To The Faithful Of The World: I Have But One Simple Question No One Can Seem ToAnswer

heartless..gotta give you credit dude..
for applying science to the bible,(IE what original words meant)
seems like you have done your homework.

Thank you!:cool: I do my best, and given how these books mean a lot so many people, it makes sense to go back to the originals (that is, Greek and Hebrew) to best determine their meanings. Of course, it's not always that even those are as clear as these bits ...
There is no hell- hell is self-made.


jk, I agree 100%

To quote a great MC, "Hell is not a place you go if you're not a christian; it's the failure, of your life's greatest ambition."

I believe the truth to be something along those lines.
This is what lead me away from faith. This one question no one can answer. Here we go:
You have two people. One is an amazing person. His whole life has been dedicated to helping people all over the world. Making everything in his path better. Of course he fucks up a couple of times in his life, as we all do, but all together hes someone to highly look up to. He has made incredible discovers in the field of medicence and science that brings hope and life to thousands, but due to his upbringing and personal expierences does not believe in God or accept Jesus blah blah. Now he burns in hell along side Ghandi?
The other is a rutheless heartless rapiest and murderer. A rascist. A sexist. With not a bit of love in his heart. Untill he gets caught of course. He visits the prison church from time to time and finally becomes redeamed. He dies in prison and now spends the rest of eternity being rewarded for this one action. He never does anything else to attempt to help his fellow man. He goes to heavan? I dont want to spend eternity with homophobes, murderes and even possibly Hitler. (Who was an acclaimed Catholic)
So my question is simple. Explain how this BS makes any sence AT ALL. Ive already heard the whole "we all fall short to the glory of god" shit so dont spue that nonsence. Anyone have a solid logicaly answer? Other agnostic/athiests feel free to add on.

This shows a basic lack of the concept of Christian religions, something incredibly common among the sheeple but no so much amongst the clergy (though many of them too if your in the wrong church). The first man, goes to heaven, the second man will be punished for his crimes, but will end up in heaven.

People, wrt Xtian religions, are judged first upon thier actions in life, and second upon thier acceptance of god. While the first man was a true atheist, when he dies, his actions were in accordance with God's laws and will be redeemed and allowed to pass on to heaven.

The Second man, IF he actually feels guilt for his sins, will eventually be pardoned, as Christs sacrifice for the people will allow him to be.

IF you believe the Christian Mythos.

I am agnostic, and I don't think it quite works that way. Based on the time I spent actually in the study of religion, I figure if there is a god it works more like this: If your an athiest your right, if your religious your right. (Not gonna bother explaining that its too long and tbh, i don't care enough.)
This is what lead me away from faith. This one question no one can answer. Here we go:
You have two people. One is an amazing person. His whole life has been dedicated to helping people all over the world. Making everything in his path better. Of course he fucks up a couple of times in his life, as we all do, but all together hes someone to highly look up to. He has made incredible discovers in the field of medicence and science that brings hope and life to thousands, but due to his upbringing and personal expierences does not believe in God or accept Jesus blah blah. Now he burns in hell along side Ghandi?
The other is a rutheless heartless rapiest and murderer. A rascist. A sexist. With not a bit of love in his heart. Untill he gets caught of course. He visits the prison church from time to time and finally becomes redeamed. He dies in prison and now spends the rest of eternity being rewarded for this one action. He never does anything else to attempt to help his fellow man. He goes to heavan? I dont want to spend eternity with homophobes, murderes and even possibly Hitler. (Who was an acclaimed Catholic)
So my question is simple. Explain how this BS makes any sence AT ALL. Ive already heard the whole "we all fall short to the glory of god" shit so dont spue that nonsence. Anyone have a solid logicaly answer? Other agnostic/athiests feel free to add on.

Each man will be judged according to his deeds on this earth, Being a Christian or a certain type of Catholic isnt going to give you a free pass to sin.

The trinity is not real, Christianity was designed and changed to make people sin and not obey the real commandments. this is why christians dont follow the Laws, Christians (alot of the time) Will believe that Jesus gave them permission to Sin and break the commandments, they think believing in jesus alone is enough to gain rewards in the next life.

Having Faith though is important, one thing God wants from us is to have the faith and positive nature of a small Child. Your faith in him and ability to not be sad and depressed even in the face of un-certainty shows alot about a persons character.

Bitter Grumblers who walk in pessimism, they do not please God. Be careful with christianity it is a very diss-honest religion. Most christians are not even aware of the Evil cult they are a part of. But this does not apply to every single christian there are many types. Some christians like alot of Rasta's I know do not fool for the tricks like "Jesus is god" or "Dissrespecting the holy ghost is an unforgivable sin"

God hates Christians wearing the cross, and he will not answer the prayers of people who wear dead prophets on their necks.

Religion has been tainted so much, The king james Bible is an abomination of lies and only 50% of its contents are even remotely correct.

