Thus, it has always been

I'm not going to waste time showing that the universe is finely tuned. It is so well-documented and so well known that anyone interested in science should be aware it.

I believe I was the first to ask you concerning your claim that the universe is fine tuned. You said: "no comment". Since that time several other people have asked and you consistently show that you simply cannot support your claims. You then seemingly get frustrated and start taking it out on others while claiming there is some logic in that head of yours.

Now, pay attention:

I have asked
Godless has asked
Sarkus has asked
I even ended up asking Lightgigantic who has now seemingly vanished into a puff of smoke.

Support your statement or please stop posting on this forum because all you're doing is wasting people's time.

Answer the question.
Snake, if you think what we see in nature is pure chaos, then you go man, many of us see that the rythms and forms in nature are of a magnificent order, but you and Satan want to deny the obvious, for obvious reasons.
Snake, if you think what we see in nature is pure chaos, then you go man, many of us see that the rythms and forms in nature are of a magnificent order, but you and Satan want to deny the obvious, for obvious reasons.
It might well depend on the understanding of the word "chaos".

In laymens terms it has come to meen "without order" - but scientifically it means "unpredictable".

So if you still wish to argue that the universe is not chaos - feel free to predict away. And I expect 100% accuracy. :D

But then I'm guessing you can't even predict the questions on your exam papers?
You have single-handedly destroyed your credibility as a science-minded person!

It appears that you still show us your arrogance, but yet fail to back up any fucking claim you make!

Now I've been reading your "Integrated Theory of Intelligence" and again thanks for bringing it up to our attention, it makes quite good light reading, thank goodness I could get it for free, I've downloaded and printed it. It's good to read it while I take a shit, any page that I may disagree with, I just toss down the toilet with the rest of the shit. :bugeye:
Snake, if you think what we see in nature is pure chaos, then you go man

If you take a little bit of time away from your satan speeches, you'll see all I've been asking for are people to support their assertion that the universe is "finely tuned". Two theists have currently ran away from the question, and the third, (you), seems to try and lump it on me when I did not make the assertion in the first place.

Your forum record speaks for itself so I know no answer shall be forthcoming. However, I'm a sucker for punishment so...

Can you kindly explain what you consider "finely tuned"?

many of us see that the rythms and forms in nature are of a magnificent order

Please explain and cite examples of that "magnificent order".

but you and Satan want to deny the obvious

Can you support your claim that satan thinks nature is pure chaos?
Satan loves that millions of people believe that life morphed from non-life in a random manner, and that syngameons of animals morphed randomly (from mutations) into new syngameons, because such takes the Creator and His creation out of their equations, quite obvious.
Philocrazy is that you? No! I don't think so, but he surely acts like him, the only difference is that this one tries to make coherent senteces, with no basis in reality!
Godless, assume for the moment that the Bible is true, then don't you think Satan would love people to think that the universe, Earth, and its syngameons, all developed without a creator God?
Godless, assume for the moment that the Bible is true, then don't you think Satan would love people to think that the universe, Earth, and its syngameons, all developed without a creator God?

That's a rather tall order there philocrazy! I can't assume the bible is true when it contradicts itself almost in every chapter. ;) Is your god not coherent in writing a manual without contradictions? God claims to be the only super power, but yet explain what the hell is Satan? is he not also a superpower above humans? :rolleyes:
Satan is a created being who has been allowed to do his thing for awhile, those who have been born again see him is a nuisance who will eventually be done away with, and those who aren't born again either follow him or think he doesn't exist.
I don't know, could have been either way, but Satan could have thought that to rule those who were created in God's image, humans, would have been pretty cool, along with the other angels who he figured would follow him.
Satan loves that millions of people believe that life morphed from non-life in a random manner, and that syngameons of animals morphed randomly (from mutations) into new syngameons, because such takes the Creator and His creation out of their equations, quite obvious.

I'll take that as a "no" shall I? No, you can't support your assertions and can't provide any examples of how the universe is "finely tuned". To be honest with you your satan speeches are really quite boring so kindly don't waste my time with it. Either concentrate on the discussion or say nothing.
Did lucifer fall before or after creation of man?
M*W: That doesn't really matter. If you and IAC had done your homework, which I know is categorically impossible, you would understand that "Lucifer" was simply a star formation in the night sky who appeared to early man that he "fell" as in a "meteor shower." Lucifer was never a "created being" of anything other than a star or stars. The formations of the stars, then, were created into
myths about human or angelic beings. Anytime you read in the bible about a "star," it refers to "angels." Anything you read in the bible about "angels," refers to "stars." They may have "fallen," but they never "rebelled." That's just the mythos of it. When you understand the misinterpretation of the bible, you will be better able to understand its true meaning.
If any probability in the quantum sea is a statistical certainty, the state prior to the Big Bang is the sufficient cause of the Big Bang itself. Consciousness and will must have existed in some form from the very beginning—even if only as a potential—as an integral part of the whole. I contend that if consciousness and will are at all determining factors in the part, in the universe of space and time, it must be the result of consciousness and will existing in the aggregate of Ultimate Reality’s acting nature prior to the Big Bang, and from which they cannot be separated except by ignorance.

The aggregate bears all the characteristics of what we call “God.” “The existence of God is intelligible not because it was caused by anything or anyone, but because it flows from his essence.” In him we live, move and have our being. God is not an emergent property. It is not a personality as we understand personality, but personality itself and the source of personality. It does not have consciousness and will as we posses them; it is consciousness and will and their source. God is, as theism postulates, “the creative source of man and the world who transcends yet is immanent in the world.” The moment we depart from the concept of undifferentiated reality, however, we must postulate Mind as its technique of unifying the ever-widening divergence if we are at all to account for the evolution of the material universe and the emergence of consciousness and will—human mind—in it.

I’ve never just sat back waiting for the world to give me evidence of what is true. This is something I have believed for many years now as the result of being an active participant in my personal evolution longer than many who read this have been alive. It is still being refined. The Integrated Theory of Intelligence, something that has just recently come to my attention, uses current scientific information in a way that serves to validate my own analysis and conclusions while adding to that refinement, and this because even though it doesn’t point to God’s existence as I understand it, it does posit a reasonable description of how my conception of God manifests in the universe.

There is no rational reason to dismantle my ship without a compelling reason to do so. Nothing here or anywhere else in the Sciforum has even come even close to giving me one. Most of what I’ve seen is what one might expect from ill-informed teenyboppers (like asking for proof that the universe is finely tuned or the insisting that God is an emergent property). The fact that I made some posts here therefore proves something with which many of you will agree: I’m REALLY pathetic!!!
Oh, so Med Woman thinks she understands the "true meaning" of the Bible? Hey Med Woman why don't you start a Bible College to straighten us out?

M*W: And you laugh! I've certainly studied the bible enough. I don't need to start a "bible college." I'm happy to post here on sciforums without charging you tuition, but since you don't pay attention to what I (or others) write, I don't expect you to learn anything new.