Tolerance of homosexuals in islamic countries

So fat and gay can both be genetic predispositions and not harm anyone where as pedophilia may be a genetic predisposition but it does harm someone else and so is wrong.

On the pedo : my point was that there IS a difference between genetically being disturbed and acting it out .

On the fat : correct . Question is how important do you value fat in asthetic sense ? In that sense (but then morally) you value homosexuality as well .

Person A: Chromosome 46, XY/47,XXY (Mosiac) or true Hermaphrodites (i.e. vagina and penis)? This person has both sex organs.

Dont have sex

Person B: Neuter? This is someone who has neither a penis nor a vagina.

U cant have sex .... dont try

Testicular feminization? This is a person lacking the receptor for testosterone. Their outward appearance is completely female (breasts vagina etc…). Pre-genetic testing (say beyond 50 years ago) this person would have been considered a female who for some reason couldn’t reproduce. Post-genetic testing shows they are “genetically” male

yeah this is a difficult one ......honestly I wouldnt know . some questions come to mind :

* what does he/she say he/she is ?
* do we define men by weeners or genes ?

Hey man I dont know , I say they are in nasty positions I wouldnt wanna be in .

would you say that god makes some "men" that can not reach “perfection”?

* dont ask me deity-questions i dont believ in-em
* and non-perfect peopels arent that rare and go far beyond gayness .

My personal belief is that what’s between two men two women or a man and woman is their business – Muslim or otherwise.

Its always their business .But if they are Muslim they should understand what Islam has to say and what they are doing .

On the side, my girlfriendÂ’s father is a Buddhist priest. I asked her today what she thought about gays - she said gay is fine in the Buddhist religion (at least in Japan). If that is true, maybe more religious gays should convert and be done with it

why ? why should they convert into Buddhism ? They just simply understand their positions within Christianity , Judaism & Islam .

But if they feel like converting , fine with me :rolleyes:
Why does homosexuality have to mean being "disturbed"?
And dont have sex? Why? It hurts nobody as long as it is consentual and its a good stress reliever for those involved.

And remember, many people are born into their religion. You don't even get a choice in some countries. They just have some meaningless set of rules thrust upon them from birth.
I think I understand where you are coming from. It’s difficult for me to separate the culture from the religion. But I think your post has shed some light in that way. As for the people above. Yeah, I think it would be difficult to be in their positions. And sadly if they are stuck in a society that punishes them for something they had no choice in then that’s even more heartbreaking. Ultimately, I come at the question from my point of view which is Medical. I think the people should do what ever they think feels natural to them. I do think there is a gradient. I wouldn’t think the hermaphrodite should never enjoy sex. They will just have to find someone who values them for who they are . . . . etc.. for the rest. Its hard enough for most people to find happiness out of this life – they shouldn’t IMO be asked to carry an additional burden just because I may not be partial to their life decisions.

I was once told by my girl friends mother that she didn’t want me with her daughter. I’m not Japanese and therefore should leave her daughter and find someone else. I imagine there are some people that think we shouldn’t be together. In the same way as above I think that’s just stupid. If two people are happy leave them be. Certainly don’t work it into the religion doctrine to make their life hell! (I think I’m starting to ramble but I think the point is sort of made..)
Why does homosexuality have to mean being "disturbed"?

Its the same as being fat . Anf beyond that it disrupts the life proces as it doesnt reproduce . Hey thats whats life's all about you know , you are here to provide replacement for yourself .

And dont have sex? Why? It hurts nobody as long as it is consentual and its a good stress reliever for those involved.

Same as eating healthy but for moral values . Hey hitting yourselves with things like some Shia do and cuttng yourself open with blades and spears like some Taoists do I say is a bit more rash than this .....

Its a moral value you wish to uphold or not . Perhaps you are questioning morality in general ?

And remember, many people are born into their religion. You don't even get a choice in some countries. They just have some meaningless set of rules thrust upon them from birth.

So ?
Ghassan Kanafani:

<i>Hey thats whats life's all about you know , you are here to provide replacement for yourself .</i>

You portray yourself as a devout Muslim, and this is the best you can do as far as the meaning of life goes? Do you really believe that's all there is to life?
I have only a few pieces of ethics, one of which is "do anything you wish as long as it does not impinge on the rights of another." As long as affected parties give consent they should be able to do whatever they wish.

The only problem I can see would be if someone tried to rape you or had sex on the sidewalk. Such things apply equally to heterosexuals and homosexuals.
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James R :

You portray yourself as a devout Muslim, and this is the best you can do as far as the meaning of life goes? Do you really believe that's all there is to life?

* I dont protray myself devout
* there is little relation between the 2 things you describe .
* and yes , I am quite the nihilist

Dont misunderstand me its complex , but its not as asthetic and moral as mankind has made of it . In fact , I still havent seen any proof that its there to begin with .

Yes I do believe we are here because we are replacement that one day will need to be replaced itself .

But give give it a shot , maybe you could change my mind .

do anything you wish as long as it does not impinge on the rights of another

Ieeeeeeeew that is so Kant Clock , or at least a diversion of it .

But tell me , why would you do that ? Why would you care to respect anothers rights ?
There are too many people on earth as it is. I think the ideal number was ~1 billion. Why would we want more? Anyway, some groups tend to produce something like 8 children per couple so they should more than make up it.

And about respecting others rights: You do it so others will hopefully do it to you. Kind of a good-faith contract.
ClockWood :

Who would those 1 billion be ? The first world ?

I see no population issues , I only see inequality issues and quite frankly the overpopulation issue oftenly comes from the corner that dries out the worlds resources by mass , it rather sounds like a complaint based on some sort of futuristic greed . It is diregarding of the issues that are relevant dealing with overpopulation .

As for rights-respecting , onfurtunatly humanity does not work on faith-contracts nor has reality shown this to be a method tha results in succes .

Im familliar with this type of thinking , it originates in Kant . The "imagine if everybody would do as you" in both positive as well as negative ways based in his categorial imperiative . Yukkie .