Time Travel is Science Fiction

Farsight, while it is likely true that those who respond to your crap, including myself, add to the moderation problem.., I have a direct question for you, where in the above quoted post is there any reference to science? If you can't point to anything relevant, stop....

I think he's trying to point out that if you put a live chicken in the freezer and keep it cold it will exist much longer (time travel to the past??) than if you leave it in an oven (time travel to the future??).
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Hey paddoboy, I just had an idear. Maybe the advanced civilization figured out that you need a separate time machine to go to the past than the future. So you need an oven and a freezer to time travel if want the option of future or past. See?
The point is brucep, that although much of the technology to get to the stars etc are beyond present capabilities, and we all know that.
It's just the down right dishonest and stupid attempt in using our technological limitations now, to somehow infer that it can and will never be done.
How obtuse! how dishonest! how stupid!
Aging is a biological not clock process. I assumed you knew that, especially as I said in post 1415:
"GR does allow some to only age 22 hours biologically while going to a calendar date most need 24 hours per day of biological aging to reach."

In earlier posts, I noted that I eat a very healthy diet, never smoked, exercise almost every day, etc. so most guess my age as 20 years less than the number you get by subtracting my birth date from the current date. I.e. there are many simple ways, in addition to what SR makes possible to age at a rate of less than 24 hours /day. (To age more slowly that some like to call "time travel" if done by means of a round trip on fast rocket ship instead of by good diet, exercise, etc.)

Also there are other procedures, which I don't follow, to age faster than 24 hours per day (little sleep, fast foods rich in un-healthy fats, no exercise, diet without fruit, smoking and excessive alcohol drinking).

I forget who* said: "Yes, I am burning my candle at both ends. It will not last the night; but Oh, it gives such a lovely light."
We all make a choice, perhaps unconsciously, about the rate we age.

If you read (and understand) the physics in this post: http://www.sciforums.com/threads/time-travel-is-science-fiction.140847/page-71#post-3252458
You will see I have already "time traveled" by the slower rate of aging definition, more than twice as far into the future as is physically possible via SR's time dilation.
And I don't think my time travel journey is over yet, as I am in good health, with excellent mental processes and have about a 25% chance of celebrating my 100th birthday (and that chance grows more likely with every year passing year, if I have not yet died!)

*It was as I recall a musician, with drug use problems and very vulgar speech patterns, - I only cannot recall his name. I liked the guy - sometimes wondering, while spending years to earn my Ph. D., if his was not the smarter choice - we all must die some day.
Based on your discourse, in these threads I find it very difficult to believe you have a doctorate in anything but crank bullshit. Your attempts at analysis are comical and the way you defend the lack of scholarship is how cranks tend to do it. Because of this I owe Bilvon an apology [figure it out]. You are an alarmist and a crank to boot. Oh woe is me I fear it's to late. To late to do anything of substance for the human race is doomed. Nostradamus.
Can somebody do something about the trolls please? Posts like the above are disgraceful. They bring this forum into disrepute. They are cringeworthy.

If you're short on moderators, make me a moderator. I'll clean up Dodge. It will be my pleasure to get rid of the riffraff and the liars and the insincere woo-mongers.
If you're short on moderators, make me a moderator. I'll clean up Dodge. It will be my pleasure to get rid of the riffraff and the liars and the insincere woo-mongers.

Your delusional qualities know no bounds!
Considering that you and your crap, have been moved out of science more then once. And of course your delusional TOE, along with a new delusional TOE from a new delusional poster.
Can somebody do something about the trolls please? Posts like the above are disgraceful. They bring this forum into disrepute. They are cringeworthy.

If you're short on moderators, make me a moderator. I'll clean up Dodge. It will be my pleasure to get rid of the riffraff and the liars and the insincere woo-mongers.

You mean trolling such as this:

No you don't. Every time you see the turkey, you think of paddoboy. And then you think of his time machine:


Farsight, I'm happy to 'take out the trash', always have been - Paddoboy, Beer with Straw, Bruce P, and Krash661 can all attest to the fact that they have, at various times, been banned by me for trolling, however, the catch is, I'd be putting you out along with them.
Can somebody do something about the trolls please? Posts like the above are disgraceful. They bring this forum into disrepute. They are cringeworthy.

If you're short on moderators, make me a moderator. I'll clean up Dodge. It will be my pleasure to get rid of the riffraff and the liars and the insincere woo-mongers.
so, you will perma ban yourself ?
I don't claim everything wrong, only posters who are mistaken by some things. Nothing to be ashamed of, I have been wrong on many different things many times.
Before I do start writing the thread on my TOE, I will give a quick synopsis... It's a theory about nothing.

