Top Ten Signs that You're a Christian

Take my posts out of context and them claim each one is directed as an insult witht he intention to offend, because thats what an insult is. You can be offended by somebodys politeness it doesnt mean they were insulting you.
Calling me a simpleton is NOT polite. Neither is calling SciForums posters animals or claiming Westerners are dirty. And as for "out of context"... get a clue.
Dishonest answer.

You are a simpleton because even to this point you have not once acknowledged that you twisted around my wwords and changed the meaning of them and you just stop talking about it and have failed to even address the fact that i pointed it out to you.
This is the first time you have claimed "twisting words". The plain fact is that you singularly failed to answer questions put to you. More dishonesty.

Western people are generaly dirty to me, dogs are generaly dirty to me. am i insulting the dog for not being as clean as a cat? no im not im stating its dirtyness.
You're giving a personal opinion as if it were a fact and expecting everyone to subscribe to your particular interpretation. Again dishonest.

i asked you tons of questions and I have not got answers to most of them so dont then in turn break down 20 seperate questions for me in your posts like you usualy do to try and have more things to argue against.
Questions for me about what I have plainly stated? Then ask them. Dishonest obfuscation.

You dont argue witht he topic or the OP, you directly attack people all the time I just read through your thread and post history.
And you obviously failed to comprehend. I don't attack the person (until much later if at all) I ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT THEIR POSTS AND CLAIMS.
you are not a nice person sir and im being honest are you "insulted" by this?

because i am not trying to effend you and I dont wish for you to do anything but become a positive person before you die.
Once more you resort your personal view, as if were a fact, that I'm negative.
Calling me a simpleton is NOT polite. Neither is calling SciForums posters animals or claiming Westerners are dirty. And as for "out of context"... get a clue.
Dishonest answer.

This is the first time you have claimed "twisting words". The plain fact is that you singularly failed to answer questions put to you. More dishonesty.

You're giving a personal opinion as if it were a fact and expecting everyone to subscribe to your particular interpretation. Again dishonest.

Questions for me about what I have plainly stated? Then ask them. Dishonest obfuscation.

And you obviously failed to comprehend. I don't attack the person (until much later if at all) I ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT THEIR POSTS AND CLAIMS.
you are not a nice person sir and im being honest are you "insulted" by this?

Once more you resort your personal view, as if were a fact, that I'm negative.

When have I asked anybody to follow my personal Creed?.

If you continue to prove useless I will stop talking to you until I have noticed an improvement in your attitude.

Good day.
When have I asked anybody to follow my personal Creed?
In the thread referenced: you exhorted people to subscribe to your personal interpretations (ref: "insulting cats" etc.)

If you continue to prove useless I will stop talking to you until I have noticed an improvement in your attitude.
Maybe you could use the time to improve your education and/ or thinking abilities. And honesty.
Take my posts out of context and them claim each one is directed as an insult witht he intention to offend, because thats what an insult is. You can be offended by somebodys politeness it doesnt mean they were insulting you.

Well, that wasn't mad at all.
Well, that wasn't mad at all.

An Insult is not a "type" of word, it's all about intentions and context. I can probably offend somebody using day to day polite words, and mix those polite words into a sequence that causes offence.

An insult would have to be intentional for it to be a true insult from the person. otherwise it is just the other person getting offended by something another said. even if that other person meant no insult or bad vibes tot he person.

Like I said before, A dog in my opinion is dirty, A person who eats prok is dirty in my opinion. Im not telling the person he must stop eating pork unless I kill him. But it is my choice weather I want to touch that person or let them touch anything I eat or drink out of. Yes I do put unclean people on the same level as pigs and dogs, I am not calling you a dog or a pig im saying to me you are as dirty as one.

Do you see how I am not forcing people to do anything except grant me my freedoms to not touch any of you or have to touch things you put near your mouth that has touched pork.

Also If people worship false Idols In my personal opinion they are not clean and I will not eat or drink anything they touch without it being washed like you would wash something your dog has made unclean.

