To all Catholics

Oh come on! Thats got to be the lamest excuse I have ever heard!! I am not here, I do not exist, I cannot be found, so - find me!! Yeah right!

Everything you've said here is based solely on the presupposition that God does not exist. What I said makes perfect sense if you think about it properly.

It's not an excuse, by the way; it's an ancient truth.
Kant we all,

How should religion affect your life if you are not religious?
It shouldn’t, but it does. The many centuries of discouraging science in favor of theism has certainly reduced human progress and the quality of human life. Religion affects many levels of society and even has its own words on our money and coins. Try being an atheist politician, the bigotry against the non-religious is rife.

And if you come here seeking debate on religion, you are asking for it to affect your life.
Or perhaps seeking ways to see how it can have less of an influence.

Perhaps you want to believe, and are here with an unconscoius motive; that is, that you might find a reason to believe.
Or perhaps that I might meet someone like you who might be here because they have significant doubts about their religious beliefs and are looking for someone to help them make sense of religious chaos.

it is more or less a psychological statistic that most who do not believe in God hate their fathers, and that their disability to believe stems from that.
I assume you are joking, right? Please quote your source.

Sure, I accept it. But not that I am weaker than you, but weaker than God.
So it is God who you consider the bully then?

I only speak on behalf of Truth.
No, you only speak on behalf of your beliefs. So far you have been unable to show that they are true.

Any good thing I say does not come from me, but from God; for only God is really good, and only God really possesses wisdom.
So anything good you might say is not of your free will but comes from God, but everything else you say, which must be bad then, are your own words. This implies you have relinquished all your ability and free will to say anything good in your own name. That seems very sad.
Actually, I would quote the statistic (I believe it was a Gallup poll); it's in a book that I have currently lent out. If you'd like to see it, it's called "The Question of God: Sigmund Freud and C. S. Lewis Debate God, Love, Sex, and the Meaning of Life" by Dr. Armand Nicolai.

But aside from that response, I fold, Cris. This is becoming annoying. I would suggest that you try to understand the theology which you so detest; think of it the way a believer would, and then make your decision.

But in any case, I will remind you and everyone at sciforums, before I leave, of Pascal's Wager.

For a good exposition of it, click on the following link:--

Kant we all,

Thanks for the book ref.

I would suggest that you try to understand the theology which you so detest; think of it the way a believer would, and then make your decision.
Thanks for the suggestion and in kind I suggest you try to understand the scientific method and how truth is really determined. Here is a good link to get you started –

But in any case, I will remind you and everyone at sciforums, before I leave, of Pascal's Wager.

For a good exposition of it, click on the following link:--
And here is an explanation to the flaws of Pascal’s Wager.

Cris' post above mentions a quote about religion afecting our lives whether we are religious or not. Its a fact that it does. The governments of most countires take into account the religion incumbent when making decisions; and here in the UK, in the Middle Ages, the Church ruled absolute, through the royalty of the time. We have Bishops in the House of Lords - ruling our country. They should not be there, have no right to be there. The seat of government, in any country, should be occupied only by people elected there by the people. Nobody should have a "divine" right (pardon the pun) to have a seat in any government.

Until religion is taken out of decision making, nobody is going to get anywhere.
Kant we all...

I would suggest that you try to understand the theology which you so detest; think of it the way a believer would, and then make your decision.

You mean to think of it as absolute truth regardless of proof? No thanks.

It's too bad that you're "folding" now, but we couldn't expect any proof to be forthcoming anyway. Pascal's Wager is successfully refuted by many sources, it just doesn't hold.

Originally posted by Cris

And here is an explanation to the flaws of Pascal’s Wager.

I haven't read it all yet, but that seems like a good site Cris.
What does catholicism mean to you?
Catholicism is the doctrin of the Church, the
bride of Christ.

