Thought Transference


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Thought Transference
The physical body of another can be affected too. Although I have proved this beyond doubt, I still am not sure of the technique that worked i.e., placing the person to be contacted in my mind and trying to communicate though electrical currents from the brain or imagining both some type of bubble, or simply reaching out in spirit and placing my spirit in theirs.
I have heard a few others and I know that was real too but I can't get the words from me to them.
Even more, there small things that fly which I see some time, they are like dots. They have been gray, yellow, blue/purple, black and white. A few times the gray was so real I could see small legs. When this happens, I know someone has me on their mind and usually can tell who it is.
In addition, I know the other person does not need to be asleep even though I realize having their brain in subconscious mode helps. Doing this for me seems to reach their dreams.
My goal is to learn to get the sound transmitted any advice?
Um... shroomlessly speaking? You are on the tail of a density function: way out there.

But be it far from me to judge I would offer this.

What is thought, perception really? Apparently electrons are involved. WTF is really going on with sentience, observation and perception and why electrons?

More a question than an answer.
No drugs involved, proof...taking another person's word for the truth, i.e., getting a woman off with thoughts and not telling her what I was doing, placing lights with the mind in front of someone and that person emailing me time she got to work and asked "why did you do that to me", just for starters.
That's proof?
How many times have you done it and got no reaction?
Taking another person's word?
You do realise that people are subject to (in no particular order), lying, error, confabulation, embellishment, delusion, don't you?
No drugs involved, proof...taking another person's word for the truth, i.e., getting a woman off with thoughts and not telling her what I was doing, placing lights with the mind in front of someone and that person emailing me time she got to work and asked "why did you do that to me", just for starters.

If you can do what you say you can, will be the first person in history to do it. Many, many people have claimed such things and invariably when tested they fail. That is why you are getting such responses.

Get yourself tested at a university. You will become world famous or more likely you will find that you are not able to do what you think you can.

I have contacted the Rhine Institute in North Carolina wanting to know if studies had or could be done correlating parapsychology to Bi-Polar. They thought the topic was interesting but did not have the money to do that type of relationship study at this time. I do want to be tested by a University and not some organization that is just a cult. The possibility of demonic activity in this scares me (with good reason). Although I do wish to be tested, I do not wish to be known outside of study. Any suggestions of where?
I have contacted the Rhine Institute in North Carolina wanting to know if studies had or could be done correlating parapsychology to Bi-Polar.
Er, you contact a crank institute founded by a crank?
What sort of answers are you expecting?

The possibility of demonic activity in this scares me (with good reason).
What "good reason" could there possibly be?

I did not give the Rhine Institute details I only asked if they had done a correlation study. I would want to keep it scientific and not related to any type of occult. If I was to give my "good reason" for the fear, I seriously doubt that would go over very well. Please give a legitimate institution to contact for research.
I would want to keep it scientific and not related to any type of occult.
Too late.
By claiming you can do it you've already ventured outside of science.
And "occult" is just a fancy word for "crank-belief".
The additional fear of "demonic activity" is just icing on the cake.
That's proof?
How many times have you done it and got no reaction?
Taking another person's word?
You do realise that people are subject to (in no particular order), lying, error, confabulation, embellishment, delusion, don't you?

You missed subterfuge.
Can I walk around town and transmit my thoughts to the public? Just saying, but some crazy shit has been happening.

Even though I am not taken seriously on this topic, the shroom comment made me laugh. Really, no drugs involved and it is something that has been going on with me for well over 35 years. Use to know a Green Beret that agreed with the existence of this stuff. There have been others also but they all are gone from old age. They were smart enough not to mention it but to very few people that already knew of it's reality. Wish one of you'll could give a suggestion for research.
Can I walk around town and transmit my thoughts to the public? Just saying, but some crazy shit has been happening.

Have you been using my trick of saying to your self about the people you see" I Love you . You will see how thought is transmitted when you do that . Blows my mind . I don't know if it is there peripheral view that catches the attention like someone starring at you . You know , you all must have noticed that before .

If not try it . When you get the reaction don't gawk like a stalker .

Stair at someone while they are not aware that you are . Watch how they turn around and look at you . Sometimes with shock and awe in there face .

I was surprised one time not long ago how I could read the people going in and out of walmart . Course I am American and a walmart shopper so we lots of things in common . We also share the same memes . So understanding there frustration trying to get john to stop playing with the shopping carts is a common event . You might even see your own parents in the act
Try Youtube for your answers. There are a lot of good telepathy videos on youtube.

It is a shame that a psychic experiment can defy a billion to one odds, and yet still be written off as chance to these morons. Yes; if you cannot accept psychic experimentation that can defy such odds then they are idiots. I have even seen forum moderators here that do not believe in parapsychology. What's up with that.

Yeah! If you want to know telepathy. Try anywhere but here. I'd recommend Youtube.
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Animals have a highly tuned sense of when they are being observed. Perhaps some people also do, as it would be a useful survival skill. Nothing 'occult', merely subliminal awareness.

One of my favorite forms of mischief is to observe a dog or horse with it's human, and send complimentary thoughts to the animal in a reassuring thought. "Oh, aren't you a fine looking fellow. What a nice dog/horse etc."

There can be plenty of other activity around, yet most often the animal will turn and look directly at me, dogs on leash often want to come to me, half yanking their owners off their feet, while the owner looks perplexed in my direction. This does not surprise me, for I have worked extensively with dogs and horses and I am aware of their sensitivity to their environment. I also use the technique of visualizing and right-brain training in working with my horses and for learning new skills.

There is something going on, yet because it is not consistently able to be measured or understood by everyone, it is dismissed as woo-woo.

No problem. Whatever floats one's boat or gives them an advantage in life.

And no, it has nothing to do with demons or an ability to predict anything. Just the electrical energy that keeps me upright and ambulatory leaking a bit of positive energy.

No serious harm done to myself or the bystanders. :D