Top Ten Signs that You're a Christian

You went through all that to tell me he is better at spelling?.
And again you miss the point.
No I didn't go through all that to tell you he's better at spelling - I told you that back in post 114.
I went through this to show that
A) you don't keep track of what YOU write (i.e. your question about "when did I ask") and
B) your failure to follow a point is not limited to other threads. It seems to be a consistent trait with you.
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only to things you eminently understand.... which isn't christianity.
Wrong again.

But I'm glad your trying to ignore me and fight only the battles you think you can win
Which would be any and all of them.

Number one sign you've been christianed.... People say Jesus's name but can't remember the words he said to help them in every day life.
Relevant how?
And again you miss the point.
No I didn't go through all that to tell you he's better at spelling - I told you that back in post 114.
I went through this to show that
A) you don't keep track of what YOU write (i.e. your question about "when did ask") and
B) your failure to follow a point is not limited to other threads. It seems to be a consistent trait with you.

You are a diss-Honest person.
Says the hypocrite.
Please show where I've been dishonest.
Indicate the posts and quote them.
Otherwise admit you're lying or mistaken.

I did show where you was not honest, go and read the convosation If you cannot keep track of all that has been said then it's your fault for not being thorough. I am not going to spoon feed you sorry but I am not playing this game with you.

Peace be with you. <-- every time I type that I mean it, yes to you also even now.
I did show where you was not honest, go and read the convosation
You made a claim that was subsequently shown to be in error.
Why repeat it later?

Peace be with you. <-- every time I type that I mean it, yes to you also even now.
Yes, you state you mean peace but it doesn't prevent your hypocrisy or lies. How strange.
You made a claim that was subsequently shown to be in error.
Why repeat it later?

Yes, you state you mean peace but it doesn't prevent your hypocrisy or lies. How strange.

Ok let me try this in the most lay term possible.

I asked him if he believes he is more lerned than I am, I Did not ask how lerned He is. I asked what his beliefs on it were. Regardl-less of his or my belief on the matter It would not indicate who is more lerned.

Do you comprehend the difference between asking what somebody believes and asking what the facts of the matter are in actual comparison and judgement.

Peace. and over-standing be with you. Not "Stand-Under".
saying wrong again does not display any action toward the discussion of christianity nor that the user actually understands the subject matter whatsoever.
It simply matched your claim (without support) that I don't understand.

It's not any of them with me around. I got the free will already in the bag... both ipso facto and on paper. The nuclear "weapons" under wraps....
Wrong again. You have consistently failed to provide rational or viable support for your contentions, especially in the nuclear weapons "debate" - in fact in that one you actually wrote:
you just won this debate

but the cat on the other hand is out. And He just stopped giving a ****. And that is exactly where socrates ****** up from becoming a truly enlightening individual. A man near his death does not fear so much that he lets loose his words to seal his fate with bombastic remarks. Or if he does he makes sure only good friends understand what his short words tell them to do. Crying and whining like some dog before the vet does not change the current appearance society has placed on you. To die with good dreams is to have peace in ones life at all times in ones life.
Do you obfuscate for the sake of it or are your "thought processes" (I use the term loosely in your case, of course) truly that incoherent?
Ok let me try this in the most lay term possible.
I asked him if he believes he is more lerned than I am, I Did not ask how lerned He is. I asked what his beliefs on it were. Regardl-less of his or my belief on the matter It would not indicate who is more lerned.
Do you comprehend the difference between asking what somebody believes and asking what the facts of the matter are in actual comparison and judgement.
Then let me reiterate my previous question:
If he'd answered in the affirmative you wouldn't have wanted confirmation?
Do you seriously expect anyone to believe that if he'd claimed to be more learned than you you'd simply have said "Ok, I accept that you actually are"?

Peace. and over-standing be with you. Not "Stand-Under".
Yes. A nonsensical phrase if ever there was one.
Then let me reiterate my previous question:
If he'd answered in the affirmative you wouldn't have wanted confirmation?
Do you seriously expect anyone to believe that if he'd claimed to be more learned than you you'd simply have said "Ok, I accept that you actually are"?

Yes. A nonsensical phrase if ever there was one.

