Those Astonishing Heteros

I am a ...

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Hets are human, didn't you hear?

John99 said:

I have to say that i have no clue what the hell this thread is about.

Hets are human, too.

Like I said in the topic post: Equal time. Political correctness. We should not let political focus on gays diminish the contributions of heterosexuals.
But virgins have bad hair!

Um ...

Image via Slog.

... is there really anything I could say about this?

Actually, there is, but it's more fun not to.
to OP: sounds like you are trying to consolidate or level two completely different types/groups of people.

Hetero and Homo are not the same obviously. Why should one group’s “actions/beliefs” be equal to the other group’s actions/beliefs? They are completely different actions all together and should be treated differently.

This is what happens when PC infects the brain. It makes people forget/deny obvious differences and consolidates DIFFERENT groups under the same category expecting the EXACT same set of circumstances/consequences for both completely different groups.
As if that's an excuse ....

According to reports going around the web, one Bernando Alvarez, Bishop of Tenerife, offered this insight regarding the growing scandal of sexually-abusive clergy in the Catholic Church:

There are 13 year old adolescents who are under age and who are perfectly in agreement with, and what's more wanting it, and if you are careless they will even provoke you.

(qtd. in Myers)

Or, as PZ Myers explains:

Oh, it is so hard to be a noble heterosexual man in this society, with every woman, every gay man, every child, every moist orifice, every knothole, every small animal burrow on the ground, every lemon meringue pie, every velvety wrinkle in the Pope's cassock, all just taunting and teasing and tantalizing you, begging you to stick your penis in them.

The original quote comes through a website called Typically Spanish. Please attend the following warning before clicking the link:

Warning: My Safari browser suggests that the Typically Spanish web page carries malware.​

Accordingly, I have been unable to confirm the quote via TS. Click with care.


Myers, PZ. "It's all their fault!" Pharyngula. April 7, 2010. April 9, 2010.
Muh-mye, and other marital atrocities

Wow. Okay. So ... yeah. For those who need the back story, the Seattle weekly alternative tabloid newspaper, The Stranger, runs a regular column called "I, Anonymous", which is exactly what it sounds like: anonymous people lighting off on one another, saying the things they can't always say to each other's faces. 'Nuff said.

This is adorable. Quoted in full:

Thanks for Stealing My Husband

No, seriously. Thanks! I mean, first off, if he's the sort of guy who leaves his wife for a disease-ridden bitch because she makes out with women for show, has enormous tits, and says she's a model (funny how I've never seen your picture in any of the ads of the places you say you work for, isn't it?), then good riddance. Secondly, he's the world's biggest douchebag, with his "ironic" beard and his black Kangol hat and his George Lucas lumberjack plaid shirts, smoking pot out of a hookah and hanging out with gay guys for the sole purpose of looking really tolerant and cool. He gained 100 pounds during the five years I knew him. I gained (and then lost, thankfully) 30 pounds just from being with that fuck.

You deserved him, too, you psycho hobag. You screamed at me in the street, followed me for two blocks while I tried to ignore you, insulted my disabled brother, and told me you would "destroy" me—and then you pulled my hair and ran away. Also, good job letting my ex catch you sucking that stranger's dick behind a toolshed. I hear you didn't even take the cock out of your mouth to say good-bye. You're the best dirty whore ever.


Would it be rubbing salt in the wound to say something about the sanctity of marriage goes here?


Anonymous. "Thanks for Stealing My Husband". The Stranger. April 6, 2010. April 10, 2010.
Thanks for Stealing My Husband

Would it be rubbing salt in the wound to say something about the sanctity of marriage goes here?

Where's Woody these days? He should be here to ignore this!

BTW, her rant was great. Didn't take the cock out to say goodbye?!?!? Wow..

Nevermind Woody; at least Pronatalist declared himself a heterosupremacist!
One of Those Stories

One of Those Stories
Don't click the link. It's that morbid.

Yeah, just check the headline if you really need to know. Incest, rape, murder, and the proverbial body in the freezer. 'Nuff said? Hope so.