Take my posts out of context and them claim each one is directed as an insult witht he intention to offend, because thats what an insult is. You can be offended by somebodys politeness it doesnt mean they were insulting you.

like the lady touching the water and getting killed for it?

but you are right in the fact that ppl will take offense way too easily especially when it helps them to dominate the situation..
like the lady touching the water and getting killed for it?

but you are right in the fact that ppl will take offense way too easily especially when it helps them to dominate the situation..

Do you think I support the execution of that poor women?, Nobody ever took any notice I don't think of what I said about the actual execution everyone was focusing on how I am a muslim extreamist. :cool:

Do you think I support the execution of that poor women?, Nobody ever took any notice I don't think of what I said about the actual execution everyone was focusing on how I am a muslim extreamist. :cool:


i do not think you are an extremist (at least not the kind that blow up),
i do think that your humanity is mixed in with your 'message' and that is what is causing all the scrutiny you are getting, the users here are just trying to show you how your humanity is distracting from the message.
i do not think you are an extremist (at least not the kind that blow up),
i do think that your humanity is mixed in with your 'message' and that is what is causing all the scrutiny you are getting, the users here are just trying to show you how your humanity is distracting from the message.

My personal Creed is not my message, What I do is not what I tell others to do. If i told you to follow my creed you would all be akin to Jainists or severe buddhists not stepping on ants, dont break too much grass when you walk through glades and open terrain. tread lightly in everythign you do, dont eat any type of animal.

Do you know how much it pains me to openly say yes it's ok to eat Kosher or Halal meat. I dont think its right to kitll or eat any animal, but it is the way of nature and not evil in essence..

When I tell people To "follow the law" I speak of the commandments, they are not hard to follow and they are a reasonable reuest from our creator. If people dont want to follow then it is their personal choice and concern. But I as a fellow person want them to choose the right way and understand we do have rules other than what man says to do. I do it to help them, what will I get for helping them?, my fate will be my fate regardless.

I expect ridicule from non believers it's fine.

My personal Creed is not my message, What I do is not what I tell others to do. If i told you to follow my creed you would all be akin to Jainists or severe buddhists not stepping on ants, dont break too much grass when you walk through glades and open terrain. tread lightly in everythign you do, dont eat any type of animal.

Do you know how much it pains me to openly say yes it's ok to eat Kosher or Halal meat. I dont think its right to kitll or eat any animal, but it is the way of nature and not evil in essence..

When I tell people To "follow the law" I speak of the commandments, they are not hard to follow and they are a reasonable reuest from our creator. If people dont want to follow then it is their personal choice and concern. But I as a fellow person want them to choose the right way and understand we do have rules other than what man says to do. I do it to help them, what will I get for helping them?, my fate will be my fate regardless.

I expect ridicule from non believers it's fine.


If you have the patience to listen to the end. "The death of the deer"
Sorry to be OT, but...

The thread on the Pakistani woman was shut down: in Tiassa's view it was a thread designed to slam an entire people (and which people? what constitutes this 'people'?).

I wonder how long this thread will continue? :D Just a-sayin.
If you have the patience to listen to the end. "The death of the deer"

Im reading/watching it now. the text is moving frustratingly slow lol I have Autism and ADD I get agitated when people talk too slow or text doesnt appear fast enough for me to keep reading at a fast pace.

Thanks for the info though I am looking another source up now so I can read at my own pace thanks ^_^


Because I am Martian!!!!! I learn your language reading this forum. Pedazo de mierda, te crees tremenda mierda y la verdad es que eres bien inseguro...

Yep. Badly mangled English and what else?
I note your German and French isn't so hot either.
this really sad

When somebody has different opinion, around here "let's attack this person on the personal level so we can stop him or her from posting""" that's low real low...
When somebody has different opinion, around here "let's attack this person on the personal level so we can stop him or her from posting""" that's low real low...

Quiet, you filthy animal. Empty would not even drink water you touched. That's how good he is.
I Might drink water he touched. If he is kosher then ofcourse, if not I could always Bless The Water First and purify him with my magic wand.


Eh; I don't think he'd want to be that closely associated with you, frankly.