To smack or not to smack....that is the question!

Is smacking a child right?

  • yes, some kids need a spanking

    Votes: 9 50.0%
  • no, find some other form of punishment

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • if you smack your child, you are a bully!

    Votes: 4 22.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
respect is earned not expected. To many parents dont EARN the respect of there children and then complain they dont get any.

How do you earn that respect? To those parents that don't earn respect, it is sad: they never really punished their children.

How do you get the respect of your boss? How does your boss earn your respect? by physical violence?

How do you earn the respect of your wife?
By hitting her?

What about your peers and friends?

hitting someone makes there respect for you go DOWN not up. I herd this comment on the radio made in relation to the state goverment but it aplies here. An army general puts up a notice "beatings will continue until moral improves".

"Do you repect me now you little shit?"
"how about now?"

Your kids will fear you, they wont respect you because you betray there trust. Your the one who is ment to be there to PROTECT them not the one who is ment to hurt them
Again you assume the age and nature of the child. The child is not that young and this is not long enough after the offense. Stop making excuses, your basically stating never is never, never say never when raising a child!

You're the one saying "never".

As I said, I am speaking from personal experience. My 2 year old won't remember what he is being smacked for if he is smacked for it 3 hours later, as one example. He won't be able to connect the two. I mean for goodness sake, you are attempting to place me into this box that you think I need to fit into. I'll discipline my child as the situation warrants. I am not going to start going into stereotypes about what I'd do in whatever situation for whatever age my child might be. You agree that each child is different and each situation needs to be assessed individually, but then you basically start saying that smacking is good. No, smacking is only one form of punishment. For us it is the last resort. When you have a child you can do as you see fit with it. But do not assume that you know me well enough to take it upon yourself to tell me that my not smacking my kid for every little thing or whacking the underside of his bare feet somehow makes me a bad parent.

You stated what you would not do, but if you will do it if the time comes... well can't say you won't only that you claim you won't.
What I have said is that I will never inflict pain on my child and then call it punishment or discipline. And yes, hitting a child's bare feet, as you say, where it is free of callouses at such a young age, is causing pain. Or as you put it:

Why the butt? My grandfather nello stile di vecchi paesi would smack you on the bottom of the feet. It makes good sense as children feet lack callus, the feet are more sensitive then the butt (especially the toes), its not kinky, and it leaves a real aching pain for some time.​

Nothing on this planet would make me want to leave "real aching pain for some time" on my children's body. Nothing. Nor would I ever even consider finding the most sensitive part on my child's body, deciding that a lack of callouses, for example, would intensify the pain, and then take to hitting him there.

And no, it does not "make good sense" to make a child feel pain like that. It's no different to hitting a child and/or scaring to the point where he loses control of his body and he wets himself.

I never said you need to hit your "hit your child's bare soles with a cane until it stings". Only "tough love" may very well be something like that or something you at present regard as abusive, but you would do it regardless so I think my point is taken.
"Tough love"? What exactly is that?

Love is love. For a child, it should be unconditional. "Tough love"? That's like beating up on someone and then telling them that you're doing it because you "love" them.

I don't think what your describe is valid to this thread, this thread is about corporal punishment, which may need not involve "marking" the child, or causing lasting damage, or cause "lose of bodily functions" or any other red harring your presented. A simple spanking does none of those things.
And for a parent who does hit their child in such a fashion and call it "discipline", they might scoff at the thought that the law would consider it to be child abuse. To that individual, that is what he or she might consider to be a "simple spanking". That's the issue with corporal punishment. There is a fine line between child abuse and what we all consider to be a "simple spanking" as you put it.

I never said your a bad parent, I was simply giving alternative options to spanking the butt, I never said "cane" either, you have been consistently distorting the argument into one that you can win, no arguments need not be competitions nor is a fallacy a winning argument (except in politics).
Yeah, sorry about that. I was sure you'd said hitting the feet with a cane. I retract that and will correct previous posts on the matter when I get the chance.

How do you get the respect of your boss? How does your boss earn your respect? by physical violence?

How do you earn the respect of your wife?
By hitting her?

What about your peers and friends?

hitting someone makes there respect for you go DOWN not up. I herd this comment on the radio made in relation to the state goverment but it aplies here. An army general puts up a notice "beatings will continue until moral improves".

"Do you repect me now you little shit?"
"how about now?"