Heaven help us all ...?


Sayre, Katherine. "Preacher says seeing stepdaughter in 'chocolate negligee' was too much temptation". Press Register. April 9, 2010. April 14, 2010.
Chocolate negligee??? Oh, yum!!!

He said his wife's body "fit snuggly," though "I did press the freezer down."

Just tucking her in for the night... of eternity.

What a nice guy. Very thoughtful.

He's probably homosexual at heart. I'm just sure of it.
Stranger than fiction, that one

Giambattista said:

Just tucking her in for the night... of eternity.

I admit, the psychology of this sick tale is probably fascinating beyond measure.

In truth, I'm having a hard time not joking about it. I mean, Alabama, preacher, family values ... it's so ripe for the picking. Then again, an acquaintance recently published her first novel, which includes body parts in the freezer, so I couldn't help but tease her just a bit. After all, reality is stranger than fiction.
Um ...

Image via Slog.

... is there really anything I could say about this?

Actually, there is, but it's more fun not to.

Oh, you must have forgotten..


They're just trying to do their best to stop AIDS.

They're really helping. AIDS doesn't have enough money behind it already, does it?


If you don't know what that means, don't worry about it

The traditional values movement has claimed a new class of victims: single, heterosexual men:

Like all too many Americans, Mark Almlie was laid off in the spring of 2009 when his workplace downsized. He has been searching for an appropriate position ever since, replying to more than 500 job postings without success.

But Mr. Almlie, despite a sterling education and years of experience, has faced an obstacle that does not exist in most professions: He is a single pastor, in a field where those doing the hiring overwhelmingly prefer married people and, especially, married men with children.

Mr. Almlie, 37, has been shocked, he says, at what he calls unfair discrimination, based mainly on irrational fears: that a single pastor cannot counsel a mostly married flock, that he might sow turmoil by flirting with a church member, or that he might be gay ...

... Mr. Almlie, an ordained evangelical minister who lives in Petaluma, Calif., has also had to contend with the argument, which he disputes with scriptural citations of his own, that the Bible calls for married leaders. "Prejudice against single pastors abounds," Mr. Almlie wrote in articles he posted on a popular Christian blog site in January and February, setting off a wide-ranging debate online on a topic that many said has been largely ignored.

Some evangelical churches, in particular, openly exclude single candidates; a recent posting for a pastor by a church on Long Island said it was seeking "a family man whose family will be involved in the ministry life of the church." Other churches convey the message through code words, like "seeking a Biblical man" (translation: a husband and a provider).

"I'll get an e-mail saying 'wonderful résumé,'" Mr. Almlie said in an interview. "Once I say I'm single, never married, I never hear back."

Federal anti-discrimination law specifically exempts religious groups when they hire a person for religion-related activities, and courts have been loath to interfere in ministerial employment, said David Middlebrook, a lawyer and a specialist in religion law in Dallas and Fort Worth.

R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., said it was unfair to accuse churches of discrimination because that word implied something "wrongful."

"Both the logic of Scripture and the centrality of marriage in society," he said, justify "the strong inclination of congregations to hire a man who is not only married but faithfully married."


Erik Eckholm, writing for The New York Times notes, "If the job search is hard for single men, it is doubly so for single women who train for the ministry ...."

But, of course, that's hardly news. But as the courts have been reluctant to help out women and homosexuals in such circumstances, we should not expect them to ride to the rescue of Mr. Almlie or any other men who want to be evangelical Protestant pastors who aren't married.

Scott Cormode, professor of leadership development at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, Calif. — where Mr. Almlie received his master's of divinity before he worked as an assistant pastor in California — said he did not believe that the bias against single pastors was as pervasive as Mr. Almlie contended. He noted that finding a position was always hard in a crowded field.

But Jackson W. Carroll, emeritus professor of religion at Duke Divinity School, suggested that the preference for marriage might have been hardened by the social upheavals of recent decades.

