Tolerance of homosexuals in islamic countries

Originally posted by Clockwood
Stoning can solve almost any problem. If that dosn't work explosives will. ;)

Indeed, it is great way to scare the shite out of cowards like you from commiting sins.

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
homosexuality is great thing for the westerners as it destroys their basic unit of society: the family which results in more decline of new born babies and the total social, there will be NO need for clash of civilizations !!! because the westerners are digging their own graves by their own hands.


That's rubbish.

Gays are responsible for total social breakdown?

Hmmm, bigotted and ignorant.
Originally posted by okinrus
Flores, so if you find out that one your children are gay, your really going to enforce the Islamic punishment of death on them?

What kind of question is that? Don't you know that parents are not allowed in the judging procedure of their own children because their emotions would overtake the right thing to do, and for a good reason. Let me ask you, if one of your children is a murderer and a rapist, would you personally have the heart to inject him with the lethal drug?

Criminals and sex perverts all have parents that are supportive and loving, but that doesn't mean that those people get away with their crap.
Originally posted by Flores

Criminals and sex perverts all have parents that are supportive and loving, but that doesn't mean that those people get away with their crap.

So if you had a gay child, you wouldn't let him/her 'get away with their crap'?

What exactly would you do?

Sit them down and say "Mummy is a religious bigot so you can't be gay"? Or what?
Originally posted by croper
So if you had a gay child, you wouldn't let him/her 'get away with their crap'?

Mommy will be supportive and loving and will hug her gay child as they shiver and sweat and moan from sexual diseace and AIDS. My heart will break to see my child in so much pain because they chose the wrong choice. I'll let them poop and throw up in my chest like when they were babies, but I can't protect them from god judgement, and on the other hand the law and mother nature will be cruel to them while they pay back for their deeds againest nature. This goes for drug use, homosexual activity, cheating on spouce, and all this stuff that is bound to get a person in deep trouble.
Originally posted by Flores
Mommy will be supportive and loving and will hug her gay child as they shiver and sweat and moan from sexual diseace and AIDS. I'll let them poop and throw up in my chest like when they were babies, but I can't protect them from god and, on the other hand the law and mother nature will be cruel to them while they pay back the child for their bad doings.

So all gays die of AIDS do they?

You can't protect them from god? No need to, none exist.

You can't protect them from the law? In any civilised country, being gay is not against the law.

Mother nature will pay them back? CRAP.
Good day sir, I hope your mommy care enough about you, cause your bitch is not going to be on your bed side when sex will be the last thing on your mind.
Originally posted by Flores
Good day sir, I hope your mommy care enough about you, cause your bitch is not going to be on your bed side when sex will be the last thing on your mind.

What is that supposed to mean?:confused:
Originally posted by Blackstone
this is coming from a syrian...listen fag.. i suggest you take a trip to your beloved Saudi arabia the head of will find hords of Gays waiting for you there , maybe a quick circle around the islamic pagan shrine "Kabah" during an umrah cermone will introduce you to a nice number of them, there are many far as i hear so you wouldnt have a problem , specially amoung the religous police "Mutawah"...didnt you hear about the sheikh who raped a man lately in saudi ? im sure you will have a memoriable time there with your brothers in islam and the "respectable" islamic clerics..ya khawal moslim suri.

Prognosis: Acute Phsycosis, with rapid cycling manic. Highly scuicidal but too chicken to do it, and could be voilent to others.

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You're welcome in advance, Beside my main area of expertise in hydraulics and hydrology in civil engineering, I have a deep interest in pchyciatry and medecine.
Originally posted by Blackstone
this is coming from a syrian...listen fag.. i suggest you take a trip to your beloved Saudi arabia the head of will find hords of Gays waiting for you there , maybe a quick circle around the islamic pagan shrine "Kabah" during an umrah cermone will introduce you to a nice number of them, there are many far as i hear so you wouldnt have a problem , specially amoung the religous police "Mutawah"...didnt you hear about the sheikh who raped a man lately in saudi ? im sure you will have a memoriable time there with your brothers in islam and the "respectable" islamic clerics..ya khawal moslim suri.

