Time Magazine Dawkins, Collins debate.


Has he done anything that will lead to improvement in the education of science or benefit scientific progress? I don't see it. His books are convincing only to those already convinced of his views and he has polarised people and pushed the real issues into the background.

Actually, he has set up a foundation precisely to tackle issues relating to science education etc.

I too believe that religion has no place in science, simply because they address two very different aspect of human being.

You should read his opinions on the so-called "NOMA (Non-overlapping magisteria)" view of the relationship between science and religion, which you seem to share. He thinks that is a cop-out. It is basically saying "Hands off religion. Religion should be free to pronounce on questions that overlap with science, and science can't touch it."

I do deny it. People may bond together because of religion, but if they are killing each other, it is not because they are more attached to their religion but because they are insecure where land, food or personal security is concerned.

Then why is practically every major conflict in the world today fought along religious lines? Everything is Sunni vs. Shiite, Protestant vs. Catholic, Christian vs. Muslim, Hindu vs. Islam etc. etc.

And this is exactly my problem with Dawkins. By turning religion into a scientific question, he joins the camp of these woo-woos who cannot differentiate between empirical evidence and faith.

What is faith but belief without evidence?

Why believe something you have no evidence for? Why is that virtuous?

Actually, he has set up a foundation precisely to tackle issues relating to science education etc.

Then he should focus more on that, it will actually yield dividends.
You should read his opinions on the so-called "NOMA (Non-overlapping magisteria)" view of the relationship between science and religion, which you seem to share. He thinks that is a cop-out. It is basically saying "Hands off religion. Religion should be free to pronounce on questions that overlap with science, and science can't touch it."


Then why is practically every major conflict in the world today fought along religious lines? Everything is Sunni vs. Shiite, Protestant vs. Catholic, Christian vs. Muslim, Hindu vs. Islam etc. etc.

Its not since ALL the Sunnis, Shias, Protestants, Catholics, Christians, Muslims , Hindus, etc are not involved in them.

What is faith but belief without evidence?

Why believe something you have no evidence for? Why is that virtuous?

For the simple reason that one does not analyse every single thing in life based on empirical evidence? Do you?
James R.:

Then why is practically every major conflict in the world today fought along religious lines? Everything is Sunni vs. Shiite, Protestant vs. Catholic, Christian vs. Muslim, Hindu vs. Islam etc. etc.

This is a spurious concept. The only major religious-based war today is the Iraqi conflict between Sunni and Shia. And it is not about the tenets of the religion, but the Sunnis minority oppressing the Shia majority in Iraq for 30 years.

Catholic v. Protestant in Northern Ireland is Irish Nationalism v. Loyalty to the Crown.
This is a spurious concept. The only major religious-based war today is the Iraqi conflict between Sunni and Shia. And it is not about the tenets of the religion, but the Sunnis minority oppressing the Shia majority in Iraq for 30 years.

Look deeper. Why did the Sunnis oppress the Shia for 30 years?

Catholic v. Protestant in Northern Ireland is Irish Nationalism v. Loyalty to the Crown.

Just a coincidence that those categories line up so neatly, then?
James R.:

Look deeper. Why did the Sunnis oppress the Shia for 30 years?

Because they were a minority that was seeking power? And their kinsman was the brutal dictator of Iraq?

Just a coincidence that those categories line up so neatly, then?

Great Britain is a Protestant nation. Protestants thus enjoy greater prestige. Ireland was a conquered Catholic nation.
I do deny it. People may bond together because of religion, but if they are killing each other, it is not because they are more attached to their religion but because they are insecure where land, food or personal security is concerned.
Of course they can. But they do not.

Sudan is another prime example. As is Indonesia and parts of the Phillipines as well. Religion plays a bigger role in the conflict than you may wish to acknowledge.

Even amongst families, religion has and will continue to divide families around the world.

Paranoia, yes. But religious paranoia?

We have people wearing both bikinis and hijab in India.