Yes, it seems like a paradox, but I can prove at least in theory, the universe resorts to nothing-ness and that anything we class as physics is incompatible to explain any origin to our universe.

mine says energy, time and space doesn't exist. Does this no-theory say the same thing?
No that is a theory, I don't believe everything can be reduced to physics, which in a sense might seem like I am saying physics is wrong, but it's actually the physics which allows a theory of nothingness. Not only in space or time, but energy as well which means it has profound implications of energy leaking from the universe leading to a quantum cosmological leap. I'm giving a bit too much away at the moment, I haven't even started writing about my TOE properly yet, but the universe will leak energy because the energy wavefunction $$H|\psi = 0$$ means we cannot conserve energy - To conserve energy, we need to use Noethers theorem, but to do that we need the conjugate of energy, time. There is no cosmological time meaning our universe will not end in a whimper or an unstable Higgs but a catastrophic and fast loss in energy in some future worldline cone.
:) cute. but i have already lost interest.
can you become properly educated in physics/sciences before you claim everything is wrong ?

I totally second that!
These half baked self indulged, unqualified know alls that no nothing, come along, deride all and sundry, claiming to have TOEs and to rewrite 20th/21st century cosmology, and then really expect the rest of us to sit back with our mouths open astounded at their knowledge and brilliance!
This is what they believe!
Yet they have not the intestinal fortitude to write up appropriate papers, or undergo peer review, instead then deriding that also.
They surely reside in Never never land along with Peter Pan, and the scientific world will continue on regardless of the nonsense they infest us with.
At least we can be thankful for that!
That's your fifth error in several sentences, but the main one is that you assume I actually care about whether you think I am brilliant or not, in your case since you are an uncouth man, it's clear the latter holds true.

Not at all, and least of all am I uncouth. But I do believe in telling it as it is, especially in regards to those that claim to have a TOE [like you] and chose to ignore all that has gone before you, and all that is going on around you.
No, you are far from being brilliant, obviously.
Any way, Tamara is right. The redshifted light is leaking into a brane world. The universe will quantum cosmologically leap into this brane world with all its energy as it approaches the Omega Point. This would be the birth of a universe starting in its excited state as opposed to our universe having been born from a ground state - or zero state to be more precise.

No, Tamara with all due respect is speculating....nothing more, nothing less.
And I'm sure the good professor already knows that and would be cringing in disgust at your temerity.
So we are writing off scientific theorists now...Another copout.
You can't write off the laws of physics and GR, nor the equations that give time travel solutions, no matter how hard you try.

Your idiotic analogies, continue to be just that...Idiotic!

I am not writing off the laws of physics and GR Paddoboy and the real idiots would be taxpayers if they allow any public money to be spent on such fanciful speculations.

Johnathan Swift, in his 'Gullivers Travels', makes what you call 'idiotic analogies' when he has scientists ploughing fields by planting truffles so that pigs can dig the farrows.
I am not writing off the laws of physics and GR Paddoboy and the real idiots would be taxpayers if they allow any public money to be spent on such fanciful speculations.

Yep, we also have those that felt the same about the cost of the Apollo and lead up missions, and the space shuttle and the ISS and the LHC and HST and probably the soon to be launched JWST.

Worth noting though, that NASA does have the JPL and similar branches that are studying the possibilities of these same "fanciful" advancements in technology and applications.
Can somebody do something about the trolls please? Posts like the above are disgraceful. They bring this forum into disrepute. They are cringeworthy.

If you're short on moderators, make me a moderator. I'll clean up Dodge. It will be my pleasure to get rid of the riffraff and the liars and the insincere woo-mongers.

Just like you cleaned up your own site, last post there... 23 Nov. that site is not Dodge city it's Deadwood.
Look out folks, here comes marshall turkey head.
No you don't. Every time you see the turkey, you think of paddoboy. And then you think of his time machine:
Farsight, you introduced the freezer time machine in your OP.

In case you forgot: "It’s the same kind of thing with gravitational time dilation. It's not quite the same, but it's still simple. It can be idealised via the stasis box, which is kind of like the ultimate refrigerator. Yes, it’s something out of science fiction too, just like time travel. But it’s kind of fun to fight fire with fire. No motion of any kind occurs inside this stasis box. So when I put you inside, electromagnetic phenomena don’t propagate. So you can’t see, you can’t hear, and you can’t even think. Hence when I open the door a week later, to you it’s like I opened the door just as soon as I closed it. And get this: you “travelled” to the future by not moving at all. Instead everything else moved. And all this motion wasn’t through time, or spacetime, it was through space. Yes, the stasis box is science fiction, but don’t forget, we can freeze embryos now. In the future maybe we’ll be able to freeze an adult. Then you could “travel” to the future by stepping into a glorified freezer. But you aren’t really travelling to the future. You aren’t moving. Instead everything else is."