To torture or not to torture ?

A known lead terrorist is captured and knows details of future terrorist attacks

  • He should only be kept captive and put on trial.

    Votes: 14 63.6%
  • He should be "tortured" with waterboarding to extract those plots

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • He should be REALLY tortured with permanent physical harm if need be to extract the plots

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters
A known lead fanatic terrorist is caught and imprisoned.
It is known that this terrorist knows details of plots to kill thousands of innocent civilians in an unknown city(s).

A) Do you think it's O.K. to "torture" this terrorist with the method of waterboarding to get the details of the terrorist plot ?

B) Or, should the terrorist not be tortured, and merely kept a prisoner ?

C) Or should this terrorist be really tortured with methods that deform his body and injure his organs until he gives out the details ?

This is an interesting ethical dilemma. Torture an evil person to save thousands, or spare an evil person and allow thousands of innocents to die.....

I woud prolly say torture the guy wit what ever it took to save thousands of lifes... but if this situaton cam up over an over an it was always up to me to deside... after a while i prolly woudnt want to live myself.!!!
If the guy knows stuff, there are certainly ways of getting a guy to talk without torturing him or her. But even if nothing short of torture would do it, I still wouldn't. Why? Because when a person does the devil's work, they're already in hell and are helping ensure that the hell they're creating spreads. There has been talk that people who were tortured by americans may not have been bent on terrorism before the americans started torturing them but changed afterwards. In other words, torturing people may actually make it -more- likely that bad things will happen to the nations that do the torturing.

For me, the greatest irony is that I believe the catalyst for much of this american torturing was 9/11 and the people behind 9/11 are not the people who are being tortured.
I woud prolly say torture the guy wit what ever it took to save thousands of lifes... but if this situaton cam up over an over an it was always up to me to deside... after a while i prolly woudnt want to live myself.!!!

The second part of what you say is my bottom line; a world where torture is acceptable is a world that can easily become one where no one would want to live to begin with.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
I woud prolly say torture the guy wit what ever it took to save thousands of lifes... but if this situaton cam up over an over an it was always up to me to deside... after a while i prolly woudnt want to live myself.!!!

a world where torture is acceptable is a world that can easily become one where no one would want to live to begin with.

That souns like the kind of world in which i woud druther live... but history dont seem to bear that out... no mater how aacceptable torture has been at various times... people still want to live.!!!

But how bout this... woud you have 1 person tortured if it woud save 10 of you'r mos loved family menbers from bein horribly tortured.???
But how bout this... woud you have 1 person tortured if it woud save 10 of you'r mos loved family menbers from bein horribly tortured.???

No. Some things are too sick to do, under any circumstances. Now, if it was a choice between -killing- him or my loved ones get tortured, that'd be different. There's a reason that in movies such as Pan's Labyrinth, the doctor kills a man who has been significantly tortured and who was about to undergo even more of it; some things are worse then death.
Is it manditory that people intentionaly take threds off topic... or optional.???

you know by asking this question in this thread you are intentionally taking it off topic as well. And yes, by me pointing it out, also intentionally takes it off topic as well. And my previous sentence is also intentionally takes it off topic, even though I am explaining it. So is this sentence...
I can't say whether torture is ethical or not. I do agree that most people being tortured will just say what you want to hear so that you will kill them quicker. It doesn't always make information any more reliable. True, some people will cave, but you never know who.

But I do have to say that if I thought me torturing someone would save the life of my boyfriend or mother or father or friend...I would do it. I'm not talking about others doing it for me or a situation of massive amounts of people. I'm saying if someone took someone I loved and I found out who, I would torture whoever it took until I got the info. In terrible situations you just react, you don't think. The adrenaline kicks in. The fear kicks in. You can't stop. You want to kill the person hurting the person you love. You become an animal.

Sometimes the scariest thing is knowing you would die for someone and knowing that you would do anything to save their life. Even if it means destroying your whatever way that may be. Even through torture. The scariest thing is knowing you would die for someone and not caring...being willing to do it without thinking of the consequences.

I would say this includes subjecting yourself to hours of hideous torture.
scott3x said:
...a person does the devil's work, they're already in hell and are helping ensure that the hell they're creating spreads.

so says the guy that argues in favor of pedophilia.

Pedo or the original, Paedo, means base, foot or child.

philia means love.

Am I in favour of loving children? Sure.

The problem is that we took too fairly simple words, combined them, and created a multi headed term. So when asked what I think of this multi headed term, I simply must say; which head are you referring to?

From wikipedia's entry on Pedophilia:
The term pedophilia or paedophilia has a range of definitions as found in psychology, law enforcement, and the vernacular...

It goes on for a page or 2. If you want to attempt to get somewhere in this conversation, check out the definitions, find the one you want to ask me about and ask me what I think of that specific definition.
From wikipedia's entry on Pedophilia:
The term pedophilia or paedophilia has a range of definitions as found in psychology, law enforcement, and the vernacular...
yes, and every single one of them relates to adult sex with minors or the unnatural desire for sex with children.

for the record the legal definition, and the one i implied with my post is:
adult sexual attraction or perversion to children.

If you want to attempt to get somewhere in this conversation, check out the definitions, find the one you want to ask me about and ask me what I think of that specific definition.
no, i have no wish to discuss pedophilia with you scott.
A known lead fanatic terrorist is caught and imprisoned.
It is known that this terrorist knows details of plots to kill thousands of innocent civilians in an unknown city(s).
how do the people that captured the guy know that the guy knows something?
the killing of 1000s of individuals is no easy matter.
there must be pay schedules and plans and more than just 2 or 3 people involved.

A) Do you think it's O.K. to "torture" this terrorist with the method of waterboarding to get the details of the terrorist plot ?
even waterboarding is mild compared to medieval torture devices such as the rack and iron maiden.
yes, i would use some form of psychological torture on the man.

B) Or, should the terrorist not be tortured, and merely kept a prisoner ?
if i knew for a fact he knew of an impending attack that is designed to kill thousands and he didn't talk? good question and i don't have an answer.

C) Or should this terrorist be really tortured with methods that deform his body and injure his organs until he gives out the details ?
if the psychological torture didn't produce results i have no idea what i would do.

for the record i would only torture the man after all other avenues have been thoroughly explored and rejected.
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The cost of the societal destruction wrought by allowing torture is great than the benefit of saving a few thousand lives.
The cost of the societal destruction wrought by allowing torture is great than the benefit of saving a few thousand lives.
well the question was about two individuals, it wasn't about a matter of policy.

it was also stated in the OP that you knew for a fact that this man knew of a plan that would kill 1000s. you cannot simply throw your hands up and say fuck 'em now can you?
The cost of the societal destruction wrought by allowing torture is great than the benefit of saving a few thousand lives.

Ask that question to one of the "few thousand" that are to die.

In every attack, all over the world, the first thing that the injured people ask is "Why didn't the police/government protect us?!" or "How could the government let something like this happen?!"

And yet, when those same police or gov officials try to do anything to protect the people, some people protest about gov intrusions or gov torture or the like.

Yes, the rules and laws of society should be protected, but at what cost? If attackers continue to flaunt the laws of that society, killing thousands each time, it won't be long before there is no society anyway. Is that what society wants?

And, of course, what if it was your child or parent who was to die in the attack? What would you do to gain info on the attack?

Baron Max
There are truth serums they can use that would yield very good results without harming anyone and without anyone knowing they are being drugged for the most part. If we can save lives by administering these types of drugs then so be it, but never really hurt those that are in captivity if at all possible.