To Christians: Am I going to Hell?

Am I going to hell?

  • Yes, because...

    Votes: 11 55.0%
  • No, because...

    Votes: 9 45.0%

  • Total voters
VI, you're Irish right? Were you raised a Catholic extremist?

Hahah JK with you, but seriously Ireland is pretty religious by European standards
sooo not worth the bother. why wonder if your going to hell kuz your gay are a buddhist etc. obviously this wholhe thing inspires threads of random insanity filtered with thoughts which allow people to think they are brilliant. if you ask me i would say to hell with thinking if you're going to hell. trust your gut instinct but don't "dis believe" in god just to hate something. if you hate something hate yourself and not some damn god that is so inspid in your memorys.

it's something you can't live without. to claim you have done away with god is probably a claim that you have went to the court to plead you are insane or something.

then again if i was gay i would be worried about it too. i'd feel like i've been abandondend. :( :(
Religion is a trap and I want to scream at it. That doesn't mean I am dead yet. (or going to hell according to you :mad: )
am I going to hell

First of all I think that it's very arrogant of anyone to know the mind and will of God. Who would I be to say ya or nay to your final eternal destination. As far as your sexual orientation, the bible describes that as the most despicable of sins and yet how many catholic priests are guilty of the same sin? Would a righteous God comdemn you and save the catholic based solely on your faith? You claim to be compassionate and would give the shirt off of your back to someone in need and yet the christians are one of the most selfish of religions I've ever encountered. Assuming God's role of judgement for anyone is very dangerous, the book says judge not lest you be judged so anyone who would point out your faults would be well advised to take the plank out of their own eye before attempting to reomve the speck from yours. According to my belief, nobody is going to hell because after mankind has fucked up this planet beyond inhabitation The real God is going to come and fix everything and then spend another thousand years getting our heads on straight and if you fuck it up after that well there's just no word to describe that level of stupidity.
Based purely on the following information regarding myself, determine if I am hell-bound.

1) I'm gay.
2) I spent time in the military and took the life of another human being.
3) I am extremely generous and would help almost anyone in need at any moment.
4) I tend to think of myself as very compassionate both about myself and other living creatures around me and treat all with loving-kindness.
5) I'm Buddhist, NOT Christian.

So what's the verdict?

Just curious. Considering you are a Buddhist, why do you prefer to ask the
Christians to be your judge? :confused: (I mean, if you believe Christians are
the right judge, why are you a Buddhist and not Christian, but if you don't
believe in Christianity why would their judgment matters? :confused:)
am I going to hell

Then again maybe I'm wrong. Maybe God is so disgusted with humanity that he just figures fuck em all and is going to let us destroy ourselves.
If you reject the atonement of the Redeemer the Messiah Jesus for your sins then yes you will have eternity in the lake of fire.

Decision still pending.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Yes, but still, there is still a seeing is believing part of it. Even if he would count as the least in heaven.
Just curious. Considering you are a Buddhist, why do you prefer to ask the
Christians to be your judge? :confused: (I mean, if you believe Christians are
the right judge, why are you a Buddhist and not Christian, but if you don't
believe in Christianity why would their judgment matters? :confused:)

I'm Buddhist. I asked because I have noticed that so many Christian view points are contradictory within the religion itself and I wanted to see the varying degree's here on SF.

It just seems that Christianity covers EVERY end of the spectrum that no one really knows what the religion stands for anymore.

You've got pro-life/pro-choice Christians, some Christians believe in heaven and hell, some don't. Some believe that you must repent, some don't. Some believe that you have to go to church, some don't. I mean, what the hell is Christianity anymore? The liberal and conservative views within the religion itself vary so extremely that thier ethics and morality are virtually worthless.

Granted they believe that Jesus was the Messiah and all that jazz, but that seems to be the ONLY thing that they have in common.
Heres a map to get you acquainted with your future surroundings. :)


If there's a section for Giants,
surely there should be a section for Midgets as well.

Otherwise Hell isn't fair and I refuse to go.
btw, the 9th circle is a lake of ice not fire.
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Based purely on the following information regarding myself, determine if I am hell-bound.

1) I'm gay.
2) I spent time in the military and took the life of another human being.
3) I am extremely generous and would help almost anyone in need at any moment.
4) I tend to think of myself as very compassionate both about myself and other living creatures around me and treat all with loving-kindness.
5) I'm Buddhist, NOT Christian.

So what's the verdict?

No.. i a Christian and to me God isnt some man sitting in the clouds with a sniper rifle.. and the worst one (not really worst.. but you know what i mean) is number five.. and to me all people that worship a higher being are following the same principle.. they just dont know that God or Buddha or Jesus are the same.. at least to me...
Based purely on the following information regarding myself, determine if I am hell-bound.

1) I'm gay.
2) I spent time in the military and took the life of another human being.
3) I am extremely generous and would help almost anyone in need at any moment.
4) I tend to think of myself as very compassionate both about myself and other living creatures around me and treat all with loving-kindness.
5) I'm Buddhist, NOT Christian.

So what's the verdict?

My mother says absolutely not because you're handsome and probably a nice person... God, I love my Christian mother and her infallible logic. My mom should be pope.