Study The Dead sea scrolls and lost books of the Bible. Also read a new test that has the Apocrypha included. Finaly Read The Holy Quran, Most pure form of scripture without being changed.

Just being a good person isnt the best you can do on earth, Fighting for justice, having the faith and positive attitude of a small child, Understanding and figuring out the secrets of the universe using your intuition.

Helping old lady's with grocerys and being nice to your pet dog is expected of everyone. those are not good deeds, they are normal deeds and should be done by everyone.

Don't let the media and western people distort your view of God, Gentiles are not the best people to learn spirituality from. Observe all of the Gentiles even on Sci-forums here, look how negative they are, how bitter and depressing they are to converse/debate with.

If you have any questions feel free to PM me and I will help you with your understanding and journey.

Then you are speaking for an invisible notion.

In fact, I sit on the right side, noting that the throne has always been empty.

You don't have to be at some body's side to communicate..... You think humans can invent mobile phones yet god is stuck deliverying scrolls on horseback?.

Do you think before you reply sometimes lol?

peace and understanding
Yes, it was humor.

How many e-mails and texts does 'God' receive in a day?

(None, they go to the dead letter office.)
Hey I noticed for a non believer you have an intense curiosity or interest in God. Do you have some Faith inside of you? I think you do.

No, none at all. The religious always come to the 'everything' type science forums and so I'm used to that.

There's virtually no around here, though, saying that all is just a dream and not real. That was a big battle at another forum, but reality was proved to be real and actual, since we have senses and because we use stuff from out there, building devices out there that work out there, etc.
It's all horse pucky.
The only angels buried in the dung heap outside of Zion are on the lid of the ark.
There is no hell. Sorry to break it to you. We all undergo a spiritual awakeness to become the higher beings we are. It all evens out.

If you proscribe to a specfic religion that you have moral problems with, it's time to change faiths. God is in all faiths; all holy words are holy.

One thing I wonder about the intellect of the posters in this forum- are you all schooled in alternate religions and different perspectives? Ever watched "Bizarre Foods" on TV?

It's all good. And everyone wins. Jeffery Dahmer is in his own Heaven as we speak.

Perhaps it's not until you face death that you truly see what life really is.

(Going religiously philispohical in this post, I am not that "Empty ForceOf Chi" guy.)
I don't see how that contradicts anything I said. The very point of Christianity, which renders it distinct from Judaism and Islam, is that no human agency can make a human being righteous; we are evil at heart. God/Christ can of course forgive the sinners, though they don't deserve such leniency. Then they are made righteous, and their sins are "forgotten". But it's all up to God's sovereign forgiveness; no good works or human effort will help. And some (eg Calvinists) go even further, declaring that God has already preordained everything, including who gets saved, and there's no free will at all.

this "theology" makes it a totally immoral religion. actually this is the aspect of the theology that makes it so attractive to the most corrupt and those who want to wallow in it while using the mask of religion. this is because of the belief that all are evil (translation: evil as them). they excuse themselves with this value system and use forgiveness as a cop-out. they want to bring others down or stop them from trying using the ruse that all are evil. that's deceptive because these types of people will target what they see that is not evil or sincere in others where they are not and try to corrupt, thereby claiming that all are evil. it's to falsely equalize and make seem no effort makes a difference or is of any importance which is totally self-serving for their delusions of grandeur. the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. those who ahere to this christian type of theology expect it handed to them, so scorn any efforts as well as insinuate equality to the sincere or those working to really make a difference. i know 'exactly' the type of person who has this type of value system which is my step-father. he believes just like this, it's a sense of entitlement. one can't be "made" righteous as if by magic. those who are sincerely trying and care means something than one who doesn't because even their 'human' efforts will make a difference, even if it's not spectacular to this so-called god.

my earlier reply is because i know that you are a christian. you are doing a good job of presenting your argument in a way that rather off-handish so it's not obvious though considering this forum.

You talked about "help[ing your] fellow man". But Christianity isn't about that. It's about receiving Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Any good you do afterwards is the product of you being saved, not its cause.

yes, we know that about christianity but the discrepancy here is that there are people who do help their fellow man and are not christian. that is what the op is referring to.

one does not need to be religious or a theist to do good or be motivated to do good.
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You folks have absolutely no idea of religion apart from what you were told, don't you?

You never took the time and effort to embrace other religions and read "other holy words" and devlop a different perspective, have you?

To understand RELIGION in a RELIGION FORUM, you need to understand theology to a fair degree.

This is not where you come crying that you were kid-touched, this is where a healthy debate on theology occurs- THEOLOGY.

You starting a thread stating to us who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell is a THREAD FAIL.

Now will someone salvage something useful from this thread?
You folks have absolutely no idea of religion apart from what you were told, don't you?

You never took the time and effort to embrace other religions and read "other holy words" and devlop a different perspective, have you?

