To Porn or Not to Porn?


Shake them dice and roll 'em
Valued Senior Member
For all the porn lovers, porn haters, porn advocates, porn viewers, porn sluts, porn freaks, porn addicts, porn actor/esses, porn makers or the simply "pornless" get the idea...

In thinking about pornography and its influence on both men and women in todays it more harmful then good? Does pornography perpetuate sexual stereotyping and violence or is it a form of free sexual expression that allows people to live out their fantasies in a harmless way? What can we learn from porn and what can't we? Is porn degrading to those who participate in its culture or does it give them the key to their own sexual power and others? In essence, should porn be embraced or eradicated?

There are many conflicting views on pornography and the influence it has on men and women of all ages, races, and backgrounds...

Here are three interesting quotes I found that take very different views and may help generate some ideas and arguments...

Kerwin Kay, a declared male feminist, says he agrees with this statement in many ways despite his fetish for porn...

"We must understand...that the nude women in the pornographer's mind is really only a denied part of himself which he refuses to recognize. But this is a part of himself that has a will to live, a will to expression, a will to being...Even the desacralized and humilated images of pornography must remind the pornographer of his lost self. Even by means of control, the images he has created, he feels himself losing control...Fearing that he will be transformed if he looks on beauty, the pornographer takes possession of a woman's body...he destroys her soul and makes her an object"

Camille Paglia, a well-known female feminist, says, instead, that pornography is a root of positive sexual power for many...a freeing of ones oppression from societies sexual 'norms'.

"You have to accept the fact that part of the sizzle of sex comes from the danger of sex. You can be overpowered...Pornography is human imagination in tense theatrical action; its violations are a protest against the violations of our freedom by nature"

Lastly, a quote from a male porno actor and his views on his work...

"My whole reason for being in the pornography industry is to satisfy the desire of the men in the world who basically don't much care for women and want to see the men in my Industry getting even with the women they couldn't have when they were growing up...So when we come on a woman's face or somewhat brutalize her sexually, we're getting even for their lost dreams. I believe this. I've heard audiences cheer me when I do something foul on screen. When I've strangled a person or sodomized a person or brutalized a person, the audience is cheering my action, and then when I've fufilled my warped desire, the audience applauds"

Do you agree with one or all or none? Do you identify with any of these quotes? Does pornography influence men and women differently?

Please discuss respectfully...
Im a guy but i have to say that the second quote makes the most sence. Further than that it also brings sexuality back to the for front of humanity. For centuries sexuality (especially female sexuality) has been demonised by various people (most noticably the catholic church). Look at some roman pitures and you will see basically what we would concider porn. Sex used to be a very important part of humanity both physically and spirtually and its that which brought about the wrath of the evolving church and to cesar. So i say its a good thing
Pornography is needed for men as it allows them to relieve sexual tension. In all healthy men the tension needs to be relieved and pornography allows it to be relieved efficiently. Many do not have access to sex, rape is illegal and immoral, men cannot just tell their body to stop wanting they must relieve the tension by other means. To some softcore is enough, to other porn is needed to visualize. This is crucial.

If porn is banned, expect to have more rapes coming up...because men would not be able to relieve the tension inside them.
i love how you compleatly ignore what females need. I guess in your mind girls dont like sex? dont need sex?

you should join the medievil catholic church
i love how you compleatly ignore what females need. I guess in your mind girls dont like sex? dont need sex?

you should join the medievil catholic church

in my mind...Asguard, no, in my belief girls do not have as great of a need for sex as men do. To girls sex is entertainment, not a need. And a way to get pregnant if they wish for it.
actually i suggest you ask any women who has already had sex if they could chose to give it up for good (no sex, no masterbation ect). Think you might be surpised by the answer you get (asuming they dont slap you)
actually i suggest you ask any women who has already had sex if they could chose to give it up for good (no sex, no masterbation ect). Think you might be surpised by the answer you get (asuming they dont slap you)


I can not ask anyone.

I am alone.

The internet is the only means of communications I have.

I don't talk with no one but here.

So the world I discuss here, the need for sex of others, is only that what I learn from you and the internet.
thats fine:p
Ask bells, orleander, shorty, LA ect if they could never have sex again:p
thats fine:p
Ask bells, orleander, shorty, LA ect if they could never have sex again:p

but they...