And you point is?? It happens all over the world. It happens more in western jails then any where else. Don't you fucking tell me that it is islam's fault , and islam promote homsexulaity. Mr kitty case it has nothing to do with segaration of men and women, I believe it is natural thing and can be control by self control. If not then you will get a nice banging from your egyptian brothers.:cool:
Originally posted by Blackstone
this is coming from a syrian...listen fag.. i suggest you take a trip to your beloved Saudi arabia the head of will find hords of Gays waiting for you there , maybe a quick circle around the islamic pagan shrine "Kabah" during an umrah cermone will introduce you to a nice number of them, there are many far as i hear so you wouldnt have a problem , specially amoung the religous police "Mutawah"...didnt you hear about the sheikh who raped a man lately in saudi ? im sure you will have a memoriable time there with your brothers in islam and the "respectable" islamic clerics..ya khawal moslim suri.

Oh dear. Normally when one bothers to register for a Forum, one does so in the knowledge that he/she has a modicum of intellect. Obviously, you have no fear of being embarassed and shamed at your lack of knowledge on that which you seem to be pontificating about.

...listen fag
...again nothing to say, hence the void is compensated by subjective insults. Yes yes we know you can insult someone through your PC screen BRAVO!! well done!! but what do you have to say?

to your beloved Saudi arabia the head of islam...
I'm guessing you know little if anything about Islam, otherwise you would be aware that Saudi is NOT the head of Islam, there exisits no HEAD of Islam.
I think that if you are trying to get Blackstone attention, you have to ring the bell around his neck that says Islam.....he responds promptly to anything negative about Islam.....Check out all his 197 +/- sorry posts....25 pages of sciforum oxygen space. If you can't see the link below, click on his name and click on the button on the right handside of his profile called show all threads.

PS, what do you all say....shall we appoint Blackstone as a Sheikh of Islam, his extensive writing on and interest on the subject qualifies him for the position.
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No, there is, Saudi is the most important place for having the 2 most important islamic places on earth that islam is nothing without them :mecca , and also madina.

What have Makka and Madina's existence & relevance in Islam have to do with the fact that they are under Saud controll ?

Saudi is NOT head of Islam there is no head in Islam .

this is coming from a syrian...

So ? Should that be consider a racist remark ?

listen fag.. i suggest you take a trip to your beloved Saudi arabia the head of will find hords of Gays waiting for you there , maybe a quick circle around the islamic pagan shrine "Kabah" during an umrah cermone will introduce you to a nice number of them, there are many far as i hear so you wouldnt have a problem , specially amoung the religous police "Mutawah"...didnt you hear about the sheikh who raped a man lately in saudi ? im sure you will have a memoriable time there with your brothers in islam and the "respectable" islamic clerics...

So my originbal prognosis was right ? Traumatized ?

ya khawal moslim suri

ya cus kafir musr

you seem to be trying a little bit too hard to be funny...

you seem traumatized


seek help

Flores :
but the Jews feel that the only way they can stay strong is to stay hated and feeling insecure. Maybe us Muslims can benefit from such hate and insecurity around us to merge in unity.

I think in overal Muslims should learn from Jews . Imagine if Jews would be 1.3 B .

I applaud Islam for condemning and making an effort in eradicating those menace to society sexual perverts. I really don't look forward to the day when my children will be utterly confused on what is right and what is wrong, who knows, maybe with the rate the liberals are going, we may come to an age when all sexual acts are permitted except hetrosexual marriage.

As is shown there is biological relevance , and as gays "die out" they never will actual become an endangerment to your children unless there is an ultra-gay fascist society that forces us .

Islam teaches that homosexual behaviour is haram because a mans genes and nature does not desire such , just as he does not desire pain nor suffering . IMO a kafir is allowed to do whatever he wishes , a Muslim on the other hand who should strive to be mans perfection , should not . As it simply is not perfect to screw a dude in the ass . Not to a straight man anyway , and thats the whole point of it .

