Time Travel


Registered Member
I always found this arguement to be immpossible so iwanna see what u guy can come up with.
(considering time travel is possible)
If i go back in time and kill my grandfather, than since my grandfather doesnt exsist, i wouldnt exsist,so my grandfather would exsist again, because if hesdead i couldnt have gone back in time 2 kill him.
If u find this story confusing its basiclly saying that u cant kill ur grandfather, because if he didnt exsist u wouldnt exsist, and if u didnt exsist u couldnt have gone back in time 2 kill him. If u ca find a way out of this, please let me no.
Perturbation. You kill your grandad and the woman who would have been your grandmother marries his brother or his friend, and the version of you that later exists changes slightly.
But then its not u. If ur grandfather is killed by YOU then its not possible 4 him 2 have died, because he would be dead so YOU arent born so u cant go back in tim eand kill him, so both of u woul dbe the same as when u started
Acutally from what ive read time travel would be possible if we could figure out how 2 survive a black hole. But if time travel was possible....would we really want 2 goscrew things up?
Originally posted by Addictive
Acutally from what ive read time travel would be possible if we could figure out how 2 survive a black hole. But if time travel was possible....would we really want 2 goscrew things up?
Time and the universe care nothing for your opinion. ;)
what the hell is that supposed 2 mean.......if u change one thing in time the universe wouldnt be the same, and if u change the universe time wouldnt be the same, its not really just my opinion.
Originally posted by Addictive
if u change one thing in time the universe wouldnt be the
same, and if u change the universe time wouldnt be the
same, its not really just my opinion.
Do you mean like in the movie Back To The Future?
time occurs as a continually flowing path, so you cannot change the past merely influence it. because if you go back in time from era B to era A the when your present state was era B there was also a you from era A there at the same time,

if time travel is possible we might see someone tommorrow who has travelled back in time from the year 2040, without fail when the year 2040 comes back around we will send that person back to 2003 to complete the time flow it is not possible to go any other way.
Well, I really don't see that paradox as "proof" of anything, but the paradox may be an argument for multiple universes. It is theorized by some that for every random event (think quantum level events) a new universe is created/exists. This of course also extends to macroscopic events. This would mean that by going back in time, you've killed your grandfather, and in that timeline, you'll never be born. But that matter that is YOU, did not come from that timeline and thus still exists.

I decided awhile ago that, if possible, I would travel back in time and talk to myself in the current present. I wouldn't say "pollux, I'm you from fifty years from now." I think I'd leave a note or something--"how's life...well, gotta run, 2063 breaks for no-body!"

But nothing like that has happened. And it would have happened by now. So either within my entire lifetime time travel never becomes a reality, I never get access to it, or I decide not to travel back in time for one reason or another.

As for the whole grandfather paradox thing--simple: if you kill your grandfather, two different times branch out. One reality where your grandfather is alive and one where he isn't, and you probably aren't. You're part of the one where he did live.
still one thing no1 answered 4 me when u disagree.....is that ur grandfather is dead...so u couldnt have been born....so u couldnt have gone back in time 2 kill him!!!!! eeeepp. Now i gotta go look up guartums or w/e thanks 2 ummm some guy that i didnt read the post of 2 well.
Originally posted by Pollux V
But nothing like that has happened. And it would have happened by now. So either within my entire lifetime time travel never becomes a reality, I never get access to it, or I decide not to travel back in time for one reason or another.
Or tomorrow, you get a *very* interesting letter in the post. ;)
Originally posted by Addictive
still one thing no1 answered 4 me when u disagree.....is that ur grandfather is dead...so u couldnt have been born....so u couldnt have gone back in time 2 kill him!!!!! eeeepp. Now i gotta go look up guartums or w/e thanks 2 ummm some guy that i didnt read the post of 2 well.
Ok, consider two timelines... A and B. You are in B. You travel back and try to kill your grandad. There has been a conjecture put forward that time has many "one way streets" so to speak. Back when your Grandad was alive, the current timeline you are in didn't even exist. It forked off subsequently from events occuring after then. If you kill your grandad, another man will marry your gran, and the net effect to your genepool won't be all that different. It may be that the very second you kill your grandad, everything changes to catch up, indeed that your appearance changes, and you forget who the man you just killed is, since he would then have no link to you. It's all something we'll have to try at a later date when the tech becomes available.
ah merci beaucoup....i finally understand the arguement ^_^teehee....dont really like the idea,but it works.
This is what we call a paradox, no oen can answer one, and dont even think to try, cause yah cant
Originally posted by Siddhartha
Ok, consider two timelines... A and B. You are in B. You travel back and try to kill your grandad. There has been a conjecture put forward that time has many "one way streets" so to speak. Back when your Grandad was alive, the current timeline you are in didn't even exist. It forked off subsequently from events occuring after then. If you kill your grandad, another man will marry your gran, and the net effect to your genepool won't be all that different. It may be that the very second you kill your grandad, everything changes to catch up, indeed that your appearance changes, and you forget who the man you just killed is, since he would then have no link to you. It's all something we'll have to try at a later date when the tech becomes available.

I guarantee that would be illegal my friend, Because one persons life changes a million others, if Booth hadn't killed lincoln im sure some other person would have, and if not, we probably wouldnt still be the same as we are today
you cannot predict how time will react to an introduction of a 'foriegn material' or someone changing something, nature and the physics laws show continually laws like lenz's law, le chatliers principle and countless others where a system has reacted to minimise the change that has been induced upon it,
to contemplate how the arrow of time may compensate is mindblowing
What I want to know is if someone did go back in time and tinker about, how would anyone in the future/present even know things had changed?:bugeye: