and yet it snot uncommon for several or even several hundred brands of asprin to be correct in their claim of curing headaches
Yes, all religions claim to be the best, or optimum religon. As we all know, "claims" and "reality" usually never go hand in hand.
but still it can be seen that amongst lesser or greater asprins, all can be capable of dealing with headaches to a lesser or greater degree (their claims are not false). thus there is essentially only one religion - service to god, and religion is successful to a greater or lesser degree according to this
Yes, and it is very possible that the BEST headache medicine on the market today is only 25% of the true BEST headach medicine.
how many different head ache tablets have you sampled?
We are talking about the nature of reality and the meaning of life here. I think that's a little more important than headaches.
In other words searching is the preliminary prerequisite for religion, but when one finds what one is searching for, the next issue is practical application
Here is the key to this whole thread:
According to you, all religions are equal because they all are based on blind faith and all involve sacrifice or service to a God.
Great. So if all religions serve this ONE purpose, and someone is open to any religion or any truth, then what religion should that person choose?
NDS said:
And guess what, they have signifigantly different beliefs than you do.
lightgigantic said:
Well, let's see:
Christians believe Jesus is going to return to earth and rule forever and ever. Earth will become a heaven/earth and we will all live happily ever after. Except of course everyone who didn't except Jesus as the Messiah. They will all be swimming in the luxurious lake of fire for eternity.
Do you believe this LG? Probably not.
"Muslims believe that God revealed his final message to humanity through Muhammad ibn Abdullah (c. 570 - July 6, 632) via the angel Gabriel.[15] Muhammad is considered to have been God's final prophet, the "Seal of the Prophets". The revelations Muhammad preached form the holy book of Islam, the Qur'an. The Qur'an is believed to be the flawless final revelation of God to humanity, valid until the day of the Resurrection."
Do believe this LG? Probably not.
"Muslims believe that the verses of the Qur'an were revealed to Muhammad by God through the Angel Gabriel on numerous occasions between the years 610 and his death on July 6, 632."
Do you believe this LG? Probably not.
"The punishments in hell includes adhab, "pain or torment inflicted by way of chastiment; punishment", a very painful punishment (see 29:55, 43:48); khizy, "shame, disgrace, ignominy" (16:27, 11:39).[47] The descriptions in the Qur'an of hell are very descriptive (see 4:56, 47:15 etc)"
Do you believe this LG? Probably not.
"Those who consider performance as an integral part of faith consider anyone who does a grave sin to be out of faith, while the majority of Sunnis who view works as merely the perfecting the faith, hold that a believing sinner will be punished with a temporary stay in hell. "
How about this LG?
There's probably hundreds of other fundamental differences between Hinduism and every other religion.
Once again, if I drink water out of a clay cup it is not essentially so different from drinking it out of a plastic bottle
It is not as simple as drinking water out of any kind of vessel. According to you, any religion is fine. It doesn't matter if it is .01% truthful in terms of it's doctrine and beliefs, according to you everyone still gets the water, or still serves God.
Great, so what steps do we take to figure out what is the best, or most truthful vessel for drinking water.
Great, so what steps do we take to figure out what is the best, or most truthful religon for serving God?
What does this mean? How about a solid yes or no.
if by not accepting jesus, you do not accept anyone (meaning any other saintly person who is capable of providing guidelines on how to approach god), the answer is yes
So you are saying that a person can pick any one of the hundreds of supposed saints out there to worship and they're all set.
Great. Which prophet should a person choose?
LG, the Catholic Church used to offer something salled "indulgences" to the church members. People would pay money for these indulgences, and then they could go out and commit a sin as long as they paid for it with money beforehand.
LG, this idea of indulgences is either correct or incorrect. Which one is it?
Martin Luther decided that it was bullshit and started his own religion. John Calvin and others took his religion even farther and went against Luther.
My whole point is this:
If anything goes in terms of serving God, then what dictates how we serve him?
According to it you involves two things:
1) Human Logic and Reasoning
2) Whatever the saints in ancient writing say to do. Any saint is acceptable, even though many of the writing of the saints of every religion contradict each other.
Hinduism, and therefore you, are against eating animals.
So to you, everyone else is incorrect in eating animals. So Christianity is that much lower in percentage truth than Hinduism. How did you come to this conclusion LG? Because one of your saints said so? If so, why is that saint better than a different saint which says you
can eat animals?