Your kids will fear you, they wont respect you because you betray there trust. Your the one who is ment to be there to PROTECT them not the one who is ment to hurt them

How do you earn the respect of your dog? By letting it jump all over everything? Nonrational creatures need physical punishment because it's the only thing they really understand.

There's a difference between beating something out of anger and asserting physical dominance over something. Children, until they're old enough to be raional, operate outside of a social contract (dogs too). Because of that, sometimes, when they get too bossy, need to be reminded who is in charge.
How do you get the respect of your boss? How does your boss earn your respect? by physical violence?

How do you earn the respect of your wife?
By hitting her?

What about your peers and friends?

hitting someone makes there respect for you go DOWN not up. I herd this comment on the radio made in relation to the state goverment but it aplies here. An army general puts up a notice "beatings will continue until moral improves".

"Do you repect me now you little shit?"
"how about now?"

Spanking is most useful when children are very young. When they don't really understand other forms of punishment. And you don't go around smacking them for every mistake. You spank them for outright disobedience or engaging in activities that are dangerous.

I certainly don't spank my 18 year old son. I take away his car/computer/xbox etc.

But 2 year olds don't have any privileges to take away. And it takes a minimal swat to get the point across that they've done something wrong.

Spanking is most useful when children are very young. When they don't really understand other forms of punishment. And you don't go around smacking them for every mistake. You spank them for outright disobedience or engaging in activities that are dangerous.

I certainly don't spank my 18 year old son. I take away his car/computer/xbox etc.

But 2 year olds don't have any privileges to take away. And it takes a minimal swat to get the point across that they've done something wrong.

and how do you train a dog?

The ONLY times i have EVER hit a dog is when one atacked my cat (i did have to inflict real pain then to get her away from the dog) and the one time my dog bit me. In the second she got a smack across the nose. The way i have trained my dogs is by REWARD not by abuse.

When my patner was young her parents bought her a dog. It was a pure breed german shephered and when she went to pat the dog it went nuts and bit her. Her parents took it straight back and latter found out that the reason it atacked was it had been beaten.

The only thing pain teaches an animal (or a child) is fear not love.
and how do you train a dog?

The ONLY times i have EVER hit a dog is when one atacked my cat (i did have to inflict real pain then to get her away from the dog) and the one time my dog bit me. In the second she got a smack across the nose. The way i have trained my dogs is by REWARD not by abuse.

When my patner was young her parents bought her a dog. It was a pure breed german shephered and when she went to pat the dog it went nuts and bit her. Her parents took it straight back and latter found out that the reason it atacked was it had been beaten.

The only thing pain teaches an animal (or a child) is fear not love.

It's not about pain.
Try reading with comprehension this time.
You've always struck me as the type to walk her children on a leash.

No sweets. I save the leash for my husband.

But all jokes aside, I have considered getting one of those toddler tethers for my 2 year old for when we go shopping.:bawl:

madanthonywayne said:
And you don't go around smacking them for every mistake. You spank them for outright disobedience or engaging in activities that are dangerous.
Ugh.. I'm agreeing with you again.:bawl:

That's kind of the tack we are taking with our kids. So far the only thing that our eldest has simply refused to obey has been the biting thing and he was smacked for it. He hasn't done it since. So far we've been lucky in that he listens to us when we tell him not to do something or to do it. It might take us having to repeat ourselves once or twice, but he generally listens.

Asguard said:
The only thing pain teaches an animal (or a child) is fear not love.
You don't smack them so they feel pain. It's not about teaching them about pain. It's about making them understand that there are some things they are not allowed to do under any circumstance.. eg.. biting.

And a puppy works off reward system when trained. A child does to a certain extent (praising them when they do something good), but not for everything. For example, I wouldn't stand there with a chocolate in my hand and tell my son who's hitting his younger brother, that he'll get the chocolate if he stops... as I would give a puppy a treat if I order him to sit and he sits.
as a kid, all spanking did was make me more cautious in doing naughty stuff, as well as making me heaps scared of my parents when i screwed up. rewarding kids makes them repeat the right behaviour, instead of trying to scare them away from doing the wrong thing. Where others have said you need to ignore bad behaviour, of course you pull them aside when its heaps bad. they do it for attention, and if they're that desperate for attention then maybe you need to give them more attention. i know from having little brothers and sisters, you treat them right and they'll learn to consider your feelings when they do stuff. as the parent, they'll perceive your idea of the right behaviour as just ur opinion, and when you spank them and punish them they'll lose respect for you.