The problem is not the religion, the issues are related to discrimination, ostracism and economic insecurity. Well paid, well fed people in a secure society are not the ones looking for trouble.
Are you sure about that? Those who are wealthy and idle are also one's to want to start trouble if doing so will increase their wealth and if it means attacking others of another religion, they can and will do it and they do. Religion as a whole has played a huge role in defining wealth amongst the classes. Discrimination due to religious belief is something that occurs around the world.

My mother is a strict catholic. Very strict catholic and even she recognises that religion has caused and continues to cause a lot of conflict and discrimination in the public and private sphere.

Again I doubt it. Hindus deeply believe that life is sacred. However abortion is legal in India. There are Roman Catholics in India too and no abortion clinics have been burned down. If it is happening in "liberal societies" like the US, then there is a need to educate people, not put their backs up.
Ah but how do you educate the masses when religion has such a strong hold on power?

I'm from a country with less than 1% atheism. If a government cannot keep state and church separate, its certainly NOT going to happen by calling them clowns and nutters. Are we interested in resolving the issue or polarising the people?
How big a role does religion play in Indian society Sam? Surely you aren't saying that it is minute. The politics in India is secular, yes, but it is secular around the religions of the country.

Religion cannot be kept private (even though it should) because of its very nature. It can't be helped.

He would still be subject to peer review and his work would only be published if it met scientific criteria.

And this is exactly my problem with Dawkins. By turning religion into a scientific question, he joins the camp of these woo-woos who cannot differentiate between empirical evidence and faith.
Have you actually read his book?

That is the point Dawkins makes. Scientists like Rees literally say in their papers that some questions should only be left to theologians and it is accepted because for some reason, religion or the notion of God cannot and should not be insulted. When he, Dawkins, protests, he is criticised because he dared to protest and criticise against religions entry into the scientific arena. He can differentiate between faith and evidence and that is the real issue and why he is criticised to such an extent.

He states quite openly that we should never stop looking for answers. Even when we have an answer, we should not just put it aside and move on. Further study will always benefit us as a society. Religion does not do that. Questions asked are answered with "God" as the be all and end all.

Research in science is determined by funding. If there are enough people clamoring for a treatment, there will be research, regardless of what individual beliefs are. If not, then no one will invest in it, and any talk is pointless.
There is a huge demand for embryonic stem cell research, virtually a plea, and it has been stifled and restricted regardless of the amount of people such research could help. Funding comes from Governments who are entrenched in religion and religious dogma. Secularism is but a myth.

In Australia for example, the Catholic Church is getting control of the administration of public hospitals and buying out private hospitals. IVF treatments and treatments such as the morning after pill and abortions are now being removed from these hospitals, even the public ones (that are fully Government funded and owned but administered by the Church)... I had a thread about it not too long ago in these forums. There is a huge demand for IVF treatment and these people are being denied the right to access it because the Church is being allowed to attain control of even public hospitals.

So if there was no religion, Mendel would never have happened?
How can I answer that? He would exist regardless of religion. I can't say if there was no religion whether society would be so restrictive as to not allowing the not so wealthy to study or do research. 'What if' questions can never be answered because there are so many variables.

Since when was government synonymous with religion?

If you have enough ignorant people in a country, they will oppose any change, and they do not have to be religious to do so.
Religion helps breed the ignorance. After all, look at the influence it has on Governments that are now demanding that evolution not be taught in public schools, instead resorting to creationism and ID.

You really should read his book Sam.

And they care about this because?
Who? The Church? You're asking me why the Church is against embryonic stem cell research and is demanding boycotts, etc?:bugeye:

Media and politics play a MUCH bigger role in determining the direction of science. Why else would Michael J Fox come on TV and talk to potential voters about the necessity for stem cell research?
So you don't think the media and politics are not influenced at all by religion? Ermm ok. When you have a President of one of the most powerful nations on Earth proclaiming that God told him to attack another country, you don't think religion has something to do with that? You don't think his beliefs have influenced him politics?

And as someone pointed out, Fox had valid and a personal reason to want to campaign for stem cell research. So did Christopher Reeve.

And there are many more issues like race, color, class, gender discrimination.

Do you think that all these are based on religion?
Gender definately yes.

Race? Sometimes. Class? Yes. I was born in a country that only those of the high class were allowed to sit on benches in churches. Anyone of colour or who were poor were ordered to stand at the back. Religion also discriminates Sam.