To understand RELIGION in a RELIGION FORUM, you need to understand theology to a fair degree.

This is not where you come crying that you were kid-touched, this is where a healthy debate on theology occurs- THEOLOGY.

You starting a thread stating to us who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell is a THREAD FAIL.

Now will someone salvage something useful from this thread?

his question is actually valid, it's just not in the right subforum. it should be in the religion subforum. the op has nothing to do with comparative religion. the op is actually asking about the issue of morality within religion, not dogmatic theological doctrine. theology doesn't have to make sense. it is just a set of rules, even arbitrary ones which in the real world have little to no value. it's like discussing greek mythology. believe it or not, it takes virtually no brains or critical thinking ability to "understand" THEOLOGY, just a lot of memorization. there are whole commentaries and expositories dedicated to mental masturbation over theology which make absolutely no sense whatsoever. so i would get off that high horse of yours as if it does because it's embarassing because "THEOLOGY" is really nothing but make-believe and what someone deemed as "god's" rules. the op is asking WHY it doesn't make sense but it's THEOLOGY, doesn't have to because most of it is BULLSHIT. get it?

actually the replies discussing just the points of theology are really not answering the op. in reality, those posts are even more stupid. at least one could answer the question appropriately to the subject matter or just leave it alone.

what this means is your reply is foolish because you indicate that you want to reply to this thread, yet it has nothing to do with comparative religion.

since it doesn't, what's your beef? does it irritate you? can't find a thread on theology or make one yourself? lmao
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Each man will be judged according to his deeds on this earth, Being a Christian or a certain type of Catholic isnt going to give you a free pass to sin.

Correct. Which I don't think is an opinion held by anyone.

The trinity is not real, Christianity was designed and changed to make people sin and not obey the real commandments. this is why christians dont follow the Laws, Christians (alot of the time) Will believe that Jesus gave them permission to Sin and break the commandments, they think believing in jesus alone is enough to gain rewards in the next life.

Proof of this conviction please?

God hates Christians wearing the cross, and he will not answer the prayers of people who wear dead prophets on their necks.

Religion has been tainted so much, The king james Bible is an abomination of lies and only 50% of its contents are even remotely correct.

A wee bit of hate you've got going on there. Bells, are you listening? :p

Since we're all asserting, I'll throw in another: best bet is to religiously avoid the Quran. It's mostly just poorly understood bits of Jewish and early Christian writings.
Each man will be judged according to his deeds on this earth, Being a Christian or a certain type of Catholic isnt going to give you a free pass to sin.

The trinity is not real, Christianity was designed and changed to make people sin and not obey the real commandments. this is why christians dont follow the Laws, Christians (alot of the time) Will believe that Jesus gave them permission to Sin and break the commandments, they think believing in jesus alone is enough to gain rewards in the next life.

Having Faith though is important, one thing God wants from us is to have the faith and positive nature of a small Child. Your faith in him and ability to not be sad and depressed even in the face of un-certainty shows alot about a persons character.

Bitter Grumblers who walk in pessimism, they do not please God. Be careful with christianity it is a very diss-honest religion. Most christians are not even aware of the Evil cult they are a part of. But this does not apply to every single christian there are many types. Some christians like alot of Rasta's I know do not fool for the tricks like "Jesus is god" or "Dissrespecting the holy ghost is an unforgivable sin"

God hates Christians wearing the cross, and he will not answer the prayers of people who wear dead prophets on their necks.

Religion has been tainted so much, The king james Bible is an abomination of lies and only 50% of its contents are even remotely correct.

Study The Dead sea scrolls and lost books of the Bible. Also read a new test that has the Apocrypha included. Finaly Read The Holy Quran, Most pure form of scripture without being changed.

Just being a good person isnt the best you can do on earth, Fighting for justice, having the faith and positive attitude of a small child, Understanding and figuring out the secrets of the universe using your intuition.

Helping old lady's with grocerys and being nice to your pet dog is expected of everyone. those are not good deeds, they are normal deeds and should be done by everyone.

Don't let the media and western people distort your view of God, Gentiles are not the best people to learn spirituality from. Observe all of the Gentiles even on Sci-forums here, look how negative they are, how bitter and depressing they are to converse/debate with.

If you have any questions feel free to PM me and I will help you with your understanding and journey.


This.... is why i am an athiest
You folks have absolutely no idea of religion apart from what you were told, don't you?

You never took the time and effort to embrace other religions and read "other holy words" and devlop a different perspective, have you?

To understand RELIGION in a RELIGION FORUM, you need to understand theology to a fair degree.

This is not where you come crying that you were kid-touched, this is where a healthy debate on theology occurs- THEOLOGY.

You starting a thread stating to us who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell is a THREAD FAIL.

Now will someone salvage something useful from this thread?

Troll. Bur besides that fact, I (to a much lesser extent than some on this site. kudos to you) acctualy understand and have studied many different cultures. religions ect.