Time Travel

they wouldnt know anything had change because the old past in their minds never existed, you cant remember something that didnt happen therefore, if we hypothesize a number of events then the people in the future could be continually changing the past and we would never know because every second our minds would adapt the new timeline and we would percieve no change merely a memory of what we just did;

a second before i wrote this word i might have beenout in the desert on the otheer side of the world, but as soon as that piece of past was changed then i am 'here' at this point in time and my memories trace back from my position here and i have no recolation memory of a desert becuase it never happened.
they wouldnt know anything had change because the old past in their minds never existed, you cant remember something that didnt happen therefore, if we hypothesize a number of events then the people in the future could be continually changing the past and we would never know because every second our minds would adapt the new timeline and we would percieve no change merely a memory of what we just did;
This is my thinking as well, so if you did go back in time & kill your parents, when you get back no-one would know who you are, you've detached from the timeline(?)
personally i like to think that if it werent for the aging process, or the fact that people are born and die, than time would be irrelivant...

people just created such a system to schedule their own little dooms, or pointless events like birthdays and such... rather than worry about watches and schedules i imagine people would have some alternate system of aranging dates and meetings...

my point? time is not a tangible substance, it is not a "thing" or an existance, it is a concept... no flowing ribbon, or odd metaphores, and i'm sure a few people will read this and say it's pure blaspheme, but thats just it...

but i'll bite: lets say you do go back in "time" and kill your grandpa, you wouldnt stop existing, and a new universe would not be created, you'd simply be someone elses child, your grandma would have married someone possibly cities away from your "grandfather".... you'd simply be there, with a gun in your hands and a carcas on the floor with no motive, and perhaps even a case of amnesia... i imagine once the deed had been done you'd snap and go all aloof and not even remember why you were there.
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wampas your arguement is poor, we are here to discuss and understand you say its untangible and thus not worth exploring, i dont care about my death when or how it occurs any semi aware person will put together memories with the present and the poosible future and get a concept this concept is time, we are exploring the idea of travelling back through this concept kapeesh, if u dont like the concept go else where start another topic saying you dont like 'time'.

lets say you do go back in "time" and kill your grandpa, you wouldnt stop existing, and a new universe would not be created, you'd simply be someone elses child,

then you wouldnt be you any more, you are created out of the combination of two people to have a different grandparent would make you only 3/4 of you not to mention the fact that that is an entirely different person and that you grandmother might shoot herself with despair after your grandfathers death, how is she going to have you with someone else then??
I think the general consensus in the scientific community is that travel back to a time before the time machine was built would be impossible. If so what about travel into the future, what effects would that have?
that is not what i meant man, i didnt come in here thinking i'm gonna start some anti-time movement and argue with you about it.

i'm just saying that to me time travel seems illogical, you cant travel through a concept... i've invested alot of time and thought into this, and i'm sorry but it just doesnt seem like it'll ever be a possability
Perhaps the only time travel possible is:

1. You figure a way to go faster then the speed of light.

2. then overtake a light wave that has left earth.

3. as you go faster you will be able to see the past like playing a movie backwards.

4. So by just observing the past you wont be able to change anything.
Timetravel,id say about 8000 to 8100.At The Moment we dont really know what change is,we havent really had huge changes, so by 8000 thier would be significant changes by then,we would have done most things,so we would probably concentrate on uncomplished things.
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the answer

This is what I would do:

Get in my time machine and travel back in time about two weeks and THEN kill my grandfather. That way, I'd still be alive and I'd of solved the paradox.

Every event that occurs happens in space/time is stamped as x,y,z,physical coordinates and a date/time group. Since everything is moving in the universe an event that has a certain space/time group can only be experienced if that space is revisited.

Once that x,y,z spot is revisited a way must be found to reproduce the event that occured there. Perhaps when that space was occupied by matter it was modulated by that matter and when that matter moved on it left behind reverberations that if detected can reproduce the original event.

well kinda but what if you make a cake and forget to put the sweetner in
would you still call it a cake
if you understand my vauge reference
energy is also a factor but i suspect that such energy is not able to be harnesed to effect your exact concept
remember that to place yourself into the situation is to alter the very situation by its conception of purity.
so you will have to first build the living computer to calculate the possible variables
and that is not too close in the future :D
as many have documented observation is potentialy easy and non disruptive.
If time travel is possible ....

If time-travel is possible, because compatible to physics,
then I'm sure that the technique will be realized once on earth.
And then it's very probable that humanity in the past already had time-travellers as guests, either incognito simply because interested in history, anthropology, culture (?),
or time-travellers who actively secretly interferred to manipulate the timeline, and make history happen as it has happened in 3000000 years history of humanity, or even in 3000000000 yers of history of earth.

And it's even more likely that it has been achieved by some another intelligent alien civilizations in the Universe. And alien guests appearing on earth in the past, the present and the future would be very realistic, then.

Please don't forget the first sentence. All this supposes that time-travel IS POSSIBLE. None of it is matches if time-travel is impossible.
Look at www.johntitor.com
there a time traveller from 2036 accuratly explains why paradoxes dont happen.

While i have trouble believing he is a time traveller (its a bit of an open question)
i dont have any trouble with his explanation of how time works.

Either hes a lunatic(unlikely) or very very intelligent and knows his stuff and has a hidden adgenda for reasons of debate on the internet.

However,we will know whether time travel is possible and whether john titor really was a time traveller in 2 years.

According to him there is gonna be waco type events every month or so in 2004 which lead to america civil war in 2005,
so at least by the middle of 2006 we will know that we better get prepaired for the other main event in 2015 when russia launches most of its nukes all over the place.

Right now it dont seem to be feasable,but we will see.

Personally i hope to god he is wrong and/or he was not a time traveller,i cant take any comfort in finding out he is right and celebrating the notion of time travel.

There wont be any celebration at all,in fact if i find out hes right ill invest in a stockpile of food and water and build a shelter,im not gonna be going "yay time travel is possible" if them news reports reveal his predictions
im going to be saying "shit,shit,shit,this is terrible,shit ive gotta prepare"
the fact he was a time traveller means fuck all to me when that someone from the future has just basically told you half the planet is gonna get blown up.
Time traveller or ... assistance by a supercomputer?


Can we imagine that there is any other alternative way to know the future?

Would it be feasable to simulate the present and the future step by step in a supercomputer, like a climate or a weather simulation?

Of course the result would be have reliability decreasing the more far it is in the future.
And the computer model would need very precise and huge knowledge about present, especially about the character of key economists and politicians, and other categories of leaders.

Are economic, social, political events really random,
or do they follow a rational logic, so subject to possible modelling in functions and equations by a computer program???

Obviously there is a portion of random. An earthquake or something like SARS may have deep economic impact, and is absolutely unpredictable.