To Theists: Why do you value hope more than truth?

Thats because I have to believe in the evidence of my eyes; of course, I could be under hypnosis, or under the influence, in which case, my objective reality would be compromised.

Have you ever remembered your dreams? (the sleeping kind)

You may use the objective one.:D

Then yes, social intelligence exists.
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I don't believe theists value hope more than truth. This is a question that presupposes the asker knows the truth.
...if Christ was not raised, then all our preaching is useless, and your trust in God is useless...we apostles would all be lying about God, for we have said that God raised Christ from the grave, but that can't be true if there is no resurrection of the dead... if Christ has not been raised, then your faith is are still under condemnation for your sins...all who have died believing in Christ have perished!... if we have hope in Christ only for this life, we are the most miserable people in the world.

If the dead are not raised, Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.

Some form of Stoicism, Epicureanism, Hedonism, or Existentialism is about all that is left. When the novelty of any of those wears off, despair and a pervasive sense of meaninglessness would tend to intrude upon ones thoughts...then, eventually, order to 'escape' the utter nonsense/madness.

I almost missed this post. Is that how you predict you would respond or that others would respond?
Are they saying that something is false without evidence or are they saying that absence of evidence over long periods of time contradicts a claim? Could they also be saying that there is no reason to believe a claim without evidence.
Absence of evidence over a long time doesn't contradict a claim, thats irrational, illogical, but then again atheists favor irrationality when it agrees with atheism, anything as long as it keeps the atheistic faith alive...its kind of like someone saying "well its been 300 years and no one has proven that the Earth revolves around the Sun, so obviously those who say the Earth revolves around the Sun are just deluded fools living an imaginary fantasy, we can all clearly see the Sun moving around the Earth, its so obvious"

There are reasons to believe in a claim without evidence, simply because there are innumerable things that are already true that there's no evidence for....

Crunchy Cat said:
I've seen at least two threads where atheists laid out many examples of what would consititute evidence for a 'God's existence.
Yeah, they've laid out examples, you know like "what if God came down and appeared to all people at once", kind of like someone saying, well I would believe when pigs can fly, they don't give any type of evidence thats even possible to gather, besides "Well if someone prayed to win the lottery 100 times then it would prove that prayer works, but not really that God exists"

Crunchy Cat said:
Then lets go away from the hypothetical and jump into reality. What are these truths?
Well the truths I have discovered are that we each exist in our own personal reality/universe, there's innumerable realities/universes, all of our problems exist only as feelings, insecurities, impulses, etc...the destruction of these impulses brings the greatest enjoyment, happiness, freedom, etc...after death you enter into a different universe/reality, matter is very high-concentration of thought-energy, everything is made of thought-energy,
We can all hope for a better tomorrow but we will never know the real truth about many things.
Absence of evidence over a long time doesn't contradict a claim, thats irrational, illogical, but then again atheists favor irrationality when it agrees with atheism, anything as long as it keeps the atheistic faith alive...its kind of like someone saying "well its been 300 years and no one has proven that the Earth revolves around the Sun, so obviously those who say the Earth revolves around the Sun are just deluded fools living an imaginary fantasy, we can all clearly see the Sun moving around the Earth, its so obvious"

Lets take the claim of a 'soul' for example. That has been around for some 10,000+ years or so. There has been herioc efforts to find it and yet everyone has come up empty. The logical outcome is that claim stand contradicted, that is the absence of evidence with a more than reasonable research effort becomes evidence of absence.

There are reasons to believe in a claim without evidence, simply because there are innumerable things that are already true that there's no evidence for....

Such as?

Yeah, they've laid out examples, you know like "what if God came down and appeared to all people at once", kind of like someone saying, well I would believe when pigs can fly, they don't give any type of evidence thats even possible to gather, besides "Well if someone prayed to win the lottery 100 times then it would prove that prayer works, but not really that God exists"

What about a middle ground? Take 100 retarded people and pray for 'God' to fix them. I would be pretty dran convinced if they all came out smart. I am sure nearly all Atheists would as well.