Why do you confess to a priest when you could speak directly toward God?
Were're confessing directly to God and the priest is just listening.
As long as the repentance to God is good and complete
and were're truely sorry for our sin then God has already
forgiven us and the priest is just repeating this.
The other point is that we have to find out what is
the cause of our sin. When the Israelites were in
the desert and were bitten by a snake, God made
them look at a statue of a snake on a pole so that
they could be healed. In the same way the
priest gives us advice.

Why would you devote your life to a God which you do not have physical proof exists?
We do have proof. Charity and praying
gives us great joy. Now if we do not
devote our life to our God then who do we devote it to?
To ourselves and we find that we are extremely selfish
and sad and if to our boss and we find that we are controled.
However our God gives us life and love.

We do have proof. Charity and praying gives us great joy.
Those are human actions they do not constitute proof for the existence of a god.

Now if we do not devote our life to our God then who do we devote it to?
Other people. We know they exist. But charity is of little value. The best way to help others is to show them how to fend for themselves so that charity becomes unnecessary. Calling on an imaginary god and hoping he will solve the problems of the world is a waste of time when you could be taking direct action and doing it yourself.

To ourselves and we find that we are extremely selfish and sad and if to our boss and we find that we are controlled.
Isn’t the ultimate act of selfishness praying to a god for salvation in the hope that you will achieve eternal life? Isn't the entire Christian ethic essentially selfish? Don't you do good to others becuase you expect to be rewarded in heaven?

However our God gives us life and love.
And gives us death in the form of cancer, disease, and pain. Where is the love from such gifts?
Those are human actions they do not constitute proof for the existence of a god.
Well not a mathematical proof but there is joy that
we find in doing good that is not rational.

Other people. We know they exist. But charity is of little value. The best way to help others is to show them how to fend for themselves so that charity becomes unnecessary. Calling on an imaginary god and hoping he will solve the problems of the world is a waste of time when you could be taking direct action and doing it yourself.
Helping others and showing them to fend for themselves
is charity. So many people waste their time worrying about how bad their problems are than solving them because they do not
have faith that they can be solved.

Isn’t the ultimate act of selfishness praying to a god for salvation in the hope that you will achieve eternal life? Isn't the entire Christian ethic essentially selfish? Don't you do good to others becuase you expect to be rewarded in heaven?
Eternal life with our creator. Love is not selfish and so we
should not do good expecting a reward. We do
good for His love and our love of Him.

Well not a mathematical proof but there is joy that we find in doing good that is not rational.
LOL, perhaps we should discuss what is meant by irrational good. But really, enjoyment of life, and many enjoy helping others, is independent of whether a god exists or not. Wanting to do good is no indication of the existence of a god.

Helping others and showing them to fend for themselves is charity.
I think we could be splitting hairs here but charity is usually considered an act of giving and not of education.

So many people waste their time worrying about how bad their problems are than solving them

because they do not have faith that they can be solved.
Faith has nothing to do with the problem. It is purely a matter of ignorance.

Eternal life with our creator.
Is a reward for following his rules, i.e. doing good.

Love is not selfish and so we should not do good expecting a reward.
Then why love? What is the motivation for giving love if you don’t receive something in return? Giving love is a pleasurable experience. People give love because it makes them feel good, i.e. they receive the reward of pleasure.

We do good for His love and our love of Him.
Doesn’t that prove my point, you do good because you expect to be rewarded by receiving the love of a supreme being?

The issue here is the evolutionary nature of human survival. It is based on pleasure and pain. It is undeniable. And death is the ultimate pain, or perhaps the permanent cessation of pleasure. The base essence of Christianity is the promise of a solution to the ultimate pain. In the Christian myth Jesus said believeth in me and ye shall have everlasting life.

The biggest problem with Christianity is that the promise is baseless. It is a false hope that so many so desperately want to believe and it is that that makes Christianity and other religions so popular.

Can you prove that it's promises are baseless?
Certainly. For the promise to be true the claimant must be able to show that God exists and that souls exist. No such proofs exist hence the promise has no basis.
LOL, perhaps we should discuss what is meant by irrational good. But really, enjoyment of life, and many enjoy helping others, is independent of whether a god exists or not. Wanting to do good is no indication of the existence of a god.
You believe that mankind somehow evolved into a creature
that wants to do good but seldom does right?

Then why love? What is the motivation for giving love if you don’t receive something in return? Giving love is a pleasurable experience. People give love because it makes them feel good, i.e. they receive the reward of pleasure.
If you only love because you will get something back
then that's not love. Certainly love can be felt but
there is no objective to love besides love.

Doesn’t that prove my point, you do good because you expect to be rewarded by receiving the love of a supreme being?
I don't see this really as a reward though. Our creator loves
each and everyone of his creation. It is because we already have his love that we should make some effort to recieve it or at least see his love in our life.

The biggest problem with Christianity is that the promise is baseless. It is a false hope that so many so desperately want to believe and it is that that makes Christianity and other religions so popular.
There has been proof. 70,000 saw the miracle of fatima.
Isn’t the ultimate act of selfishness praying to a god for salvation in the hope that you will achieve eternal life? Isn't the entire Christian ethic essentially selfish? Don't you do good to others becuase you expect to be rewarded in heaven?

No. No. And, no.

Those who are praying for eternal life, solely, those who base their entire spiritual life on selfish motives,--these somehow missed the point. But given the state of most religious people nowadays, and given the disposition of atheism, it is not surprising that you make this observation.

The entire Christian ethic could never be selfish, on the part of humanity, for Christianity--unlike other religions--is not about man's search for God, but about God's search for man. And we cannot lay the blame of selfishness on God, for God cannot help but love us; nor can we call Him selfish insofar as He gives us free will: He does not require us to believe in Him. Hell, proper, is not defined by fire and damnation; Hell is a choice. Hell is the choice to reject God and fellow men and to be totally self-absorbed; we are our own Hell. For the one who prays, the essential outcome should not be selfishness, but selflessness; God makes the soul charitable who finds time to turn to Him.

No one does good of his own accord. Only God can give the gift of goodness to another. Anyone who claims to know the good or performs works of charity or whatever is, perhaps unknowingly, doing the work of God. The work of God gets done whether anyone wishes to cooperate or not; which is why everything holds together despite the fact that people continue to mistreat, hate, and sin against one another.

You believe that mankind somehow evolved into a creature
No, the other way round. We know that mankind evolved from simpler life. What we don’t know is all the steps that were involved.

..that wants to do good but seldom does right?
Much of which is through ignorance which is slowly being displaced by the knowledge being generated by science. And much is through our lack of intelligence which we need to increase through genetic and/or technological enhancements.

If you only love because you will get something back then that's not love. Certainly love can be felt but there is no objective to love besides love.
You are confusing conscious recognition with emotional recognition. You love because you are genetically disposed to love. Your neuronal patterns and hormonal systems predispose you to engage in love. This evolved mechanism increases the chances for species survival.

Doesn’t that prove my point, you do good because you expect to be rewarded by receiving the love of a supreme being?

I don't see this really as a reward though. Our creator loves each and everyone of his creation. It is because we already have his love that we should make some effort to recieve it or at least see his love in our life.
Then you need to explain hell and why the alleged creator will kill you or torment you in hell if you do not do good. Most of the history of Christianity was about the fear of hell as a reason to believe. The emphasis on love is a relatively recent innovation.

There has been proof. 70,000 saw the miracle of fatima.
Not quite. 70,000 were present and expected to see something, and some actually claimed there was an event, but what would you expect if you stared at the sun directly for any length of time. At best you have an unexplained phenomenon. More probably you have a set of optical illusions interpreted as a miracle by a number of devout Catholics fully expecting to see something. But there are just as many if not more claims that the event was a UFO.

As to why so many claim miracles then you need to understand how the human mind operates. This link gives a more detailed explanation of how so many can be so mistaken.

I found it interesting that so many claim to have seen visions of Mary who were already Catholic. Now if Mary appeared to Muslims in a Muslim country then perhaps that might be a miracle. People tend to see and believe things because they want to or have been conditioned to expect such things.

So, sorry but you can’t claim a proof of God on the basis of Fatima.
Originally posted by Kant we all...
No. No. And, no.

Those who are praying for eternal life, solely, those who base their entire spiritual life on selfish motives,--these somehow missed the point. But given the state of most religious people nowadays, and given the disposition of atheism, it is not surprising that you make this observation.

The entire Christian ethic could never be selfish, on the part of humanity, for Christianity--unlike other religions--is not about man's search for God, but about God's search for man. And we cannot lay the blame of selfishness on God, for God cannot help but love us; nor can we call Him selfish insofar as He gives us free will: He does not require us to believe in Him. Hell, proper, is not defined by fire and damnation; Hell is a choice. Hell is the choice to reject God and fellow men and to be totally self-absorbed; we are our own Hell. For the one who prays, the essential outcome should not be selfishness, but selflessness; God makes the soul charitable who finds time to turn to Him.

No one does good of his own accord. Only God can give the gift of goodness to another. Anyone who claims to know the good or performs works of charity or whatever is, perhaps unknowingly, doing the work of God. The work of God gets done whether anyone wishes to cooperate or not; which is why everything holds together despite the fact that people continue to mistreat, hate, and sin against one another.
Praying of any kind is anti-Christian. I mean, God has a divine plan, yet you think you have the right to ask him to make amendments as and when it suits you?
Much of which is through ignorance which is slowly being displaced by the knowledge being generated by science. And much is through our lack of intelligence which we need to increase through genetic and/or technological enhancements.
I don't really see good persay in intelligence.
What we do see is that intelligence created the atomic
bomb etc. Clearl we have to choose good based on our
knowledge of good but this choice itself is
not based on intelligence.

Then you need to explain hell and why the alleged creator will kill you or torment you in hell if you do not do good. Most of the history of Christianity was about the fear of hell as a reason to believe. The emphasis on love is a relatively recent innovation.
It would not be suprising that those who do not
choose good will not have good. "Fear of hell" maybe
your evangelical preaching on the fires of hell.
I do not think that the term "fear of hell" is used in the bible.
Maybe you mean "fear of God" or "fear of the wrath
of God".

If we look at the writings of early Christians such
as Ignatious we see that the early church did
preach the gospel of love.


3:1 I do not command you, as though I were somewhat.
For even though I am in bonds for the Name's sake, I
am not yet perfected in Jesus Christ. [For] now am I
beginning to be a disciple; and I speak to you as to
my school-fellows. For I ought to be trained by you
for the contest in faith, in admonition, in endurance,
in long-suffering.
3:2 But, since love doth not suffer me to be silent
concerning you, therefore was I forward to exhort you,
that ye run in harmony with the mind of God: for Jesus
Christ also, our inseparable life, is the mind of the
Father, even as the bishops that are settled in the
farthest parts of the earth are in the mind of Jesus

The last times are come upon us. Let us therefore be of a reverent spirit, and fear the long-suffering of God, that it tend not to our condemnation. For let us either stand in awe of the wrath to come, or show regard for the grace which is at present displayed-one of two things. Only [in one way or another] let us be found in Christ Jesus unto the true life. Apart from Him, let nothing attract84 you, for whom I bear about these bonds, these spiritual jewels, by which may I arise through your prayers, of which I entreat I may always be a partaker, that I may be found in the lot of the Christians of Ephesus, who have always been of the same mind with the apostles through the power of Jesus Christ.

