Tolerance of homosexuals in islamic countries


neocortex activated
Registered Senior Member
This trend among western nations has not been followed in all other regions of the world, where sodomy may remain a serious crime (see sodomy law). At the extreme, homosexuality remains punishable by death in Afghanistan, Mauritania, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Lesser penalties of life in prison are found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Guyana, India, Maldives, Nepal, Singapore, and Uganda.

These mosles really are tolerant. </irony>
Interesting topic post

You see? This is yet another instance of Judeo-Christian-derived America seeking to be more like certain Muslims.

Our born-again Christian president does not want to turn the other cheek, but rather to strike back against perceived aggression until that aggression satisfactorily ceases.

And now we see someone lamenting an aspect of diverse governments around the world, even though this sentiment is apparent here at home among non-Muslims.

In fact, I don't even care about the "Christians do it too" aspect. What cracks me up is that somewhere in America, Muslim haters are actually just envious.

Tiassa :cool:
Re: Interesting topic post

Originally posted by tiassa

In fact, I don't even care about the "Christians do it too" aspect. What cracks me up is that somewhere in America, Muslim haters are actually just envious.

Tiassa :cool: [/B]

And the amazing thing is that those haters are doing great favour to Muslims....Muslims who were usually not commited return back when they see their religion under attack, I know many many cases where Muslims used to do all sort of 'haram, prohibited things in Islam like drinking alcohol and adultery' but since 9/11 and the hateful attack against Islam, many of them came back and became true muslims.

I am really grateful for those idiot haters, they are doing us a great favour without even realizing.

Re: Re: Interesting topic post

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
I am really grateful for those idiot haters, they are doing us a great favour without even realizing.


Proud Syrian,
Believe it or not, but the Jews feel that the only way they can stay strong is to stay hated and feeling insecure. Maybe us Muslims can benefit from such hate and insecurity around us to merge in unity.
Bravo Islam.

Oh......And forget the political correctness.....I applaud Islam for condemning and making an effort in eradicating those menace to society sexual perverts. I really don't look forward to the day when my children will be utterly confused on what is right and what is wrong, who knows, maybe with the rate the liberals are going, we may come to an age when all sexual acts are permitted except hetrosexual marriage.
Being homosexual can be directly related to physical phenomena and in that sense one would not have a choice. I admit I find it rather pathetic that Christian and Islamic religious teachings consider homosexual sex a sin or against gods wishes. As if the creator of the whole fricking universe would give a crap about homosexual sex :)

Of the following I wonder – should the person take a MAN or a WOMAN as their partner?

1) XXY (Klinefelter Syndrome)
2) Chromosome 46, XY/47,XXY (Mosiac) (Hermaphrodites)
3) Chromosome 48 XXXY
4) Chromosome 48 XXYY
5) XXYY,
6) XX/XXY,
8) XX/XXY,
9) XY/XXY,
11) XxY/Xx/XY,
12) XXXYY,
13) XXY/XX,
14) XXY/XY,
15) XXY/XYY,
19) XX(Y),
21) XO/XY/XXY,
22) YO/XY,
23) XXY,
25) XY/XXY/XXxY,
27) XX/XxY,

So go on, tell me what each of the above people should do when picking a partner? A Man or a Woman? Flores you seem to have all the answers - start listing or shut your hole.

Not to mention other genetically differences that result in same sex orientation. A great example is testicular feminization. That’s a male who is born without the extracellular receptor for male hormone. Thus the person looks in everyway like a female (however the person is genetically XY normal male). You could easily be dating or married to an XY without either one of you knowing that the person is normal XY. If you know a barren woman she may be in this situation. Have you had children Flores? There's a chance you may be the opposite sex than what you "think". Wouldn't that be just!

Go on . . . tell me - what does your religous book say about them?

While you’re at it what does your holy book say about person #2 Chromosome 46, XY/47,XXY (Mosiac) or true Hermaphrodites (i.e. vagina and penis). Come on? Go ahead and tell me what they should choose. Or, how about a person born as a Neuter (someone who has neither a penis nor a vagina)? Maybe they should pray to a sick-as god who created them and then created a sick-as religion to persecute them – obviously for its own sick amusement?

The simple fact is, just like height, weight, skin color, etc . . . sexual designation goes form black to white with all shades in between.