I don't believe he propounds his notions of the big bang on the same level as a scientific theory, he merely says that his notions of faith do not contradict with his work as a scientist.

And since his work is primarily with the human genome your analysis makes absolutely no sense.

So that's it? No more searching since "God did it" and because he can't find other answers, what he does have so far is supported by his God theory?

Its not since ALL the Sunnis, Shias, Protestants, Catholics, Christians, Muslims , Hindus, etc are not involved in them.
But so many are.

You really should read his book Sam. Even if you disagree with what he is saying, just out of interest, it is a good book.
This is a spurious concept. The only major religious-based war today is the Iraqi conflict between Sunni and Shia. And it is not about the tenets of the religion, but the Sunnis minority oppressing the Shia majority in Iraq for 30 years.

Catholic v. Protestant in Northern Ireland is Irish Nationalism v. Loyalty to the Crown.

I think if you actually looked into it, there are quite a few significant religious conflicts around the world right now and no it's not just in Iraq.

Some that come to mind are Ethiopia, India and Pakistan, Malaysia, Sudan, the Middle East, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the Phillipines, Nigeria, Egypt...

Even in the Balkans, killings and murders based on religious grounds still continue today. The Caucasus is another. Religion plays a huge part in all of these conflicts.

India and Pakistan are hardly a matter of religion. It's called "The Hindu Kush".

Sudan is trying to get rid of separatists.

Sri Lanka is about separatists....

Indonesia? Since when is religion a part of that?

There is no current war in Nigeria or Egypt.

The Phillipines has any religious war? News to me. Although I do know that radical Islamists do recruit there.

Ethiopia, once again, separatists...

If anything, it is nationalism which is the great cause of wars.

There is no current war in Nigeria or Egypt.

Nigeria has a lot of civil conflict with Nigerian Muslims, "cleansing" Nigerian Christians. Theres an area in the city I am in called, "Little Lagos", which has about a million nigerians running away from the conflict.

They then come here and run the drug trade.

India and Pakistan are hardly a matter of religion. It's called "The Hindu Kush".

Sudan is trying to get rid of separatists.

Sri Lanka is about separatists....

Indonesia? Since when is religion a part of that?

There is no current war in Nigeria or Egypt.

The Phillipines has any religious war? News to me. Although I do know that radical Islamists do recruit there.

Ethiopia, once again, separatists...

If anything, it is nationalism which is the great cause of wars.

You are confusing conflict with "war". There is a difference.

The conflict is on religious grounds. I'd suggest you do some googling.;)

In Indonesia for example, there is a situation approaching civil war in Aceh between Muslims and Christians. In the Phillipines, there is ongoing conflict between Islamic fundamentalists and the majority Christian State because they want their own Islamic State. In Sudan, the ethnic cleansing is based on religious grounds. The conflict in Nigera is also on religious grounds. In Egypt, the conflict is also on religious grounds between the Muslems and Coptic Christians and while it is not ongoing, it is sporadic and very violent and deadly.

In every country I mentioned, the conflict is on religious lines. Look it up.:)
Perhaps he does it for the sake of other theists and also because he meets atheists like you?

And casting aspersions on his research only indicates your bigotry, since he is well respected among his peers, atheists and theists alike.

Sam...darling, you can call it bigotry all you want, demonizing me won't help allay Collins' illogical stance. Did I ever say his research was flawed? He may be quite correct in his scientific findings, however he is not as compartmentalized as he would like us to believe or else the debate would not have happened.

Besides which, I have no qualms in stating I have little patience with (blind faith) religion. Religion is directly responsible for the bigotry many people (including myself) face daily, and you have the gall to try to place that label on me? Please, recede from your delusions of the niceties of religion. *snaps*
You are confusing conflict with "war". There is a difference.

The conflict is on religious grounds. I'd suggest you do some googling.;)

In Indonesia for example, there is a situation approaching civil war in Aceh between Muslims and Christians. In the Phillipines, there is ongoing conflict between Islamic fundamentalists and the majority Christian State because they want their own Islamic State. In Sudan, the ethnic cleansing is based on religious grounds. The conflict in Nigera is also on religious grounds. In Egypt, the conflict is also on religious grounds between the Muslems and Coptic Christians and while it is not ongoing, it is sporadic and very violent and deadly.

