Three reasons why it pays off to be an atheist, and one why it doesn't

But you would have to agree, their spiritual practice does not depend on the idea of a diety. Likewise for Taoists and Jains. Buddhism is pragmatic, and opposition to dieties would have brought about a backlash against them. Instead they absorbed the previous religious practices of a particular area, although these hybrid forms are mostly intended for the lay masses. Strictly speaking, one only has to follow the precepts and meditate.

For me, rejecting God brought about the freedom of thought that made further development possible.
I know nada of eastern religion, but I know something of perception. Much of perception involves choosing to believe things are true. Clashes happen whenever thoughts occur regarding perceptions that are in direct opposition to each other. You say you rejected God, I say I accepted God. My path carries me down a parrallel path of development to you, and we may even intersect in the future. The "which is best?" debate is what I, personally, find stressful, hence why I've been more low key within the religion subforum.

Neither side will validate the other, and self-validation is a reflection of weak wisdom at best.
So is tolerance. Everyone is not buddhist, however, nor is everyone tolerant. Ignoring the issue is an option, but tenuous at best. Humans want there to be something more than random chance to blame, and everyone wants something to trust in more than dumb luck. Theists choose to make deity this something. Atheists choose themselves. It's bordering on trivial differences, or hating your own reflection.
Three reasons why it pays off to be an atheist, and one why it doesn't

Three reasons why it pays off - well, at least it pays off in some ways - to be an atheist:

1. It is ensured that an atheist will get at least some attention and compassion from theists. It isn't always a good kind of attention, but it is ensured. This way, an atheist will never be alone and will have someone to talk to most of the time. Isn't that sweet!

2. It is ensured that an atheist will have only relatively easy spiritual tasks to do - beginner stuff, really. No practice of austerities required, no rigorous study regimen, no getting up at 3 AM, no absolute responsibility to be consistent in one's values, words and actions. All an atheist needs to do is show the slightest interest in God, even if it is just mockery - and God comes running to the atheist, reciprocating tenfold. Eezee-peezee.

3. It is ensured that an atheist will not be faced with the demand of excellence. No answering to God and to those more spiritually advanced than oneself. No hardship and humiliation due to being a beginner and pretty much everyone else being more advanced than oneself. No hard work to get a good reputation. What a relief!

Is this some psychological ploy? Am I supposed to rant on about something here? Jeezuz, you sound pissed off with God. In fact if I didn't think this thread's OP was inflammatory then I might believe my previous sentence wholeheartedly;)
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I believe the term for that is "agnostic", not atheism. An atheist says with conviction that god does not exist, yet he has no more proof than the opposite.

Baron Max

Some atheists, perhaps, live with such convictions. However, most atheists (at least the ones I know and have read) have no conviction that they "know" there's no god. Nor does he/she seek proof one way or the other. Hence, the agnostic-atheist.

Most atheists are simply godless. They accept that humanity has had many gods in the past and will likely invent many gods in the future, therefore, the current manifestations of gods are probably, likewise, inventions. Since there's no good reason to believe in a god and, since none appear to (apparently) exist, there's no reason to believe they do. However, should evidence be put forth, the atheist (most) are willing to revise their beliefs.

The average theist on the other hand has no reservations whatever about stating that he knows his god exists and that he knows my lack of belief will result in going to a mythical hell. This, my friend, is conviction and an unreasoned and illogical one at that.

At least I recognize that I cannot hope to test the entire universe and observe it all to discover whether or not a god exists. In that sense I'm agnostic since I understand the limits of my ability to know. Those deluded by religious dogma and doctrine are only deluded because they think in such absolute and "convicted" terms.
This seems (to me) to be the prevalent theist view of atheists yet theists are disturbed that we mock them. Hypocrites wearing theist colored glasses.
Please take the time to read the definitions supplied in this forum, before you make idiotic statements.
Find them here.
I notice that you did not also correct spidergoat who said:
An atheist can leave everything behind. An agnostic is still attached to the idea that there could be a God, which is a spiritual version of cliff notes, a shortcut to avoid the real work of finding out what you are.
Also the definitions supplied in this forum contradict each other, and not just between theist and atheist definitions, but also with these groups.
2. It is ensured that an atheist will have only relatively easy spiritual tasks to do - beginner stuff, really.
:rolleyes: do you even know what is an atheist?? absolute responsibility to be consistent in one's values, words and actions.
you dont know many sucesfull atheists do you?
All an atheist needs to do is show the slightest interest in God, even if it is just mockery - and God comes running to the atheist, reciprocating tenfold.
she does? to me!
3. It is ensured that an atheist will not be faced with the demand of excellence.
seriously how many atheists do you personaly associate with to state such BS lie.
No answering to God
answering to Imaginary friends is talking to your self.
and to those more spiritually advanced than oneself.
you mean more deluded ;)
But wait until you get born again! Or again, and again, and again ...
wait until you kiss your gods azz and praise him for a billionth time..and realize you still have an ETERNITY to go!! :p
.now wouldnt that be a total HELL?
No god has come running to me.
Any atheist that any god has come running to, please let us know.