Well the truths I have discovered are that we each exist in our own personal reality/universe, there's innumerable realities/universes, all of our problems exist only as feelings, insecurities, impulses, etc...the destruction of these impulses brings the greatest enjoyment, happiness, freedom, etc...after death you enter into a different universe/reality, matter is very high-concentration of thought-energy, everything is made of thought-energy,

Do you invest hope in these 'truths'?
Then it could not be science, since the possibility of falsification : H[sub]0[/sub] vs H[sub]a[/sub], i.e. hypothesis testing, is what defines science.

Now, if you were defining faith, on the other hand...

pop a futuristic designer pill that removes all uncertainty from your mind.
First, I didn't say it is a kundalini is a psychic center. What I am saying is that Kudalini as a distinct mental/physsical phenomenon exists.

What does that mean? If someone prays then it gives psychical and mental phenomena in the body - that is an inescapable aspect of materialism - but the same can be achieved in similar practice without religious practice.

BUt, you're whole attitude is most definitley not scientific. YOu just heard of this phenomenon and are already saying how it doesn't exist.

I'm not a scientist, but will the day come that peer reviewed science states the existence of 'psychic centers' in the body? Absolutely not.

By the way, I keep bringing up the psychic centers only as an example... it belongs in the heap with all supernatural BS.

You've never meditated so why are you talking about what will or won't happen.

Like I said, I'm an expert in understanding the mind-set of the deluded... and I believe that meditation has merits. However, what I have against meditation is when already gullible people come away from meditation making supernatural claims.

Like I said, there have been many people that start meditating for relaxation purposes and find that it does much more.

Sounds exactly like how a lot of people got into religion. A mental placebo amongst people who preffer an imaginary world over the material world - sounds like the order of the day for these people. If they can be arrogant in acting holier-than-thou because they sit with their legs crossed and chanting mystical BS, then I can be arrogant saying that the material world rocks your ass!

Meditation wasn't developed as a method of relaxation. It was developed as a mean of becoming enlightened. And you being an atheist doesn't matter much since Buddhism strictly speaking is atheistic. I would have expected you would have known that since you have complete and perfect knowledge of all things.

Buddhism: do I know anything about it's doctrine? Absolutely nothing. So lets have a quick Wiki on it:

In Buddhism, any person who has awakened from the "sleep of ignorance"

This is extremely offensive. Everyone who is not a Buddhist is ignorant I see. That was the first line I read, so I'm not off to a good start...

(by directly realizing the true nature of reality)

That was the fucking second line! I realize the true nature of reality, so that makes me a Buddhist? Does it sound arrogant when I say I realize the true nature of reality? Well right back at ya with your Buddhism crap.

if a person does not follow the goal of Total Realization, one lives one's life like a preoccupied child playing with toys in a house that is burning to the ground.

Again, this is totally offensive to materialists. And if I want to get rid of anger, I'll go to anger management classes or take drugs, because you know what, I'm a materialist, and material works.

When one meditates do you think one is more aware or less aware of what is going on in their mind and body then when one is working, watching TV, talking to someone, playing football?

So basically if you are deep in thought and not doing anything you are 'meditating'? I do that all the time.

But you haven't looked at the actual research thats been done have you? Once again you are just pulling shit out of your ass based upon your own biases, ignorance, and narrow preconceived notions about hte way things are.

You know what... It's amazing how often I turn out to be right when being blatantly ignorant with superstitious stories and practices. If any of them turned out to be proven correct, we'd hear about it and I'd eat my words.

Although the annoying thing about Buddhism and general mysticism is that it's harder to prove BS because it's 100% word play, and 0% content.

Point is you want to just dismiss reincarnation depsite the fact there is some actual scientific research that indicates that it isn't as easily dismissed as one might at first think.

This just takes the biscuit! I don't even know what to say, that's just too funny, so I'll just ask for you to provide what evidence exists for reincarnation.
Well if those pills exist I'm sure there will be a pill for any negative feelings I have about their being no God. Is taking a pill that gets rid of negative feelings somehow better than a false belief system that does?
Well if those pills exist I'm sure there will be a pill for any negative feelings I have about their being no God. Is taking a pill that gets rid of negative feelings somehow better than a false belief system that does?

