To Christians: Am I going to Hell?

Am I going to hell?

  • Yes, because...

    Votes: 11 55.0%
  • No, because...

    Votes: 9 45.0%

  • Total voters
It's not up to us to judge, so how can we say yes or no?

Nevertheless, if you ask a person to do a job for you, and the person says 'yes' but doesn't do it. Then you ask another person, and the person says 'no' but does it. Who did the right thing?
Any person who believes someone should suffer horribly for ETERNITY is equivalent to a trillion Hitlers.

I believe child rapists and child killers should suffer horribly for eternity. Am I equivalent to a trillion Hitlers for that?

Anyway, most of the "sins" today were decided by the various churches, not by Christ himself.
Based purely on the following information regarding myself, determine if I am hell-bound.

1) I'm gay.

As with all other sins this can be atoned for by the Messiah Jesus. So being gay is not an automatic go to the lake of fire condition.

2) I spent time in the military and took the life of another human being.

As with all other sins this can be atoned for by the Messiah Jesus. So having taken part in carnal combat and ended another person’s life is not an automatic go to the lake of fire transgression.

3) I am extremely generous and would help almost anyone in need at any moment.

If you removed the "almost" from that statement you would be conforming to the call of the Messiah Jesus.

4) I tend to think of myself as very compassionate both about myself and other living creatures around me and treat all with loving-kindness.


5) I'm Buddhist, NOT Christian.

If you reject the atonement of the Redeemer the Messiah Jesus for your sins then yes you will have eternity in the lake of fire.

So what's the verdict?

Decision still pending.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
yeah most christians i talk to agree that believing in jesus as the son of god is the ONLY thing which matters. so yeah.

to norsefire: calling something your job doesn't make it ok.
Based purely on the following information regarding myself, determine if I am hell-bound.

1) I'm gay.
2) I spent time in the military and took the life of another human being.
3) I am extremely generous and would help almost anyone in need at any moment.
4) I tend to think of myself as very compassionate both about myself and other living creatures around me and treat all with loving-kindness.
5) I'm Buddhist, NOT Christian.

So what's the verdict?

Yup, get used to it.
Why is there a Wood and a Hill indicated? Just curious.

-I´m just guessing, but Hill could be Mount Sinai where Moses get his Commandments and The Wood could be Tree of Life, so above as below, trees roots go down and branches up, and the forbidden fruit. The same old symbols,
never have saw that picture before though.
If you stay gay you'll rot in hell.

How insane.
This is what inspires papers and s hit aganist God.