wait until you kiss your gods azz and praise him for a billionth time..and realize you still have an ETERNITY to go!! :p
.now wouldnt that be a total HELL?

Of course.
Three reasons why it pays off to be an atheist, and one why it doesn't
1) Mental freedom
2) Rational thought
3) Better understanding of humanity

4) If there was a God (or Alien Overlord) then there may be some consequence of denying its validity? Hell comes to mind.
I believe the term for that is "agnostic", not atheism. An atheist says with conviction that god does not exist, yet he has no more proof than the opposite.

As usual you are mistaken.

The only thing an atheist states with conviction is that the theist can't just declare their favorite god exists by fiat.
First of all, Mahayanists and Vajrayanists are not atheists in the proper sense of the word, for they worship deities.

Of course many of them realize the deities are just mental constructs.

Theravadans are not proper atheists either

Well except for rejecting your notion of god.

And of course there is always the plain old secular Buddhists.

"God does not exist" is not a claim that Buddhists would wholeheartedly support.

Why do theists always whine about this strawman?
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Yeah, Greenberg, you tippeetoed around it but, DUH!, Atheists don't have any moral contraints! No rules!

They are like Protestants forgiven of all their sins, without even needing to be Baptized.

Look at the Russians. After three generations of Materialistic Marxist Education and a Godless Society they are CONVINCED that there are no morals, no rules... so NOBODY make more money off of Crime, Pornography, and White Slaving than those Russian Born-Atheists.

Really, Atheists are just Big Cockroaches.
Humans want there to be something more than random chance to blame, and everyone wants something to trust in more than dumb luck.

You are completely mistaken and projecting your issues on others.

There is plenty beside random chance without any need for throwing in the towel and positing deities. Not every one has your need for blaming or your in ability to rely on yourself instead of external things like dumb deities or dimb luck.

Theists just pretend to make deity this something. But ultimately it is a lie and that is a poor basis for growth.
4) If there was a God (or Alien Overlord) then there may be some consequence of denying its validity? Hell comes to mind.


A good god will not punish you for having the courage of your convictions.

An evil god like the xtian one, you are better off in hell.
Greenberg Greenberg Greenberg.... Atheism does absolutely no harm to the Individual. Why should it. They can live without the rules that hold everybody else back. Atheists make out like Bandits and CRIME does PAY.

The problem with Atheism comes only when a Society en masse becomes Atheism. You see, Civilization needs an accepted Morality. Society needs rules.

Yes, yes, On Line Atheists INSIST they know the difference between right and wrong. I am sure they do. The problem arises the moment they see any conflict or serious inconvenience in taking the High Road. They did a study at a major University, administering tests that were supposed to be basis for very valuable Scholarship Grants. the Subjects were left alone in the room but in every case the Professor 'accidentally' left the answer key in the room but had to leave for an emergency but said he would return and just leave the test on the desk. The Theists for the most part did the test honestly, while some Protestants, Forgiven of their Sins did exactly as the Atheists did, but ALL of the Atheists flipped through the answer sheet.

Atheists know right from wrong, but whereever profit or convenience is involved, they will do Evil faster than your head can turn.

It is theists who have no contraints. They pick which "morals" to follow & choose which to claim to follow & which to condemn. There's nothing noble or High Road about the "morals" of theists. The Holy Babble is the worst possible example of morals. Anyone who believes people should suffer horribly for eternity for any reason is SEVERELY lacking in good morals. More so when that reason is simply not believing in a god who won't show itself.
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