What if scientific knowledge got to the point where there was no more uncertainty about what used to be considered really big questions? Would the removal of that uncertainty remove hope invested in those uncertainties as well?
Lets take the claim of a 'soul' for example. That has been around for some 10,000+ years or so. There has been herioc efforts to find it and yet everyone has come up empty. The logical outcome is that claim stand contradicted, that is the absence of evidence with a more than reasonable research effort becomes evidence of absence.
What an illogical remark (but then again you are using atheistic faith), what evidence would indicate that a soul exists? Exactly...

There's already many indications that consciousness may exist independantly of the brain...your logic is simple, if something is untestable, then its false, evidence causes something to become true, so all things without evidence are false....its the atheistic logic

Crunchy Cat said:
Wait wait wait..first you say yeah you agree that the truth is the truth with or without evidence, then say "What? What things can be true without evidence?"...

Examples are all the previously discovered things (you know which were true before discovered) you think all the 100,000+ volcanos discovered existed before they were discovered? If you say yes then you agree that there are innumerable things that are already true without evidence...

Crunchy Cat said:
What about a middle ground? Take 100 retarded people and pray for 'God' to fix them. I would be pretty dran convinced if they all came out smart. I am sure nearly all Atheists would as well.
No you wouldn't, if this really happened atheists would come up with many alternative explanations like "you know retarded people aren't really dumb", "there's no reason to believe that God or anything supernatural was involved"

Crunchy Cat said:
Do you invest hope in these 'truths'?
It doesn't matter if I have hope or not, belief or not, evidence or not, the truth is the truth with or without these things...
What does that mean? If someone prays then it gives psychical and mental phenomena in the body - that is an inescapable aspect of materialism - but the same can be achieved in similar practice without religious practice.
How do you figure? That doens't prove materialsim at all. Take the placebo effect. The palacebo effect creates physical changes, but the person has not taken any actual physical thing that creates those changes. Those changes were created by a belief. And bleiefs are not physical things.

I'm not a scientist, but will the day come that peer reviewed science states the existence of 'psychic centers' in the body? Absolutely not.
Stop stating your opinion as fact. Its no different when you do it than when a Christian Fundamentalist does it. How does acupuncture work?
By the way, I keep bringing up the psychic centers only as an example... it belongs in the heap with all supernatural BS.
Just your opinion. Backed up by absolutely nothing. YOu are just like a Christian Fundamentlaist that thinks your beliefs with evidence or logic are sufficient unto themselves.

Like I said, I'm an expert in understanding the mind-set of the deluded...
Only in your own deluded mind.
and I believe that meditation has merits. However, what I have against meditation is when already gullible people come away from meditation making supernatural claims.
The point is you have never meditated and yet you have the audacity to think your in a positon to make claims about it. It's preposterous.

Sounds exactly like how a lot of people got into religion. A mental placebo amongst people who preffer an imaginary world over the material world - sounds like the order of the day for these people. If they can be arrogant in acting holier-than-thou because they sit with their legs crossed and chanting mystical BS, then I can be arrogant saying that the material world rocks your ass!
YOu've never meditated and you are just making judgements about an activity you have no knowledge about. If you think it has merits try instead of passing your ignorant inconsequential judgements.

Buddhism: do I know anything about it's doctrine? Absolutely nothing. So lets have a quick Wiki on it:
Well, your already off to a bad start since previously you claimed to be an expert on all religions and felt yourself to be in a position to judge eastern religions despite the fact that you know nothing about them. Now you're gonna read a wiki entyr and pass more superficial judgents based on your ignorance. Okay, I am ready to be amused by your ignaorance.

In Buddhism, any person who has awakened from the "sleep of ignorance"

This is extremely offensive. Everyone who is not a Buddhist is ignorant I see. That was the first line I read, so I'm not off to a good start...
No, it means that everyone is ignorant.

(by directly realizing the true nature of reality)

That was the fucking second line! I realize the true nature of reality, so that makes me a Buddhist? Does it sound arrogant when I say I realize the true nature of reality? Well right back at ya with your Buddhism crap.
No, you are ignorant.

if a person does not follow the goal of Total Realization, one lives one's life like a preoccupied child playing with toys in a house that is burning to the ground.

