those who reject the word of god will burn in hell


Up until this thread, I was really skeptical - I'll be it open-minded- about the existance of what we percieve to be "God." But key there is I was OPEN-MINDED, meaning I didn't rule it out.

But now, thanks to your reasoning, yoiu have proven to me that God exists! I mean look at your eloquent proofs!

"those who reject the word of god will burn in hell
repent, confess, exalt him or be forever damned
sinners! you have been warned"

I repent! :rolleyes:
Originally posted by spookz
repent, confess, exalt him or be forever damned
sinners! you have been warned

Repent about what?

confess what? To whom?

exalt whom?

Why am I a sinner?

Be easy on yourself spookz.
I don't think that I'm guilty of anything that I should be confessing to a cosmic imaginary friend about.
Originally posted by SuperS32
Up until this thread, I was really skeptical

- I'll be it open-minded- about the existance of what we percieve to be "God." But key there is I was OPEN-MINDED, meaning I didn't rule it out.

But now, thanks to your reasoning, yoiu have proven to me that God exists! I mean look at your eloquent proofs!

"those who reject the word of god will burn in hell
repent, confess, exalt him or be forever damned
sinners! you have been warned"

I repent! :rolleyes:

what reasoning? what proofs? i was merely making threatening statements in order to put the fear of god unto you heathens
your obvious sarcasm indicates to me that you are very much a child of satan himself

Originally posted by Greco
Repent about what?

confess what? To whom?

exalt whom?

Why am I a sinner?

Be easy on yourself spookz.

your sins. to god
that is b/w you and god
i try but there are so many wayward souls i gotta bring before gods glory

Originally posted by Mystech
I don't think that I'm guilty of anything that I should be confessing to a cosmic imaginary friend about.

silly boy. homosexuality is an abomination before the lord god's eyes. on your knees please and beg forgiveness before it is too late. the end times are almost upon us and only those who repent will enter the kingdom of the almighty
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my favorite question (got it from a cheech and chong album) "if god is so powerful can he make a rock so big that he himself cannot lift it"
Maybe Spookz is right. Maybe you should listen to the word of god, and not go against God. God is very powerful, it would be wise to do as he asks. That seems logical.

However God is not presently available for a written comment. Many of his spokesmen have put together a few ideas, but so far cannot agree on anything completely.

Some of you believe that you know which religion is the right one. You feel Gods presence in everything you do, God speaks to you. You have chosen the right 'path' either by choice, or have been raised into a particular faith that is obviously the right one. God is great, and has shown his word through prophets in a way that simple man can comprehend. You feel it is your obligation to share Gods gift to all who do not yet appreciate him. To help others is always noble. It is, it really is.

This next part of my text needs a leap of faith for some so please bear with me.

You feel Gods presence telling you which path (or religion) to take. You trust this as you trust all that is you. You make this choice, it is yours alone. You have many other options, but trust that this is the correct path. You must rely on YOUR feeling .

From all the religions, with all the very different concepts you could choose, you alone have picked it. Remember, you can change to something else at any time. God has given you the ability to make this decision. You trust your own ability to make this choice.

If you trust yourself to ‘choose’ the path, you should trust yourself to know Gods word.

He is there in your heart. You do not need a translator to tell you what he is saying. Open your sole and listen to it. Religion is not God.

To listen to God through another mere mortal is to push God away from you.

Therefore, listen to God. Do not listen to false prophets. Religion is false prophecy.

Spookz, are you ready yet to truly listen to Gods word?

Originally posted by Jeremy
To listen to God through another mere mortal is to push God away from you.
but spookz is not mortal. he is infact archangel spookz..:D
Originally posted by spookz
silly boy. homosexuality is an abomination before the lord god's eyes. on your knees please and beg forgiveness before it is too late. the end times are almost upon us and only those who repent will enter the kingdom of the almighty

I plan to be on my knees plenty more times before I die, but never to apologies to God for not believing in him, and breaking his rules which are even more arbitrary and unfounded then most other laws of men. And if I happen to come before him for judgement when I die, I’ll still give him the finger. If he’d condemn me for the life I live, he’s still in the wrong.
Originally posted by spookz
shit almost forgot: men are born sinners cos of adam and eve

Spookz, you are going to hell. You need to pronounce that Jesus Christ is your lord and savior and get babtized. I agree we are all born sinners because many generations ago, someone ate an apple......It's a sin to eat apples, and I no longer eat apples.

Repent to your lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross for your sins....Wait, if he died for my sins, why should I repent....:confused:
Originally posted by spookz

i try but there are so many wayward souls i gotta bring before gods glory

And who made you the god's messenger?

Respect what you cannot see by respecting what you can. Oh and chill the end it will not matter.

Now, go ask for forgiveness from Lord Shiva.
If God damns me to hell because I refused to cry out his name in reverence, then I say God is a self absorbed little shithead.

If you were a king, and you only gave farmland to those subjects who came to your castle and told you how great you were, and gave nothing (or killed) everyone else, what would that make you?

If we are created in God's image, then the logical rules that apply to us apply to him. If he wants praise, let him earn it. Threats only grant you the faith of the weak and frightened.

it is said that satan's best trick is to convinse the world that he doesn't exsist. I say his best trick is posing as god, and convinsing the world of the trickery.

edit: to say that not believing in God means that you believe in Satan reduces the power and glory of God. you are saying tht Satan encompases all that god is not, making Satan more powerfull than god himself. The idea better fits if it is said "Choosing anything but Satan is Choosing God" That Puts God (the omnipotent one in your belief) in the position of power, where he should be.

I do not choose Satan, I choose nothing. I act for the benifit of the most living being possible. If God damns me for that, then so be it. I'd do it anyway. I am at least trying to live up to Jesus's standards, and help other people, instead of myself!
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Originally posted by river-wind
If God damns me to hell because I refused to cry out his name in reverence, then I say God is a self absorbed little shithead.

Ok. Let's try this out.

God puts river-wind in chains and deprive of food and drink and sleep and tells him, glorify me, riverwind says no.
God throws riverwind in the boiler room and makes him carry a pot of boiled water up and down stairs lined with thorns while he is barefooted. Riverwind is not allowed to die, just to exist in total agony. God asks again river-wind to glorify him, riverwind says No. God orders the skin of riverwind to burn and rejuvenate and burn and rejuvenate over and and over till eternity.....What would riverwind say.....

I say riverwind is kindda stupid.
Originally posted by Flores
Ok. Let's try this out.

God puts river-wind in chains and deprive of food and drink and sleep and tells him, glorify me, riverwind says no.
God throws riverwind in the boiler room and makes him carry a pot of boiled water up and down stairs lined with thorns while he is barefooted. Riverwind is not allowed to die, just to exist in total agony. God asks again river-wind to glorify him, riverwind says No. God orders the skin of riverwind to burn and rejuvenate and burn and rejuvenate over and and over till eternity.....What would riverwind say.....

I say riverwind is kindda stupid.

should I bow to him who torments me?