We haven't even mentioned the situation where the embryo has been exposed to high levels of male or female hormone during pregnancy.
A sin is really just something that draws us away from God. <a href="">This</a> might give a perspective of why God might want us to stay away from such acts.

Flores, so if you find out that one your children are gay, your really going to enforce the Islamic punishment of death on them?
Believe it or not, but the Jews feel that the only way they can stay strong is to stay hated and feeling insecure. Maybe us Muslims can benefit from such hate and insecurity around us to merge in unity

there are two components to an arab. his culture and his religion. unfortunately the poor soul cannot differentiate the two. so when you speak of uniting us you talk about an imperialistic arab culture under the cover of islam imposing their way of life on non arab muslims

*a nationalistic malaysian that shits on arabs:D
Originally posted by spookz
there are two components to an arab. his culture and his religion. unfortunately the poor soul cannot differentiate the two. so when you speak of uniting us you talk about an imperialistic arab culture under the cover of islam imposing their way of life on non arab muslims
a shot at bullseye. the failure to differentiate culture and religion on the part of evangelists is one of the main reasons for the fierce opposition to any type of evangelization from those subjected to that in the eastern hemisphere. Its not that non-christians/non-muslims hate jesus/allah but the accompanying change in culture and tradition. neither the church nor the islamics realize this because their belief in the superiority of their culture (western/arab) and their belief that god chosen their 'society_since_reformed' to lead the salvation compaign.
Originally posted by okinrus
A sin is really just something that draws us away from God. <a href="">This</a> might give a perspective of why God might want us to stay away from such acts.
It gives an impression that God won't mind if some of the pastors remain faithful to God and ocassionally bang the altor boys.

IMO, God doesn't bother whether you believe him or not but keep your soul straight.
If you are a straight man isn't it benificial for a large proportion of the population to be homosexual? (provided you are not in prison) It takes them out of the genepool and gives you a better selection of mates. It would actually help you spread your genes.
Re: Re: Re: Interesting topic post

Originally posted by Flores
Proud Syrian,
Believe it or not, but the Jews feel that the only way they can stay strong is to stay hated and feeling insecure. Maybe us Muslims can benefit from such hate and insecurity around us to merge in unity.

Indeed brothers, Muslims come together and unite when they are under attack.

Look at the crusaders, before those christian barbarians came to our land ( Syria and palestine ) the muslim world was like now, divided and controled by dictators and brutal rulers...when the crusaders came, the muslims woke up and realized the danger of being divided....88 years after the fall of Jerusalem into the hands of the 'kuffar '' the great hero of Islam: Salahu Aldin ( Saladin ) united the most powerful muslim states at that time ( Syria and Eygpt) and went to CRASH and defeat 5 European armies COMBINED in the infamous battle of HITYEN......

Sobhana Allah, no one can defeat the muslims when they are united, and now, thanks to the western aggression, muslims are repeating again the same chapters that led to the glorious HITYEN
Era...........I am very opptimistic.
Originally posted by spookz
Believe it or not, but the Jews feel that the only way they can stay strong is to stay hated and feeling insecure. Maybe us Muslims can benefit from such hate and insecurity around us to merge in unity

there are two components to an arab. his culture and his religion. unfortunately the poor soul cannot differentiate the two. so when you speak of uniting us you talk about an imperialistic arab culture under the cover of islam imposing their way of life on non arab muslims

*a nationalistic malaysian that shits on arabs:D

This is BS lies, a true Malaysian muslim wont say such crap, Arabs are part of the muslim world, in fact, we are only 13% of the world's muslim population.

Arabic is very important for read the Quran and have good command of Islam and its teachings.
Originally posted by Blackstone
the funny fact is how Saudi arabia the true example of the shari'a ruled islamic society is swarming with homosexuals that its begining to be a serious phenomena..this is what you get from forcing such inhuman sexual segregation.

It is funny fact that great muslim country like Eygpt is tolerating perverts homosexuals like should be killed at spot.

p.s: dont ask me who told me about you, you are well known hate figure here.

Originally posted by Clockwood
If you are a straight man isn't it benificial for a large proportion of the population to be homosexual? (provided you are not in prison) It takes them out of the genepool and gives you a better selection of mates. It would actually help you spread your genes.

homosexuality is great thing for the westerners as it destroys their basic unit of society: the family which results in more decline of new born babies and the total social, there will be NO need for clash of civilizations !!! because the westerners are digging their own graves by their own hands.
