Three reasons why it pays off to be an atheist, and one why it doesn't

Give me a damn break from absurdity.
Inmates who "turn to religion" weren't atheists.

Not even the ones who do it for parole considerations or to obtain other benefits accorded to the religious prisoners? Be interesting to find a study that showed a before, during and after of prison belief systems.
If I were in prison, I'd feel much safer in not broadcasting my lack of belief but I absolutely could not pretend to be a theist. I can't do it.
SAM said:
And the low percentage of professed atheists in prison? What does that tell you?
Depends on how they measured it.

The percentage is so low that even strong measurement bias of some kind leaves the general point intact - atheists tend to avoid jail.

Barring actual clergy, the highest percentages of admitted theists in the US are found in jail, in the military, and in the legislature.

The lowest are found in the science faculties of top-ranked universities.

The immediate pattern is the prevalence of coercion of consent.
Like I said, atheists tend to avoid politics even more. So, I'd like something other than their profession of faith while incarcerated as an indicator.

The lowest are found in the science faculties of top-ranked universities.

Over here, I would wonder at coercion in reverse. Don't think that scientists are not intimidated into concealing their beliefs. Look at Dawkins. How many people who work under him would discuss their beliefs you think? According to some, it negatively affects upward mobility in academia.
Three reasons why it pays off to be an atheist, and one why it doesn't

Three reasons why it pays off - well, at least it pays off in some ways - to be an atheist:

1. It is ensured that an atheist will get at least some attention and compassion from theists. It isn't always a good kind of attention, but it is ensured. This way, an atheist will never be alone and will have someone to talk to most of the time. Isn't that sweet!

2. It is ensured that an atheist will have only relatively easy spiritual tasks to do - beginner stuff, really. No practice of austerities required, no rigorous study regimen, no getting up at 3 AM, no absolute responsibility to be consistent in one's values, words and actions. All an atheist needs to do is show the slightest interest in God, even if it is just mockery - and God comes running to the atheist, reciprocating tenfold. Eezee-peezee.

3. It is ensured that an atheist will not be faced with the demand of excellence. No answering to God and to those more spiritually advanced than oneself. No hardship and humiliation due to being a beginner and pretty much everyone else being more advanced than oneself. No hard work to get a good reputation. What a relief!

Frankly, I sometimes miss being an atheist. I look at, say, Psychotic Episode and witness how much attention and care he is getting. I used to get that much too. Now I am practically a nobody - and unless I jump up and down frantically and scream, I don't even get noticed. I actually cried over this today.

I have no doubt that it in fact pays off to be an atheist. It's not the best possible life, of course, because after some time, it gets boring, ridiculous and abusive to merely be the receiver of compassion (being in need of compassion does not make one an interesting communication partner); and because after some time, it begins to feel too immoral to be neatly curled up in one's cocoon; and because after some time, as age and illness in their various forms strike, pride isn't a valuable commodity anymore, but a burden.

And here's why it doesn't pay off to be an atheist:

Being atheist is a state that leads to its own negation and destruction. Perhaps not in one lifetime, perhaps you'll die an atheist. But wait until you get born again! Or again, and again, and again ... Sooner or later, your atheism is going to devour itself, it is in its nature to do so.

I don't get why this is all such a big deal.

Is there any reason to believe in something that you made up? It seems like unnecessary headache.