And shorty already has said "No to Porn"
Orleander has me on ignore
Bells hates me because I speak the truth she does not wants to hear
LA...she is a mom, she has more important things in life, then talking to me


I can not ask anyone.

I am alone.

The internet is the only means of communications I have.

I don't talk with no one but here.

So the world I discuss here, the need for sex of others, is only that what I learn from you and the internet.

Well let me give you a woman's perspective...
YES! Women need sex just as much as men. I think that men and women's sexuality is different, of course, but I believe that porn should be just as much for women as it is men. The need is a basic human instinct...and since men and women are both human...

When it comes to rape, many would say that the lack of porn would diminish that act because porn can be seen as an 'intelligible language' for those who prefer sexual domination and violence. Ted Bundy, a notorious sexual murderer, blamed porn for his violent and 'deviant' behavior. I disagree. I don't think you can blame pornography or completely dismiss either. There has been no causal link between porno and sexual murder, but I find it interesting that you think rape will increase if it was taken away.

Do you think pornography is strictly 'male oriented' or do you think that women enjoy it as well? Is a woman's need only about getting pregnant?
Do you think pornography is strictly 'male oriented' or do you think that women enjoy it as well? Is a woman's need only about getting pregnant?

Yeah pretty much how I see it.

But don't mind me, I am just saying that because I never had a girlfriend, never kissed a girl, never had sex...and soon I will be 22. So porn or no porn, whatever. Softcore works for me. I guess women do find porn as entertaining sexually but it is not a need for them, like for men.
Im a guy but i have to say that the second quote makes the most sence. Further than that it also brings sexuality back to the for front of humanity. For centuries sexuality (especially female sexuality) has been demonised by various people (most noticably the catholic church). Look at some roman pitures and you will see basically what we would concider porn. Sex used to be a very important part of humanity both physically and spirtually and its that which brought about the wrath of the evolving church and to cesar. So i say its a good thing

I agree. I think Paglia, even as a feminist which many other feminists 'love to hate', has it right on point. Male and female sexuality may differ in ways, but the need for sexual freedom is the same.
i have to say that atitude is bilogically wrong. Sex drive actually has only a very small amount to do with procriation and ALOT to do with the amount of time human off spring are vulnerable. This is shown in nature where the length of time of infancy is long you get animals who enjoy sex like dolphins and other primates as well as humans.

As for your question wether porn increases antisocial behavor like rape and murder im sure there have been scientific studies done on this. The dificulty will be in wether the people doing the studies had a bias (ie anti porn) or not and there method. Oviously randomised controled trials wouldnt be possable in this which weakens the strength of evidence
even dominance\submission doesnt nessarly mean that there is anything 'perverse" or vilont (in the criminal sence) involved. Look at the amount of women who have rape fantisies. Even between lesbian and gay couples one partner tends to be dominant and the other submissive and it tends to be the oposite of there "real life" actions. Ie "strong" women tend to be submissive in bed and vis versa
even dominance\submission doesnt nessarly mean that there is anything 'perverse" or vilont (in the criminal sence) involved. Look at the amount of women who have rape fantisies. Even between lesbian and gay couples one partner tends to be dominant and the other submissive and it tends to be the oposite of there "real life" actions. Ie "strong" women tend to be submissive in bed and vis versa

Maybe you misunderstood me. I agree. I don't think that dom/sub behavior is perverse in any way as long as all is consensual. I think that porn can be a great avenue to explore sexual fantasies with oneself and with a partner, lover, or friend etc.
thats fine:p
Ask bells, orleander, shorty, LA ect if they could never have sex again:p



joking aside i personally cannot live a sexless life, women need sex just has much has men do, and in some casses more so!
but they...

And shorty already has said "No to Porn"
Orleander has me on ignore
Bells hates me because I speak the truth she does not wants to hear
LA...she is a mom, she has more important things in life, then talking to me


i do talk to you draqon........

i say yes to porn personally, it is a great avenue for couples who are living in a sexless marrage/relationship,

its amazing actually how porn can bring two people together!