"Evangelicals are responding to the sexual revolution of the 1960s, which they saw as a real threat to the family," he said. "A pastor with a wife is less likely to be a homosexual and more likely to mirror the traditional image of a family."

Matt Steen, 35, encountered concerns about the possibility of sexual misconduct during the year he fruitlessly sought a new position as a youth pastor. "I had some pretty candid conversations with churches," he recalled of his interviews in 2006. "They'd say, 'Tell me about your wife and kids,' and I'd say, 'I haven't met them yet.'"

Many interviewers seemed to fear that he might "do something stupid, like get involved with a student," he said. "I told them that I understand the concern, but that I've seen married pastors make the same mistakes."

Mr. Steen later married and for family reasons moved to Long Island, ultimately leaving the ministry. He now markets accounting services to churches.

Some religion experts suggested a less charitable reason for the marriage requirement: the expectation that a pastor's wife will provide unpaid labor, perhaps leading the choir or teaching Sunday school.

"Sometimes, parishioners have an unspoken preference for a happily married male with a wife who does not work outside the home," Cynthia Woolever, research director at U.S. Congregations, wrote in a 2009 article. "She also volunteers at the church while raising 'wholesome and polite children.'"


Mr. Almlie, for his part, is working hard to satisfy his potential employers, trolling through dating sites like eHarmony, though, "Ultimately," he admits, "I do begrudge not being hired."

It is a curious situation he finds himself in, to be certain. Dan Savage reserves his sympathies for something ... uh ... more ... ah ... er, less ... um ... yeah. Anyway:

He was ordained by an anti-gay church, attended an anti-gay theological seminary, and committed himself—in part—to injecting hate and intolerance into the culture, helping to create a climate where gay people are discriminated against, bashed, and murdered. And now that homophobia and bigotry is coming back to bite this unmarried man on his ass. My heart bleeds.

And it is, admittedly, a curious question. If one willingly enters and hopes to profit by a bigoted system, to what degree can they really complain if that bigotry comes down on them? Did Mr. Almlie really not know how it works? Did he really not understand that a traditional values congregation probably wants a pastor that exhibits those values, including the good little wifey in tow?

Meanwhile, it is all too tempting to simply shrug and say, "Have faith; God will provide."


Eckholm, Erik. "Unmarried Pastor, Seeking a Job, Sees Bias". The New York Times. March 22, 2011; page A1. March 22, 2011.

Savage, Dan. "How Did That Bit About Reaping And Sowing Go Again?" Slog. March 22, 2011. March 22, 2011.
i voted "other". i really don't prescribe to any particular sexuality. i'm a woman and i have sex, and because of that i know that penises and vaginas go together like peanut butter and jelly but men and women may not, for a variety of valid reasons, none of which have anything to do with gender. imo when it comes to sex, gender is more of a given, not the basis of a discrimination.
I don't care , if it feels good to you go for it. I like girls my self . Sex with guys not for Me , but if anybody else goes that way Great for them . Get Married what ever . Equal rights Yeah!!! Consenting Adults Yeah !! It all boils down to Personal choice as far as I am concerned .
Fourth Trimester Abortions

Fourth Trimester Abortions
There is no punch line

Sometimes, punch lines are not only unnecessary, but also wholly inappropriate:

Police say a northeastern Pennsylvania man accused of killing his newborn daughter twice dropped a cinderblock on the girl because he said he and his girlfriend couldn't afford a second child.

State police say 20-year-old Christopher Fitzpatrick led troopers to the body of the child Friday.

(Associated Press)

I mean, even the phrase "responsible family planning", as relevant as it might seem, tastes dirty on the tongue.

There is not much to say, is there? Both Fitzpatrick and Barrise stand charged with homicide, and are held without bail. Meanwhile, they do have a surviving one year-old child together, and who knows, maybe when this is all over they'll do the right thing and marry up.

See? See? There's just no tasteful way through this one.


Associated Press. "Police: Pennsylvania Man Dropped Cinderblock on Newborn". June 14, 2011. June 15, 2011.