To be gay and a Muslim


Back from the dead
Valued Senior Member

a story of a confused muslim dealing with his homosexually.

Gay Muslims, unable to turn to religious leaders, look for alternative support networks. Messages posted on Al-fatija, a support group and web site for gay Muslims, reveal the complexities of being gay and Muslim.

"Looking for a Lesbian friend and maybe marriage," reads the heading on one personal from a gay man seeking a show marriage. "I'm in a four-year relationship with my partner whom I love dearly, but there is also my family who is on the other side pushing for marriage," the author writes. "I feel like a rag doll in the middle of a tug of war, and for all of you who are in the same boat, you know what a difficult position this puts us in...I've come to realize that I cannot be the only one in the world in this predicament. So if you are a lesbian Muslim in a similar situation, I'd love to talk to you, and maybe we could help each other out."

Muslims feel obligated to marry and produce children. The traditional family structure emphasizes extended family, and Islam advocates populating the world with more Muslims.

"The pressure builds because you're supposed to extend this family," said Ghalib Dhalla, a gay Muslim and author. "There's a lot of cherished hopes that I can't consummate."

Since many gay Muslims remain in the closet, they are an elusive group. When asked for a number, gay Muslims throw out ten percent (the estimate given to gays within the general population), but all admit that it's tough to pin down. At an Al-fatija conference in San Francisco last year, about 250 gay Muslims attended. Many spoke of Al-fatija communities in their own towns. The group can't be used as a measuring tool, however, since Al-fatija members are only one portion of the gay community. Joining requires a level of personal acceptance that some gay Muslims haven't achieved.
Mr spock, thats actually the number of men who are in compleatly homosexual relationships. 50% was the amount of men who had arousal and orgasium from another male at some point in there lives

Do you know where those statistics come from?
i only found it out yesterday
I know of this "Al-Fatiha" - what a traitorous institution they are. These "Muslims" should be ashamed of themselves.

Oh, but what do they know? They're doing the enemy's bidding, and they're completely oblivious to it.

As an ox goeth to the slaughter ...

50% was the amount of men who had arousal and orgasium from another male at some point in there lives

Men who are homosexual and get turned on checking out other mens bodies BUT have also been taught it is religiously wrong, often become aggressive and hateful towards gay men.

In a sense they BLAME the gay man for MAKING them get a boner looking at the gay man.

Here I'll give you an example:

I know of this "Al-Fatiha" - what a traitorous institution they are. These "Muslims" should be ashamed of themselves.

Oh, but what do they know? They're doing the enemy's bidding, and they're completely oblivious to it.

As an ox goeth to the slaughter ...


The Closet Monkey
Michael i dont disagree, my point was that people (including myself) throw the 10% statistic around without ever playing homage to the man who found it or what it actually MEANS
Men who are homosexual and get turned on checking out other mens bodies BUT have also been taught it is religiously wrong, often become aggressive and hateful towards gay men.

In a sense they BLAME the gay man for MAKING them get a boner looking at the gay man.

Here I'll give you an example:


The Closet Monkey


What are you talking about? Kadark is quite open about his gayness on SciForums.

Why can't you follow his example?
I know of this "Al-Fatiha" - what a traitorous institution they are. These "Muslims" should be ashamed of themselves.

Oh, but what do they know? They're doing the enemy's bidding, and they're completely oblivious to it.

As an ox goeth to the slaughter ...


Who is this enemy ?
I know of this "Al-Fatiha" - what a traitorous institution they are. These "Muslims" should be ashamed of themselves.

Oh, but what do they know? They're doing the enemy's bidding, and they're completely oblivious to it.

As an ox goeth to the slaughter ...


Who are the enemies non-muslims or homos??

Saw enmos beat me to it.
Originally Posted by Enmos
Who is this enemy ?

The true enemies are the outwardly righteous "activists", who make a mockery of Islam through exposure to homosexuals as they have done with Christianity. When you finance, support, and give attention to these types of "Muslims", the entire embodiment of Islam is belittled and divided. Who knows what types of people are responsible for "Al-Fatiha's" uprising? Additionally, how dare they use such a revered name for their institution? Their audacity is infuriating.

Alhamdulillah, I have not had the displeasure of meeting these types of people.

The true enemies are the outwardly righteous "activists", who make a mockery of Islam through exposure to homosexuals as they have done with Christianity. When you finance, support, and give attention to these types of "Muslims", the entire embodiment of Islam is belittled and divided. Who knows what types of people are responsible for "Al-Fatiha's" uprising? Additionally, how dare they use such a revered name for their institution? Their audacity is infuriating.