another thing, getting smacked doesn't make you reflect. talk to a child if you want them to reflect and think. getting smacked makes you scared.
feel i should mention, smacks can stop kids doing the wrong thing. dealing with it in a way that doesn't damage ur child can be a lot harder.
So how's the no physical discipline worked out for you? As you tell it, your children sound like brats.

ok actually, they're not brats they are just "kids", we have ahd a breakthrough the last week or so, they are so well behaved, i love my kids to much to smack them, i have smacked them and i felt so guilty afterwards! i don't think hitting a child for hitting anouther kid is right its just promoting violence
bells, i was hit by my mother when i was younger, the only thing it taught me was to punch back harder.
My mother "taught" me using explosive, surprise-attack violence, both hands or fists swinging. It was never just what was necessary. She started screaming matches that I couldn't help but respond to, then when she decided she'd had enough of screaming, that hand would pop up and strike me across the face with all of her adult strength behind it. Then she would work over my body with hands and sometimes fists. I remember her using the fists on me when I weight about 30 pounds. I still physically hurt from that treatment.

This is what she thought of as "smacking" me.
My mother "taught" me using explosive, surprise-attack violence, both hands or fists swinging. It was never just what was necessary. She started screaming matches that I couldn't help but respond to, then when she decided she'd had enough of screaming, that hand would pop up and strike me across the face with all of her adult strength behind it. Then she would work over my body with hands and sometimes fists. I remember her using the fists on me when I weight about 30 pounds. I still physically hurt from that treatment.

This is what she thought of as "smacking" me.



That's physical abuse. Good grief, wasn't there anyone to help you get out of there?:bawl:
I have the theory that most parents that refuse to hit their kids or use violence were hit to much as kids, the generalize all corporal punishment as causing the same emotional and physical trauma that the abuse on them caused, a simple failure of logic.


True you don't earn respect by hitting someone, but then again you don't raise your boss, wife or co-worker, child are not adults. A child may not respect you if the child knows that it won't receive consequences for it actions, it has tested you to your limit and surpassed it, once that happens the child may not respect you, or at least it won't respect you any more then a vending machine that spits out toys, food, and money when ever you ask it. The only thing lack of pain teaches an animals is that they can walk all over. If you want your child to love you, cuddle it, if you want your child to respect you, show it your the authority, you can do both, neither restricts the other.


Once again your distorting my argument, I never said smack them for every little thing, nor did I say it was right to do that, smacking is simply a level of punishment administered when the lower levels fail. We seem to agree on this but for some reason you want to argue with me. Tough love is doing things to your child you really rather you didn't have to, like beating it for having done something horribly wrong. Yes there is a fine line between spanking and abuse, it easy not to cross though, spanking is legal, at least were I live.
My mother "taught" me using explosive, surprise-attack violence, both hands or fists swinging. It was never just what was necessary. She started screaming matches that I couldn't help but respond to, then when she decided she'd had enough of screaming, that hand would pop up and strike me across the face with all of her adult strength behind it. Then she would work over my body with hands and sometimes fists. I remember her using the fists on me when I weight about 30 pounds. I still physically hurt from that treatment.

This is what she thought of as "smacking" me.

yeah, my mum used to smack me about whenever she felt the need to, one night i was five minutes late coming home and we had just finsihed decorating the house and we broke up furniture, so she pikced up a leg of a chair with a nail in it, and she hit me about with it, i can remember screaming and the blood afterwards, i don't see my mum anymore, she doesnt even know where i live, and she will not ever has access to my kids!
My Dad never smacked me. He didn't need to, I had enough respect to know when he said "no" he meant business. He was beaten cruelly when he was a kid, so he felt any violence was unnecessary.

Someone just said something about beating dogs to teach them how to behave. How on earth will that teach the dog aggression isn't correct behaviour? All that does, as with children, is assert that physical retaliation is a correct method of asserting your authority. And we all know what happens to violent dictators in the end. I'm not saying children don't need clear rules and boundaries set, obviously they do. If you have to resort to violence to convey that, then one's communication skills need a huge overhaul. If corporal punishment is needed in those "emergency situations" then something went wrong with your parenting skills up to, and at, that moment. Animals use violence against each other because they don't have our communication skills, we have that advantage. We are intelligent, capable human beings, using physical dominance over others shows a huge lack of intellectual ability to solve problems with one's mind, not one's hands.