To monotheists: Put yourself in our shoes

it is an illusion of objective reality...It both exists and it does not


not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion.

existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought (opposed to objective).

not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion.

existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought (opposed to objective).

its a bit too much of philosophical reasoning for me to tie it with general relativity concept. Perhaps I am making a mistake somewhere. But once you get to read general relativity concepts...can you please tie it with this objective and subjective thinking/reality? Ok?
its a bit too much of philosophical reasoning for me to tie it with general relativity concept. Perhaps I am making a mistake somewhere. But once you get to read general relativity concepts...can you please tie it with this objective and subjective thinking/reality? Ok?

Sure, when I get to it. Maybe I should refresh my memory on it.
Sure, when I get to it. Maybe I should refresh my memory on it.

nah...its better to read it over...and with mathematical formula backing it up...not just E=mc^2

but time relative to the observer and the traveler...and sorts.
nah...its better to read it over...and with mathematical formula backing it up...not just E=mc^2

but time relative to the observer and the traveler...and sorts.

Uhm, I hope you don't want me to back up objective reality by using mathematical formula's..
Einstein did it...its all behind the formulas he formulated. The relative truth to us all.

No he didn't. That has nothing to do with objective reality.

If you think it can be done, please provide you calculation of the opposite.
Uhm Draqon, we are hijacking the thread :eek:

but...if you reply to this last post I made about monotheists in our shoes and concept of general relativity for all of us to describe the reality for theists and non-theists...than we are talking about the topic and not hijacking this thread...just make sure you reply after me, so that if anything...I am not to be blamed. :D
but...if you reply to this last post I made about monotheists in our shoes and concept of general relativity for all of us to describe the reality for theists and non-theists...than we are talking about the topic and not hijacking this thread...just make sure you reply after me, so that if anything...I am not to be blamed. :D

I already did, it can't be done..
But.. monotheists in your shoes ? LMAO !! :D Poor monotheists LOL

never encountered a normative or prescriptive description in scripture?
This simply means conforming to a previously determined standard. It provides no mechanism for the determination of the potential truth of religious beliefs. To take such a position offers no value to the debate or to anyone like the J.Smith's of the world.
