorded by waves of civilizations possibly 10,000 years or even more who have spoken about their encounters and observations on this planet .
Which civilisations are you referring to? The earliest known ones are dated to only a few thousand BC.
Vega said:
Over the centuries these stories and events were dressed up in a storyline to explain the philosophy behind the creation of moral laws in a society. hence you have the birth of a religon.
Biblical events are always built around stories of great facination, Its in these stories that you find most of the science.
What science is there in the bible? Science being "Systematized knowledge derived from observation, study, and experimentation carried on in order to determine the nature or principles of what is being studied".
Which civilisations are you referring to? The earliest known ones are dated to only a few thousand BC.

A 'few' generally indicates somewhere in the order of three or four. To me, anyway.

Add a few or two on top of your few and you'd then be in the ballpark.

The bible was written late.
Most of the old testament was put together after the return from Exile to Babylon. It's pretty much nationalistic propaganda. And quite obviously so.
But, it wasn't actually all solidified until ... I forget the actual date and don't care enough to go looking for it, but it was either the the first century BC or AD. Somewhere in that area.

And, of course, the New Testament wasn't compiled until a few hundred years after that. Although the texts eventually incorporated into it were mostly written around 100 AD or so.
While many have studied the ancient writings, most get side tracked by when and who wrote them. It is the "content" of those old writings that make me a believer of what the bibles say. These questions that are known to be over 2,000 years old are what interests me about the bible and science. :eek:

1. Weigh for me fire.
2. Show me a picture of a voice.
3. Measure for me a blast of wind.
4. Call back a day that has gone by.

An "angel" asked those questions of Ezra the prophet and said if you can answer just one of those questions you will then be able to begin to understand the things of the heavens. It is only because of our technological comprehension of our modern world that we can answer ALL of those questions.

Asked in a very old and simple language with a 4,000 (+/-) word vocabulary. It is only in modern history that we can answer those questions.

It is the CONTENT that is of great importance of those ancient writings, mayan, bible, what have you, they all mention things that we can only begin to understand today. And, only because we have flying machines, the atom bomb, and now have an idea of just how big our universe really is, can we
comprehend what these old writings were telling of.

But WHY are there ones so adamant about DENIAL?!?!?!
Just a bunch of thrown down sore losers I think. :D

[shaman]What do the Maya have to with space aliens? Can someone please tell me so I don't have to sit through the video.

Most ancients civilizations have knowledge that do not coincide with the progressive timeline trail of earth.
meaning development of tools, know-how and systems before their time.
still don't get it, it! :D

Why do people think that because a race is able to follow the stars across the sky there is somehow alien knowledge involved?

I think they must have been so far confused they decided to write a load of heavy astronomy and use it to chart objects in the sky,. reason they were bored out of their minds, Disneyland wasn't built yet!! :D

Every reputable source I read says the the Maya did not predict the end of the world with the ticking over of their long count calendar (they had a few calendars you know). It is just the calendar ticking over and a time of change.

each calender represents certain atributes of their civilization, example,. agriculture, worship, economy etc.

I would not put much faith in any of their prophecies anyway as they were unable to predict their own demise.

They are not prophecies but predictions to a possible senario, you don't have to take it literally!

Which civilisations are you referring to? The earliest known ones are dated to only a few thousand BC.

Try sumerian
What science is there in the bible? Science being "Systematized knowledge derived from observation, study, and experimentation carried on in order to determine the nature or principles of what is being studied".

Genesis 1:1 Space
Genesis 1:2 Matter
Genesis 1:3- Energy

Book Of Isaiah speaks of a planet destroyed what is now an asteriod belt between mars and jupiter.

Look carefullty into genesis you would find civilizations created and destroyed , references to the Bible speak of inhabitants before the adam and eve story,
The Mayan Calendar does NOT say the world will end in 2012. This is just an ending date of their cycle. According to their mythology on December 21, 2012 we enter the Age of the 5th Sun, the 6th World, or the Age of Ether (earth, air, fire, water, ether).

