Those who hear the voice of god in their heads are delusional.


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: We've heard it time and again. Some of the christians on this forum hear the voice of god in their heads. They've admitted it. They believe it. They worship it.

I call this a delusion. They're sick people. They don't have enough knowledge to debate issues on the validity of christianity. They believe blindly in something they cannot explain.

I say that when a christian comes on board and states that he/she hears god's voice in their heads, they should be banned permanently. This is not logical nor is it reasonable. Sane people do not hear voices in their heads. After all, this is a scientific forum. Hearing voices in one's head is not scientifically validated. I think this would stop the preaching once and for all. There is no room for blind belief in this forum. Hearing voices in one's head is not rational. It's insane. This is a scientific forum. Anyone hearing voices in their head should be permanently banned. Those who profess hearing god's voice in their heads should go to a christian forum where they won't be questioned, and where there no debate is required to prove those voices are real.

Am I alone here, or do you agree?
Well, make the rule for everybody and not just Christians, and I agree.

What's that? Oh, the voice in my head says you should have mentioned the contrast between rationalism and pure faith. Good point, voice in my head.
I agree that a good indication of a person's insanity is when they make claims like "god speaks to me", the reason being that if a god actually spoke to a person they woul dbe above mundane designations and the pushing of false ego that reqiuires one to clamour for authority ("listen to me because god spoke to me ..." blah blah blah - you might want to notice that when god speaks to such people he never tells them to give up sinful life, practice humility and serve him with unmotivated love, which is the message god is usually on about in scripture)

However if, as an atheist, one could theoretically accept the concept that god exists, is there any reason tha t he could not speak to someone?
What is it about the theists proposal that indicates god is incapabale of talking to someone?
In other words wouldn't it be a vote of confidence to support the value system of the atheists to demand that anyone who says "god spoke to me" should be banned?
It is my common experience that many christians use the phrase, not in the sense they were innvolved with a verbal conversation with god, but that they feel inspired in the heart by a perfectly clarified thought that pushes them on in spiritual life.

That said, i would agree that many people who say "god spoke to me" are probably a bit strange, or at least there claims to credibility can get lost in the demographics of such propounders, but to ban them could be a bit too severe - I think we just have to tolerate them like we do with the atheists who constantly blow their tops off in discussion with trolling, flaming and ad homs
John99: how about thinking, isnt that like someone talking to you?

M*W: No. Thinking is one's own thoughts. That's different than hearing "voices" in one's head. When people hear "voices" in their heads, it's some other voice telling them this or that. It's not their own thoughts. Or, at least they believe it's someone else's voice and not their own thoughts. I think it is, however, their own thoughts, but they attribute those thoughts to other entities. In any event, it is sick and delusional. I still say, these people need to be banned permanently. They are not in their right minds, so how can we hold logical discussions and debate with them?
No I don't think these people need to be banned from sciforums. Heck we need the clowns around here, for a good laugh, but then again in a more serious tone, they need to get to a psychiatrist. Hearing voices in your head is one of the sure fire signs of going schizophrenic.

Schizophrenia, is a brain illnesses in very mystical people, the religious zealots often suffer from schizophrenia once or twice in their life time, they may also likely to get Altheismer when they are older.

Religious ideation and delusion have long been part of the symptomatology of individuals with schizophrenia. Most of the collective research energy in this area has been focused on the way religion informs the experience and treatment of schizophrenia, but little has been done to explore the implications of the relationship between religion and schizophrenia for our understanding of religion. The ability of individuals with schizophrenia to tap into the spiritual realm and to experience the divine via hallucination, delusion, and anomalous perceptual experiences may be one of the unique societal contributions of schizophrenia that has led to its persistence across races, continents, and a common genetic ancestry.
you might want to notice that when god speaks to such people he never tells them to give up sinful life, practice humility and serve him with unmotivated love, which is the message god is usually on about in scripture

This would be of no relevance if MW's statements are accurate - because then those people featured in scripture would have been just as 'delusional' as anyone hearing voices now. Of course there wouldn't have been any qualified doctors around at the time to make mention of that.

Secondly god's message in scripture, (biblical at least), isn't really what your statement claims it is.

However if, as an atheist, one could theoretically accept the concept that god exists, is there any reason tha t he could not speak to someone?

Well you seemed to argue against this when I brought it up. I said the gods spoke to me - you then adamantly denied the possibility of it - saying I had no qualifications and whatnot. You seem to think that god/s are only capable of talking to someone if they have qualifications - which would surely rule everyone on this forum out for starters, (given your page upon page of waffling on about qualifications - although you didn't really manage to explain any technical data concerning these supposed qualifications).
Well you seemed to argue against this when I brought it up. I said the gods spoke to me - you then adamantly denied the possibility of it - saying I had no qualifications and whatnot. You seem to think that god/s are only capable of talking to someone if they have qualifications - which would surely rule everyone on this forum out for starters, (given your page upon page of waffling on about qualifications - although you didn't really manage to explain any technical data concerning these supposed qualifications).

its not clear how determining the qualification of someone (ie whether they are capable or not of living up to their claims) undermines the very possibility of the claim having even the possibility of being true
its not clear how determining the qualification of someone (ie whether they are capable or not of living up to their claims) undermines the very possibility of the claim having even the possibility of being true

Well according to you, the possibility of it being true is entirely dependant upon qualification. Thus if you were right it would be easy to work out who are the blatant fakes, and then get round to discussing evidence for 'qualified claims' later on. To do that of course one would need to know exactly what is needed to make a person "qualified" to be able to tell who is and who isn't, and who is therefore full of shit when they say god speaks to them.

If you recind your earlier statements and now say even the unqualified can engage in conversation with a god, you would need to work out how we are supposed to tell the real cases from the fraudulent ones. Content of message is really not sufficient.
Used to be that hearing the voice of God was rare occurance - it only happened to St.Patrick twice, and he spent seven years in a cow pasture waiting for it.

Now God talks to the president every day.:eek:
Well according to you, the possibility of it being true is entirely dependant upon qualification. Thus if you were right it would be easy to work out who are the blatant fakes, and then get round to discussing evidence for 'qualified claims' later on. To do that of course one would need to know exactly what is needed to make a person "qualified" to be able to tell who is and who isn't, and who is therefore full of shit when they say god speaks to them.

If you recind your earlier statements and now say even the unqualified can engage in conversation with a god, you would need to work out how we are supposed to tell the real cases from the fraudulent ones. Content of message is really not sufficient.
If you are referring to my earlier comment about swimming inthe ganga during winter, it means anyone can become qualified, in theory - just like in theory, anyone can take a swim in the winter .... of course in practice, not many do - just like in theory, anyone can become sufficiently proficient to perceive an electron, but practically few go through the ardours of such an endeavour
If you are referring to my earlier comment about swimming inthe ganga during winter, it means anyone can become qualified, in theory

I wasn't, but nevermind.

It's not clear though how we could know who is qualified and who isn't. I've been asking that for quite a while now but unfortunately it's still not clear.
I wasn't, but nevermind.

It's not clear though how we could know who is qualified and who isn't. I've been asking that for quite a while now but unfortunately it's still not clear.

well, what are the general principles you apply to determine whether a person in a particular field outside of your jurisdiction(ie direct perception) is qualified or not?
well, what are the general principles you apply to determine whether a person in a particular field outside of your jurisdiction(ie direct perception) is qualified or not?

I've been asking you, and I would respect your answer, (and not concerning other fields).