In every country I mentioned, the conflict is on religious lines. Look it up.:)

This is what theists are always accused of, they attribute everything to God and stop looking further.

Strange then, that atheists also do the same.

It may help to understand why these conflicts appear religious. What gave rise to them?

Why was there, for example, a North and South Sudan?

What role do the diamonds in Nigeria play in the current conflict?

Sam...darling, you can call it bigotry all you want, demonizing me won't help allay Collins' illogical stance. Did I ever say his research was flawed? He may be quite correct in his scientific findings, however he is not as compartmentalized as he would like us to believe or else the debate would not have happened.

Besides which, I have no qualms in stating I have little patience with (blind faith) religion. Religion is directly responsible for the bigotry many people (including myself) face daily, and you have the gall to try to place that label on me? Please, recede from your delusions of the niceties of religion. *snaps*

Perhaps they respond to your obvious intolerance.

Be the change in the world you wish to see.
I am pretty sure stem cell research is being carried out by privately funded agencies.

Have any of them been attacked by the Pope?

Ergo, the problem is political.

Sometimes kids say the funniest things.

It's actually interesting, aside from your ridiculous assertion, that you, a Muslim, would be interested in anything the Pope had to say, unless it's a slur against Muhammadism.

No, my dear sam, it is religion in one of its finest forms of idiocy and ignorance.

Deal with it.
Sometimes kids say the funniest things.

It's actually interesting, aside from your ridiculous assertion, that you, a Muslim, would be interested in anything the Pope had to say, unless it's a slur against Muhammadism.

No, my dear sam, it is religion in one of its finest forms of idiocy and ignorance.

Deal with it.

I've dealt with all of it, and much more.

You might want to look beyond religion for a change, as you are so fond of telling the theists.

India and Pakistan are hardly a matter of religion. It's called "The Hindu Kush".

It's called Muslim and Hindu.

Sri Lanka is about separatists....

Separatists who, once again, just happen to have a different religion. Funny that.

Indonesia? Since when is religion a part of that?

Christian Aceh vs. Muslim everybody else.

etc. etc.


It may help to understand why these conflicts appear religious. What gave rise to them?

Why was there, for example, a North and South Sudan?

What role do the diamonds in Nigeria play in the current conflict?


Or, you could just listen to what the people involved actually say about the conflicts. They talk about religious differences.

Or, you could just listen to what the people involved actually say about the conflicts. They talk about religious differences.

Of course they do.

They'd hardly admit they were in it for the money.

I've lived through this in the riots in Bombay and the burning of the Babri Masjid.

They imported young men from all over Maharahtra (in large trucks) to conduct these riots in Bombay, since the people in Bombay couldn't care less.

And the Babri Masjid was a means to mobilise people so as to provide a platform for the BJP Hindu fundamentalist party.

Strangely enough, once they realised that he majority of people did not condone religious violence, they changed the Hindu-Muslim debate to an India-Pakistan one.

Now nationalism, that everyone understands, right?
This is what theists are always accused of, they attribute everything to God and stop looking further.

Strange then, that atheists also do the same.

It may help to understand why these conflicts appear religious. What gave rise to them?

Why was there, for example, a North and South Sudan?

What role do the diamonds in Nigeria play in the current conflict?


You don't think the competition for resources in Nigeria (for example) is based on religious lines? Each sector wishes to control the resources and the wealth. Nigeria is virtually divided along religious lines. As is Sudan. And the conflict is ongoing and brutal.
You don't think the competition for resources in Nigeria (for example) is based on religious lines? Each sector wishes to control the resources and the wealth. Nigeria is virtually divided along religious lines. As is Sudan. And the conflict is ongoing and brutal.

So why is there a conflict in both these places?
So why is there a conflict in both these places?

You tell me Sam. I have already said why. As James has also pointed out, when questioned, the answer is usually to point the finger at those of the 'other religion'. Groups are set up and separated along religious lines and each wish to be in control.