Why must you always think with calculating negative intentions, I asked him a question because I wanted to know the answer to it. I Wanteds to see if he thought he was more lerned than me.

If he said yes i would have said, Hmm I see,

If he said no i would have said, Hmm I see.

Or something of that nature of response if not that exact response. Now I am to assume you will not "have faith" and say Im lying so you are not proven to be incorrect about your own ranting.

Peace and wisdom be with you.
Why must you always think with calculating negative intentions
You're assuming again. I've told you about that.

I asked him a question because I wanted to know the answer to it. I Wanteds to see if he thought he was more lerned than me.
If he said yes i would have said, Hmm I see,
If he said no i would have said, Hmm I see.
Or something of that nature of response if not that exact response. Now I am to assume you will not "have faith" and say Im lying so you are not proven to be incorrect about your own ranting.
So, essentially, whatever he answered you'd have replied the same way. And found out very little.
You have lied. More than once in another thread, what's to stop you doing it here?
You're assuming again. I've told you about that.

So, essentially, whatever he answered you'd have replied the same way. And found out very little.
You have lied. More than once in another thread, what's to stop you doing it here?

Quote my Lies please and source them.

Peace and Patience be upon me.
Quote my Lies please and source them.
Okay, again:
I dont insult living things not even trees
Then addressed to me:
you simpleton
Plus the generalised
I compared you all to mere animals
And the far-reaching
western people are dirty in general and i wouldnt drink any water that a kaffir touched either.
Please explain how they are not insults.

For the Record I am not a Liar
Followed by
I have not told you if it is my own opinion or if i agree with it
Same post.
So on one hand you claim you don't lie then in the same post you raise the possibility that your posts may not be what you what you actually mean.
Please explain how posting something you don't believe is not a lie. Or how raising the possibility the it could be a lie is not dishonest if you do believe it, i.e. an indirect lie.
Okay, again:

Then addressed to me:

Plus the generalised

And the far-reaching

Please explain how they are not insults.


Followed by

Same post.
So on one hand you claim you don't lie then in the same post you raise the possibility that your posts may not be what you what you actually mean.
Please explain how posting something you don't believe is not a lie. Or how raising the possibility the it could be a lie is not dishonest if you do believe it, i.e. an indirect lie.

Take my posts out of context and them claim each one is directed as an insult witht he intention to offend, because thats what an insult is. You can be offended by somebodys politeness it doesnt mean they were insulting you.

You are a simpleton because even to this point you have not once acknowledged that you twisted around my wwords and changed the meaning of them and you just stop talking about it and have failed to even address the fact that i pointed it out to you.

Western people are generaly dirty to me, dogs are generaly dirty to me. am i insulting the dog for not being as clean as a cat? no im not im stating its dirtyness.

i asked you tons of questions and I have not got answers to most of them so dont then in turn break down 20 seperate questions for me in your posts like you usualy do to try and have more things to argue against.

You dont argue witht he topic or the OP, you directly attack people all the time I just read through your thread and post history. you are not a nice person sir and im being honest are you "insulted" by this? because i am not trying to effend you and I dont wish for you to do anything but become a positive person before you die.

You come here to argue, Anyone who questions this should read his Post History.

I dont come here to argue like a child, I come here to teach people and share expressions, also I use sci-forums to conduct study's on people and test my teaching ability's to improve them.

What do you come here for?, You come here to learn? you seek the answers to life in words of modern man and science?, you seek a way to become immortal?. you come here to vent and argue?.

peace be with thee Gentile.
I can

I can say the same thing in three different languages.
Oh I just love this.
The "misconception" that religious people are less educated than the non-religious and he posts this:

What's your native language?

And he's also successfully shown he can't understand the meaning of Spider's post. :rolleyes:

Who said I am not doing the same thing? Who said I am not a teacher? You are failing in your teaching abilities, you don't teach me
anything putting me down, there are several teaching methods please read the following me down, and trying to

You come here to argue, Anyone who questions this should read his Post History.

I dont come here to argue like a child, I come here to teach people and share expressions, also I use sci-forums to conduct study's on people and test my teaching ability's to improve them.

What do you come here for?, You come here to learn? you seek the answers to life in words of modern man and science?, you seek a way to become immortal?. you come here to vent and argue?.

peace be with thee Gentile.