Alhamdulillah, I have not had the displeasure of meeting these types of people.


Why ? The two have nothing to do with each other..
Or are you suggesting that the gay Muslims are intentionally attracting attention in order to discredit Islam in some way ?
Why ? The two have nothing to do with each other..
Or are you suggesting that the gay Muslims are intentionally attracting attention in order to discredit Islam in some way ?

They aren't doing it intentionally, in my opinion; however, they are being led to the slaughterhouse, and they're putting themselves in the control of dangerous people. They should seek solutions to their problems in private with those knowledgeable about Islam; gathering in groups within a filthy city like San Francisco is a slap to the face of Muslims worldwide - especially when the gathering gains publicity. Of course, pleads against their actions fall upon deaf ears.

They aren't doing it intentionally, in my opinion; however, they are being led to the slaughterhouse, and they're putting themselves in the control of dangerous people.
Whose slaughterhouse is that ?

They should seek solutions to their problems in private with those knowledgeable about Islam
- what does Islam has to do with homosexuality ?
- what id the only real solution is general acceptance ?

gathering in groups within a filthy city like San Francisco is a slap to the face of Muslims worldwide - especially when the gathering gains publicity. Of course, pleads against their actions fall upon deaf ears.
I don't see why you make it your business and what homosexuality has to do with Islam.
Whose slaughterhouse is that ?

As I have said, the activists and media moguls who have been hellbent on Islam's interior liberalization and exterior division. Pleading for homosexuality's acceptance accomplishes both of these fiendish goals: Islam becomes liberalized (losing its traditional heritage), and Muslims become divided on the issue. Neither gay nor straight Muslims benefit from these experiences; the only people who are ultimately satisfied are the people who seek Islam's destruction. And trust me, Enmos, there are lots of those types of people in today's world.

- what does Islam has to do with homosexuality ?

I don't know. You tell me?

- what id the only real solution is general acceptance ?

In that case, a "real solution" will never be reached. Unfortunately, the concept of homosexuality and the principles of Islam do not mix, like an oil and water combination. I suppose it's a case of "hate the sin, not the sinner"; regardless, homosexual practices will never become accepted in Islam, and they will certainly not become commonplace. That's just the way it is.

I don't see why you make it your business and what homosexuality has to do with Islam.

Homosexuality is forbidden in Islam, although this doesn't mean there aren't homosexual Muslims. The problem is when they gather in places like San Francisco (a city devoid of morals and ethics) and side with treacherous non-Muslim organizations. It's a dangerous lifestyle, both to gays and straights alike.

Kadark said:
As I have said, the activists and media moguls who have been hellbent on Islam's interior liberalization and exterior division. Pleading for homosexuality's acceptance accomplishes both of these fiendish goals: Islam becomes liberalized (losing its traditional heritage), and Muslims become divided on the issue. Neither gay nor straight Muslims benefit from these experiences; the only people who are ultimately satisfied are the people who seek Islam's destruction. And trust me, Enmos, there are lots of those types of people in today's world.
Try secularity...

Kadark said:
I don't know. You tell me?
You seem to make the connection, not me.

Kadark said:
In that case, a "real solution" will never be reached. Unfortunately, the concept of homosexuality and the principles of Islam do not mix, like an oil and water combination. I suppose it's a case of "hate the sin, not the sinner"; regardless, homosexual practices will never become accepted in Islam, and they will certainly not become commonplace. That's just the way it is.
As used to be in Christianity. Homosexuality is pretty much accepted by religious people in Western Europe.

Kadark said:
Homosexuality is forbidden in Islam, although this doesn't mean there aren't homosexual Muslims. The problem is when they gather in places like San Francisco (a city devoid of morals and ethics) and side with treacherous non-Muslim organizations. It's a dangerous lifestyle, both to gays and straights alike.
It's only a matter of time.
Try secularity...

... origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

As used to be in Christianity. Homosexuality is pretty much accepted by religious people in Western Europe.

Exactly! Which is why Christianity, as practiced in the West, is a joke. Christianity in the West has become an embarrassment, due to the corrosive influence of homosexuality, lesbianism, feminism, etc. A few Christian patriots remain, namely Ron Paul, David Duke, and the Storm-front members. If Muslims are to allow homosexuality, then it won't be long before Islam becomes a version of Western Christianity.

It's only a matter of time.

Before they leave Islam? I agree.