Also according to some others due to Gregorian calendar distortions the New Cycle began in 2003, not 2012.

This is just a new cycle. For instance according to the Mayans 1519 marked the beginning of 9 hells, the end of the fifth world, each hell 52 years each, each progressively less worse (this was the time that the westerners landed in the new world, and the world changed forever). Note that the end of the 9 hells (1987) marks the beginning of the digital age.

I can see it now, 2012 comes and goes and NOTHING happens, no comets or astroids, or UFO landings, or any of the above BS.
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Vega said:
Most ancients civilizations have knowledge that do not coincide with the progressive timeline trail of earth.
meaning development of tools, know-how and systems before their time.
still don't get it, it! :D
No I wont be googling it. I have read books by Von Daniken and Hancock and found them to be making enormous leaps based on the flimsy evidence. The conclusions of these types of authors are an insult to the civilisations that produced some magnificent feats of architecture, engineering and science.

Vega said:
They are not prophecies but predictions to a possible senario, you don't have to take it literally!
A prophecy is a prediction. They are synonyms. Not important as they did not make a prediction that the world would end.

Vega said:
Which civilisations are you referring to? The earliest known ones are dated to only a few thousand BC.

Try sumerian
Sumer does not date back 10,000 years before the bible was written.

Vega said:
Genesis 1:1 Space
Genesis 1:2 Matter
Genesis 1:3- Energy
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”

This is a creation myth that has nothing to do with science.

Vega said:
Book Of Isaiah speaks of a planet destroyed what is now an asteriod belt between mars and jupiter.

Look carefullty into genesis you would find civilizations created and destroyed , references to the Bible speak of inhabitants before the adam and eve story,
I doubt these claims but it is not important. There are some elements of truth in the bible. Some of the events certainly happened. However it cannot be relied upon as a record of historical facts (particularly genesis).
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shaman_ said:
Why do people think that because a race is able to follow the stars across the sky there is somehow alien knowledge involved?

Thats a good point, since most people tend to neglect that the stars viewed from earth are obviously going to be different than from somewhere else in space.
Vega said:
Why do people think that because a race is able to follow the stars across the sky there is somehow alien knowledge involved?
Because some of the information known from such ancient cultures such as how many planets are in our solar system, how big they are in relationship to each other, and the order they are in, that the SUN was the center of our system and so on.
Thats part of it anyway.

Anyways, just wanted to say thanks barehand.
This is fantasticly interesting stuff.
Always wanted to know what the big deal was with the Myan calendar.
Thanks again for sharing.
JDawg said:
Yeah, cuz there was like NO way to tell that ourselves...sheesh...get a clue.

Try to look through ancient Mayan people's eyes, they had no high powered telescopes. No doubt they were very observant of the stars but they knew more than can be known with the eyes as their only tool IMO.
moementum7 said:
Because some of the information known from such ancient cultures such as how many planets are in our solar system, how big they are in relationship to each other, and the order they are in, that the SUN was the center of our system and so on.
Thats part of it anyway.
So which ancient cultures had all this information?

From my understanding the Maya did not claim that the sun was at the centre of our solar system.
Once upon a time, long long ago.... there was no signposts to the great cities, no way of knowing which "country" you were in. However people use to trade in their fine goods and wears, even without knowing the surrounding areas. How did they navigate you might ask???? By the stars.

The stars and sun were used for navigation purposes by those on both land and sea, you could even suggest that settlements were place at Astronomically observant locations (Namely someone might follow a star to a particular city and that city might be linked with that star for the purpose of navigation.)

This "theory" might not be proven, however there is suggestibly some well known historical landmarks built by ancient people that are placed at astronomical locations on the planet, which in turn would of been used as "Signposts".

You can also suggest that star navigation was more important if the people navigating were seafaring.