Michael :
Of the following I wonder – should the person take a MAN or a WOMAN as their partner?

It may be of genetical relevance however so might be pedophilia or the desire to kill or whatever . Point is the conscious choice in doing the action .

IMO there is nothing wrong for a non-Muslim to do , but in virtuous Islam mans perfection does not lie in sex with other men . It doesnt provide reproduction , it doesnt provide social constructive situation , its simply not perfect .

Again ..... no problem there , he should do as he wishes , but there are more things he can do as he wishes that do not show perfection just as well .

As for your other points ..... no problem with any of them . Its not nature of a person that makes him righteous or not , its his actions and dealings with this nature .

Muslims who wish to be gay have to deal with the fact that Islam is against them acting out . They are then simply unlucky and have more lusts to controll like their likewised . Hey there are peoples who cant have sweets because they get ill , they should get over themselves or look for a new system of life or simply proceed and accept they are doing haram .
Its not like someone getting ill when they eat candy. Its like someone beating you with a stick if you eat candy. Imagine if someone did horrible things to you for showing heterosexual tendancies.

Also directed to Syrian: And blaming gays for social breakdown due to the fact they cant produce children or start large families? Come on. With the overpopulation the world is having not having children is a plus, not a minus. Why don't you put nuns in the same catagory while your at it.
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Its not like someone getting ill when they eat candy. Its like someone beating you with a stick if you eat candy. Imagine if someone did horrible things to you for showing heterosexual tendancies.

As long as they do not force me to witness what I consider immoral acts , then I have no problem with them .

punishment when there are no problems is stupid .

With the overpopulation the world is having not having children is a plus, not a minus. Why don't you put nuns in the same catagory while your at it.

Wasnt the point about the west ? Yes its a - for the west if their population turns gay and doesnt produce , aging already is a problem as it is .
Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani
It may be of genetically relevance however so might be pedophilia or the desire to kill or whatever . Point is the conscious choice in doing the action
Firstly, yes pedophilia is f*cking sick. I say show no mercy. They are harming another person. Killing is also causing another person harm. So those two examples are not the same as gay genetic predisposition. A homosexual relationship between two adults is not harming anyone else and I think would be more akin to the “fat people category”. They may be fat because of a genetic predisposition, however, they do make the choice to eat as much as they do. I certainly don’t think fat people are harming anyone other than themselves. So fat and gay can both be genetic predispositions and not harm anyone where as pedophilia may be a genetic predisposition but it does harm someone else and so is wrong.

Secondly, my point is there are a number of people who would not fit into the typical category of MAN or WOMAN and that there is a gradient of what we define as MAN through to WOMAN.
So out of curiosity;

First question: what advice would you give to:
Person A: Chromosome 46, XY/47,XXY (Mosiac) or true Hermaphrodites (i.e. vagina and penis)? This person has both sex organs.

Person B: Neuter? This is someone who has neither a penis nor a vagina.

Person C: Testicular feminization? This is a person lacking the receptor for testosterone. Their outward appearance is completely female (breasts vagina etc…). Pre-genetic testing (say beyond 50 years ago) this person would have been considered a female who for some reason couldn’t reproduce. Post-genetic testing shows they are “genetically” male (XY).

Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani
a Muslim on the other hand who should strive to be mans perfection , should not . As it simply is not perfect to screw a dude in the ass . Not to a straight man anyway , and thats the whole point of it. . ... .. but in virtuous Islam mans perfection does not lie in sex with other men . It doesnt provide reproduction , it doesnt provide social constructive situation , its simply not perfect

Second question: With the above examples, would you say that god makes some "men" that can not reach “perfection”?

My personal belief is that what’s between two men two women or a man and woman is their business – Muslim or otherwise.

On the side, my girlfriend’s father is a Buddhist priest. I asked her today what she thought about gays - she said gay is fine in the Buddhist religion (at least in Japan). If that is true, maybe more religious gays should convert and be done with it?