To be gay and a Muslim

And religion has helped shape society to be what it is.

education, human rights, democracy, health care and (proper) medicine, technology, attempts at fair judicial systems with man made laws, these have HELPED shaped society.

Religion certainly has also shaped societies to what they are today.

Look at the difference between the most secular states (northern and western europe) and the most religious states (middle eastern, african) namely on matters of standard of living, life expectancy, education, health, violent mortality rates, murders per capita etc etc etc.

If you don't believe me, why do you think so many people are so desperate to move TO (immigrate to) the former states, and so desperate to leave (emigrate from) the latter states?

And to think these secular nations are the ones with the lowest birthrates and otherwise falling populations, and the latter nations described above are the ones producing the most people! :confused:
There is no "reform" required in Islam; rather, what we need to do is revert to our traditional and conservative outlooks. Politics will change, but the Qur'an will not; by this standard, no truly devout Muslim will ever accept homosexuality.


no islam needs to leave the 1300's
I get these types of startled reactions all of the time. I, too, used to consider David Duke and his Storm-front brethren as racist, redneck separatists, but I was drastically wrong. They're great people who simply cherish their White heritage, and feel they have the right to express White nationalism without being labeled as racists (let's face it: "White pride" is automatically considered to be a racist movement, whereas "Black pride", for example, is not). They have fantastic taste is politics (the overwhelming majority of them support Ron Paul); they are very anti-war, and disagree with sacrificing their own flesh and blood to satisfy Israel's never-ending bloodlust. They are, for the most part, very educated, and reiterate constantly that they are against racism of all types. I consider them very principled and patriotic people, who are often practicing, knowledgeable Christians.


your honest to god bat shit insane. David Duke a good person my ass
It's basically destroying family values. Even if it takes control away from criminals, I don't think it's worth allowing that.

Whatever happened to the good ol' days where you grow up as a good person, you love your family and country, you are appropriate, you get married, and raise a family?

Now it seems: get into drugs, prostitution, and generally do whatever you want. It's nonsense.

the good ol' days when we didn't have prostitutes? the world's a crazy place, try leaving ur hometown or getting a history lesson or something.