Again, this is totally offensive to materialists. And if I want to get rid of anger, I'll go to anger management classes or take drugs, because you know what, I'm a materialist, and material works.
Who gives a fuck what is offensive to you. Do whatever makes sense to you. I didn't say you should become a buddhist. I said you should educate yourself on subjects you are going to talk about instead of spouting off like your an expert. Doesn't that at least clue you in a little bit that you're ignorant?

So basically if you are deep in thought and not doing anything you are 'meditating'? I do that all the time.
Just exposing your ignaorance once again. When ones mind is concentrated you are free of distracting thoughts. Yes, many people enter into meditative states all the time.

You know what... It's amazing how often I turn out to be right when being blatantly ignorant with superstitious stories and practices. If any of them turned out to be proven correct, we'd hear about it and I'd eat my words.
Doesn't change the fact that you haven't looked at the actual research. You're an ignorant.

Although the annoying thing about Buddhism and general mysticism is that it's harder to prove BS because it's 100% word play, and 0% content.
Right, and the fact that you are totally ignorant of the subject has nothing to do with it?

This just takes the biscuit! I don't even know what to say, that's just too funny, so I'll just ask for you to provide what evidence exists for reincarnation.

Look at the research done by Ian Stevenson. I provided several links already. Are you too lazy to open them?
Bottom line: You don't know anything about these subjects you are tlaking about and yet you act like you are some kind of expert in them. You are totally ignorant and have the arrogance to think your uneducated opinion means something. Reading 3 sentences of a wiki article doesn't make you an expert. Your opinion amounts to shit.

Wait! Even children with no training whatsoever can see birds flying... Hmmm....
they don't do so well trying to spot electrons out their bedroom window though
Ah yes! Our favorite indirectly observable entities - electrons!

So, I claim that lightning exists. Never mind what it consists of. We all see lightning and can readily observe and agree on many of its characteristics. You claim it is the sword of Zeus and is made of "divine fire". I doubt you and start to make some tests that lead me, over millenia, to be able to demonstrate (even to you) that it is made of "electrons" (which is just the greek word for "amber" since rubbing amber with wool was one of the first ways that people observed triboelectricity, or static charge build-up). If you went to a decent high school you might have even been treated to the millikan oil drop experiment, from which you can directly measure the charge of a thing called an "electron".

Now, you claim there is a god. Something incredibly all-pervasive and powerful. Please show me a simple quantification that demonstrates that this god is the source of... whatever you choose, and not some other explanation (like electrons). Why not demonstrate to me that electrons are of godly origin? Or a tree? Or a microbe?

Whats that? You say that everything we've investigated so far is based on well know physics, but the parts we don't yet understand are god-caused? God of the gaps, you say? Right.
You might be right and there is value in seeing how a Theist answers the question. As 'strong' as the Atheist might be in embracing truth, from a social standpoint, it is not wise for a minority to look down upon a majority. All groups (no exceptions) judge other groups by one criteria... are the mean... and looking down is probably interpreted as mean.
Agreed. But consider... Do we "look down" on murderers? Rapsits? Thieves? Do they not willfully engage in heinous stupidity? Well, I think that theism leads directly to those things (in a broad historical sense) and needs to be crushed at every opportunity. I consider theism, in the modern world, to be willful stupidity and worthy of "looking down" upon.

I know how peaceful xianity and islam are. They all preach love and tolerance and peace, right? Whether they really do or not is moot. The religious idea in the hands of the common mob always leads to cultism, seperatism, group-think, and ultimately the marginalization of those who don't "believe".

Agreed. But consider... Do we "look down" on murderers? Rapsits? Thieves? Do they not willfully engage in heinous stupidity? Well, I think that theism leads directly to those things (in a broad historical sense) and needs to be crushed at every opportunity. I consider theism, in the modern world, to be willful stupidity and worthy of "looking down" upon.

I know how peaceful xianity and islam are. They all preach love and tolerance and peace, right? Whether they really do or not is moot. The religious idea in the hands of the common mob always leads to cultism, seperatism, group-think, and ultimately the marginalization of those who don't "believe".


How very peace loving of you. :rolleyes: