Time Travel

What is a Quantum Copy?

If past is like a Page of a Published book, then you can only read it but not change it. You may scribble on one page, but the story does not change in the next page page. You may copy a few pages in a separate binder and add your own twist to the story - but that is a whole different story...

And the future? not yet written or more like not yet read....
It is impossible to alter the past. We can only alter the future, because a timetraveler can not meet his/her self in the past. Somebody going to the past gets problems with nature laws wich alter the body into chaos. Some people can vision the future and past in a meditational state or just see what is possible related on what is happening.

Shakespeare, that is what would be the case if there wasn't parallel universes.

The universe is a funny thing, it's suggested that the instance of the big bang was the universe rolling out multiple different eventuum's that all existed at the same point in space at that beginning point. It's suggested that the universe had already defined what would be our destiny, however any alteration to what our destiny would be would create alterations and shifts in no more a prominant place than a star, where without shift the universe would not have light.

So I suggest that a timetraveller could meet themselves from a different universe and in doing so increase light in the universe.
Stryder, interresting! Do we live also mirrored in one or more parallel universes? I believe in the big bang, but aren't the eventuums saperated from eachother or are they still connected with eachother? Is a blackhole an eventuum of a beginning new planet? If so, we can travel in time between them.

Do you believe in reincarnation? If there is some kind of reincarnation of species, where will the spirits go if there is a relation to time and appearance? Will the reincarnated spirits go back or further in time? Are they staying on their birth planet or will they go to an other planet?

I think life is connected with a progressive force between universes, that's why we live. What happens when i meet myself in the future, i haven't met myself in the past?

If there are connections with parallel universes via the subconciousness, that would explain alot about spiritual sides of consiousness.

I don't think it is possible for a timetraveller to meet his/her parallel self, only spiritual. Perhaps it can be in a further technological state.

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Changing future paradox vs. changing past paradox...

>It is impossible to alter the past. We can only alter the future, because a timetraveler can not meet his/her self in the past. Somebody going to the past gets problems with nature laws wich alter the body into chaos. Some people can vision the future and past in a meditational state or just see what is possible related on what is happening.

Seeing the future isn't it just similar to altering the past, and create similar paradoxes?

Suppose some people in Germany hat "seen" in 1919 what crimes against humanity a certain Adolf Schickelgruber and his gang would commit 20 years ahead, and then successfully shoot Adolf in his heart or his head,.... to cancel this future.

We have the same paradox as for the timetraveller doing this? So, either the paradox theory is wrong, and seeing and doing works... or nothing works due to the paradox.

Where as for timetravel to the past, there is the "emergency exit" of the "parallel universe theory",
this solution cannot apply to "seeing and changing".

My opinion is that the paradox theory is wrong.
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What is the paradox? It is a true story of being we, i and them. It's related to what? What is the being of state of us? We work for the future, no matter what it takes.

Shakespeare said:
What is the paradox? It is a true story of being we, i and them. It's related to what? What is the being of state of us? We work for the future, no matter what it takes.


The Present, Future and Past exist contemporaneously. Time is only Relative to the observer. If you take a reference of time such as a photograph, that instant and all periods in time will always exist. The only thing that changes is the observer. This is proof that the future is always present yet dynamic. The past is always present yet fixed.
ok question....... since no one has ever time traveled how do we know for fact that we could not interact with one's self in the past or future........laws are alway broken!!
cardiovascular_tech said:
ok question....... since no one has ever time traveled how do we know for fact that we could not interact with one's self in the past or future........laws are alway broken!!

If you see yourself in the past then you will disrupt your future and the future you would start vibrating between different realities. Because any little change you effect on your past will have rippling effects through time.
Starman said:
The Present, Future and Past exist contemporaneously. Time is only Relative to the observer.

Feynman said it best in one of his lectures. We really can't even move freely in the present, much less the past. If you and I are standing in the same room and one of us shoots the other, the bullet doesn't strike the present... it strikes the future. Think of it like this: suppose the sun exploded. Right now. The sun is about 150 km from us and light travels at 299,792.458 km/sec. It will take a full 8 minutes for us to discover that the sun exploded. We don't even know what's happening now, how can we hope to travel to the past?

Feynman also points out that particles move forward and can have "cones" in which they affect other particles... since, due to the limitations of the speed of light, a particle cannot travel on the "now" plane, but has to also move forward as it moves toward another particle on the "now" plane. Much like that bullet. You shoot me, but it impacts me in the future, the bullet fires from the past. It cannot be fired and impacted in the "now."

<img src="http://www.lucasforums.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=1433763">

In this image (from Feynman's lecture), "o" is the "here & now" while "x" is the "now" plane. Regions 2 & 3 represent cones of influence in which a particle can travel from the past to intersect o or from o to a point in the future. Region 1 represents those regions that a particle cannot affect.

My explanation is very basic and novice, to be sure, but it is representative why I think time travel occurs only forward, never backward. The past no longer exists. All particles have departed. Now if you consider multiverse explanations, a form of pseudo-time travel might be possible in which you travel to an identical universe that is "running a bit later" than our own. But how do you get there... the next nearest universe is something like 10^26 km away.
Starman said:
If you see yourself in the past then you will disrupt your future and the future you would start vibrating between different realities. Because any little change you effect on your past will have rippling effects through time.

What's the math behind that hypothesis? :cool:
SkinWalker said:
What's the math behind that hypothesis? :cool:

To travel into the past you have to travel faster than the speed of light. Light travels at a speed of 700 million miles an hour. If you can bend the fabric of space and not have to travel in a linear mode resulting in reduced distance thus you have just traveled into the past. It is possible I am recording the documentary that explains it in about an hour. It is showing on the Science Channel at 2:30 am central time US on 12/24/2004,
Wrong. To travel into the past has nothing to do with the speed of light, this is what people seem to get wrong every time.

Currently it's not possible to travel at the speed of light, let alone travel into the past. A suggested hypothesis does involve a spacial fold, however folding is like taking a "Side step" and therefore means moving from one timepoint to another without and lightspeed being necessary. However such spacial folds would cause a chain reaction of paradoxes and universal alterations in relationship to new physical boundaries being created.

It's suggested that if someone was to generate the mathematics to move from one timepoint to another, then the maths would only be correct for one journey, because straight after that paradox the maths would be made obslete by the universal changes that would insue through a Butterfly Effect. Therefore for such events to be created in the future it would suggest that science would attempt to keep the timeline and what occurs in it as "Pure as possible" or as most know it, as "Predestined as possible" just to make the mathematics easier.

However there is an alterantive hypothesis that suggests that perhaps creating as much chaos as possible would allow the universe to "Exist", since it would allow for all the physical rules that allows our universe to be what it is. (Basing the understanding on both Relativity and Causality. Where to exist doesn't necessarily mean we would exist without making our universe exist in the future, or something to that effect.)
Starman said:
To travel into the past you have to travel faster than the speed of light.

Which is fine for a particle of light, since photons don't have mass, but for anything else, objects with mass, you have to consider the increase in mass as the object gets nearer and nearer to c.

Starman said:
If you can bend the fabric of space and not have to travel in a linear mode resulting in reduced distance thus you have just traveled into the past.

Wrong. You haven't traveled at the speed of light, you've only cheated and cut a corner. Picture a figure-eight race track and, instead of continuing on course straight ahead at the intersection you turn left instead. You didn't increase your speed to get to the finish line, only changed the route.

How does one 'bend' the fabric of space? Is space bendable?
SkinWalker said:
How does one 'bend' the fabric of space? Is space bendable?

According to SR it is and that was shown to be true when light originating from distant stars was bent around the sun during a solar eclipse. So it was thought that if light travels through the fabric of space then if space is bent light will also bend.
From what I understand from the new Theory worm holes are everywhere. The only problem is that they are smaller than the Atom. So If you can access the wormhole you would have to use energy to enlarge it until it would stretch from the size of smaller than atom to cover vast expenses of space.
Addictive said:
I always found this arguement to be immpossible so iwanna see what u guy can come up with.
(considering time travel is possible)
If i go back in time and kill my grandfather, than since my grandfather doesnt exsist, i wouldnt exsist,so my grandfather would exsist again, because if hesdead i couldnt have gone back in time 2 kill him.
If u find this story confusing its basiclly saying that u cant kill ur grandfather, because if he didnt exsist u wouldnt exsist, and if u didnt exsist u couldnt have gone back in time 2 kill him. If u ca find a way out of this, please let me no.

its a never ending circle......
I haven't read the entire thread, but I am liking what the last few posts have said...

unless it has been said before...

the way out of changing past-future problem is multiple universes. Chance basically - every "decision" or possible different choices occurs in a different universe.

Flip a coin. in the infinity of universe, 50% of the time, it will land heads up, 50% of the time, it will land tails up. You are in just one of the universes. (they are not transversable) they are just emergent from chance.

Go back in time, kill grandfather - you cannot possible kill your own grandfather - you would never have done it. so, you kill the grandfather of yourself in another universe.

David Deutsch - "The Fabric of Reality"
Is time itself fractal? Is each instant in time its own interation? Does every instant that ever was still exist just behind one another? If in fact time is fractal it would mean that all time exists simultaneously, past present and future as one eternal now. The only thing that differentiates one time from another is point of reference. What is our point of reference? Well, to me it is me, to you it is you. We all have our own individual points of reference. Time fractals could explain all sorts of phenomenon such as alternate universes and dark matter. In fact there really are not alternative universes at all. It is all the same universe there are just points of reference. The reason we cannot travel back and forth through time is because we cannot become a different point of reference. If that were possible we could then we could traverse any time or become anyone else.

There really is no such thing as past, present, and future. There is just an eternal now. So everything that has happened, is happening and will happen is happening now all at the same instant. Also what happens in any time period effects every other time period, so when ever something happens in one it affects all the others. That is what is so powerful about free will because we can consciously change our present thus affecting everything from that point on.
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Brutus1964 said:
Is time itself fractal? Is each instant in time its own interation? Does every instant that ever was still exist just behind one another? If in fact time is fractal it would mean that all time exists simultaneously, past present and future as one eternal now. The only thing that differentiates one time from another is point of reference. What is our point of reference? Well, to me it is me, to you it is you. We all have our own individual points of reference. Time fractals could explain all sorts of phenomenon such as alternate universes and dark matter. In fact there really are not alternative universes at all. It is all the same universe there are just points of reference. The reason we cannot travel back and forth through time is because we cannot become a different point of reference. If that were possible we could then we could traverse any time or become anyone else..

You can not become anyone else you can only obtain another reference in time. When you move out of the present you will not exist in the future. You will exist in the current past.

For every action there is a reaction. Not only are we in motion, we are reciving and sending matter at the speed of light. This sending and reciving is a focal point in space time and all you have to do to travel forward or backword in time is to ajust your focal point. This can be achieved by amplifying the Strong Nuclear Force.

Brutus1964 said:
There really is no such thing as past, present, and future. There is just an eternal now. So everything that has happened, is happening and will happen is happening now all at the same instant. Also what happens in any time period effects every other time period, so when ever something happens in one it affects all the others. .

What happens in the Future will not effect the past.

Brutus1964 said:
That is what is so powerful about free will because we can consciously change our present thus affecting everything from that point on.

Time is only reletive to the observer. To the observer at all times the future is dynamic and the past is static.