Thou shalt Not Kill?

Please don't multi quote me, I don't have the time.
But I do. I'll understand if you decide to only partly answer.

Answer one for you. NO murder is not ok, it's forbidden. Murder and killing are 2 different things. If you walk up to a stranger and shoot them in the face for no reason that's murder. Right? If you defend you're own life, you killed. Right? Think God of all beings, doesn't know the difference?
I was responding to your term 'flagrant murder'. If you think the word murder is enough, then it was an odd choice or wording. I also see little agreement amongst Christians about what murder is. Is killing someone in an unjust war murder or mere killing? Does it automatically become OK because the leader or your country declared the war? As a couple of examples.
But I do. I'll understand if you decide to only partly answer.

I was responding to your term 'flagrant murder'. If you think the word murder is enough, then it was an odd choice or wording. I also see little agreement amongst Christians about what murder is. Is killing someone in an unjust war murder or mere killing? Does it automatically become OK because the leader or your country declared the war? As a couple of examples.

Beg your pardon but it really looks as if you're trying to drive the political band wagon through this thread, rather than obtain answers on Biblical issues. the Bible says- obey the ordinances of men. Soldier is ordered to war, soldier kills. Does it matter who sent him or why? If this were the case wouldn't we all be speaking German, and living on our knees to the krouts by now? Some days ya gotta do what ya gotta do. End of this conversation.
Beg your pardon but it really looks as if you're trying to drive the political band wagon through this thread, rather than obtain answers on Biblical issues. the Bible says- obey the ordinances of men. Soldier is ordered to war, soldier kills. Does it matter who sent him or why? If this were the case wouldn't we all be speaking German, and living on our knees to the krouts by now? Some days ya gotta do what ya gotta do. End of this conversation.
I don't really understand your point. The Christian German soldiers were fighting for Hitler, just as Christians on the other side were fighting against them. It seems obvious to me that one cannot simply follow orders and assume that whatever killing one does is moral in God's eyes. Many on both sides knew full well, for example, that their bombs would kill many civilians, in fact primarily or only civilians on occasion. Is this always not murder since one has been ordered to do this? I would think God would expect a little more soul searching.

My point is not politics, it is a religious point. I do not think one gets a clear message from the Bible as a whole about when one can kill and when one cannot. Out of this mix of messages quite a lot of really rather acts have been allowed and even justified. It should be a core religious issue for any Christian.
I don't really understand your point. The Christian German soldiers were fighting for Hitler, just as Christians on the other side were fighting against them. It seems obvious to me that one cannot simply follow orders and assume that whatever killing one does is moral in God's eyes. Many on both sides knew full well, for example, that their bombs would kill many civilians, in fact primarily or only civilians on occasion. Is this always not murder since one has been ordered to do this? I would think God would expect a little more soul searching.

My point is not politics, it is a religious point. I do not think one gets a clear message from the Bible as a whole about when one can kill and when one cannot. Out of this mix of messages quite a lot of really rather acts have been allowed and even justified. It should be a core religious issue for any Christian.

Ehhhh..... not really. God is pretty clear on certain things. You're in a fox hole, bullets zinging over your head. The enemy is rapidly approaching your position. Is this a good time to throw down your weapon and do some soul searching? If you don't wanna go to war, don't join the military.
Ehhhh..... not really. God is pretty clear on certain things. You're in a fox hole, bullets zinging over your head. The enemy is rapidly approaching your position. Is this a good time to throw down your weapon and do some soul searching? If you don't wanna go to war, don't join the military.
This is not a response to the issues I raised.
This is not a response to the issues I raised.

I think that's exactly what you were looking to generate. And it's not that I am trying to start a fight, I'm not. But do you really believe God doesn't know the difference? God has enemies, and he expects you as Christian to address the matter. And again we are back to the idea God somehow has this universal love for all mankind. Oh no he does not. He'll happily adopt, but he does not suggest at any point in the Bible to allow yourself to be over run. Atheist pagans Muslims etc., are no friend of God. Are we clear on that, make sense? God doesn't order a man to war, he orders him to not murder. Killing an unarmed enemy combatant who is trying to surrender is murder. Shooting someone whose trying to kill is no crime in the eye's of the law of men or God. Are we done with this now?