Nevertheless this fear is only the fear of losing God's
None of these things is hid from you, if ye perfectly possess that faith and love towards Christ Jesus96 which are the beginning and the end of life. For the beginning is faith, and the end is love.97 Now these two, being inseparably connected together,98 are of God, while all other things which are requisite for a holy life follow after them. No man [truly] making a profession of faith sinneth;99 nor does he that possesses love hate any one. The tree is made manifest by its fruit;100 so those that profess themselves to be Christians shall be recognised by their conduct. For there is not now a demand for mere profession,101 but that a man be found continuing in the power of faith to the end.
Kant we all,

Those who are praying for eternal life, solely, those who base their entire spiritual life on selfish motives,--these somehow missed the point.
But they have no choice just as you don’t. If you are Christian then your desire is to achieve eternal life with God. What you call selflessness and true love are just some of the rules you must follow to achieve what you have been promised.

But if you were truly selfless you wouldn’t be a Christian since you wouldn’t care what happens to you when you die. The basis of every religion is to cheat death, but that is usually written in the small print since you wouldn’t want to appear selfish or be a hypocrite, would you?

How ever you want to cut it, you expect to achieve a life in heaven after you die and that is the overwhelming basis for your religious beliefs.

Christianity--unlike other religions--is not about man's search for God, but about God's search for man.
So the architect and creator of everything can’t find something? Do you realize how idiotic that statement is?

And we cannot lay the blame of selfishness on God, for God cannot help but love us; nor can we call Him selfish insofar as He gives us free will:
Yes you can since he designed you, allegedly. How you think and what you think is a direct result of his design.

He does not require us to believe in Him.
But if you don’t then you will go to hell. A very loving god indeed. As the bible says – the only way to God is through your belief and acceptance of Jesus as your savior.

Hell is the choice to reject God and fellow men and to be totally self-absorbed; we are our own Hell.
No not really. Hell is the result if you don’t accept Jesus as your savior and genuinely ask for forgiveness. Hell is the result for truly selfless and very loving people who simply do not recognize Jesus as a savior.

For the one who prays, the essential outcome should not be selfishness, but selflessness; God makes the soul charitable who finds time to turn to Him.
So does this mean that no one is charitable unless they believe in God? You know that can’t be true and I’ll give you a list if you like. But clearly it doesn’t require a belief in God for people to be charitable or good.

No one does good of his own accord. Only God can give the gift of goodness to another. Anyone who claims to know the good or performs works of charity or whatever is, perhaps unknowingly, doing the work of God. The work of God gets done whether anyone wishes to cooperate or not;
Then mankind is just a bunch of puppets. If you remove our ability to choose between good and bad then being human is pointless.
Not quite. 70,000 were present and expected to see something, and some actually claimed there was an event, but what would you expect if you stared at the sun directly for any length of time. At best you have an unexplained phenomenon. More probably you have a set of optical illusions interpreted as a miracle by a number of devout Catholics fully expecting to see something. But there are just as many if not more claims that the event was a UFO.
I've found that most of the non-catholic sites are so non-catholic that it's extremely biased. The people did not expected a sign
but they did not know that the sun would dance. Some
of those who saw the miracle were athiest. I also
don't believe in UFOs as alien space crafts which
probably seem to you more nonsensical than belief
in God. The fact remains that 70,000 people saw
the sun dance.

As to why so many claim miracles then you need to understand how the human mind operates. This link gives a more detailed explanation of how so many can be so mistaken.
This is the image on the tilda. The woman clothed
with the sun and the stars.

Other than this 16th century case, it seems that the Virgin spent the first 1800 years after her death almost completely in heaven. Only after 1830 did she suddenly “appear” on Earth with increasing regularity. Why did she wait so long before deciding to make these visitations? When thinking about these supposed miraculous visitations by Mary, this is only one of many small details that should be taken into consideration. The long periods of time with no visitations and the sudden explosion of sightings within the past 200 years without a doubt make this a modern phenomenon.
She has been appeared numerous times before
300AD even. We have records of these visions from
the saints.

She has appeared to muslims. We may assume
that some muslims saw the appartition
on the top coptic church in egypt. From the photograph it does not look conclusive though. Muslism hold
Mary in high regard anyways as the mother of
a great prophet.