Three parent embryo created


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
Scientists believe they have made a potential breakthrough in the treatment of serious disease by creating a human embryo with three separate parents.

The Newcastle University team believe the technique could help to eradicate a whole class of hereditary diseases, including some forms of epilepsy.

The embryos have been created using DNA from a man and two women in lab tests.

It could ensure women with genetic defects do not pass the diseases on to their children.

The technique is intended to help women with diseases of the mitochondria - mini organelles that are found within individual cells.

The Newcastle team have effectively given the embryos a mitochondria transplant.

They experimented on 10 severely abnormal embryos left over from traditional fertility treatment.

Within hours of their creation, the nucleus, containing DNA from the mother and father, was removed from the embryo, and implanted into a donor egg whose DNA had been largely removed.

The only genetic information remaining from the donor egg was the tiny bit that controls production of mitochondria - around 16,000 of the 3billion component parts that make up the human genome.

The embryos then began to develop normally, but were destroyed within six days.

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Wow, we're getting closer to making a new type of human. Soon I suppose GATTACA will be the norm....
yeah I heard about it...the UK morality is really downgrading if it thinks of accepting this.

Its DNA from two women and one man.


...which sorta reminds me of down' syndrome...
have you ever had or given a blood transfusion?

Or donated organs?

This would be no different, The genetic material would be the same but with different mitochondria. This is a VERY important orgalle because its where ATP is produced. Without ATP you die, simple as that. That is the ONLY form of engery that the body can use

Its a brillant discovery for two reasons, 1) it could fix problems directly and 2) because we are one step closer to being able to fix organells directly
Isn't this basically the whole premise in the movie GATTACA? Genetically the children are yours but only the best of your genes.
I am a believer in DNA of my child being important for consciousness. I believe that kids gain consciousness of their parents when they have a combination of their parents DNA and parents' care, this new technique will deplete genetic material from me expressed in my child and thus deplete transfer of consciousness.

No doubt it will fix problems, no doubt we will be much healthier...but it will no longer be "us".

If such will come I will destroy the project.
oh god, please learn some basic genetics. The mitocondrial DNA ONLY relates to the mitocrondria. This is a little tiny organell that creates ATP, thats its job. There are a few other things special about it like that its the only organell that can be directly observed ect but these have nothing to do with genetics. Genetics is the DNA in the neclus of a cell, this is the instruction manual for making protiness and THATS the main thing that is passed from parents to there children. The mitocondrial DNA isnt even passed from the father to his child, it all comes from the mother in a normal case.

Does any of this change whos child it is?
no it doesnt, for starters a parent is the person who CARES for the child not the one whos gentic material the child carrys. That is why sperm banks, and egg banks exist, for those who cant use there own
No it doesnt. God sake, how many times must i expaine this. Mitochondrial DNA is the remnents of a bactiera which evolved to live in a symbotic relationship with us. Now its is an organell in the cell. It has NOTHING to do with the genetic material in the Neculeas
No it doesnt. God sake, how many times must i expaine this. Mitochondrial DNA is the remnents of a bactiera which evolved to live in a symbotic relationship with us. Now its is an organell in the cell. It has NOTHING to do with the genetic material in the Neculeas

allright allright bear with me :eek:

how is mitochondria get in the cell in the first place? Is it not the cell produces the mitochondria? What directs this process if it isnt the DNA of the cell?

tell me, please.
when a cell divides the mitocondria devides as well, THAT is how it is passed cell to cell.

Let me show you something,

If you take:

Now Of the DNA in the Neculus of the daughters cell 1/4 of the material will be the same as the Grandmother

Of the mitocondrial DNA however daughter would be IDENTICAL to Grandmother. This is because it has nothing to do with the Necula DNA, its the remnants of a bacteria that adapted to live IN the cells centurys ago
well thats not wonder kids feel closer to their mothers, they get more genetic material from them. not fear =(
you know Sam, I dont get why they didnt try it with the fathers DNA. As far as i can see i can see there would be no reason why it wouldnt have worked.

dragon said:
well thats not wonder kids feel closer to their mothers, they get more genetic material from them. not fear =(

Your not taking into account the fact that mitocondrial DNA doesnt go into the "genetic makeup" of a person. All it does is make ATP, thats why it doesnt matter that it doesnt mix because its just an energy factory basically. It has no baring on your brain or if you have blond hair or anything.
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You do understand what they did? They extracted the nucleus from a fertilised ovum and then transplanted it into a donor egg, with its nucleus removed. How would they do that with the fathers DNA? Its about transplanting into an egg with different mitochondrial DNA.
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