This subforum needs another moderator

Ah, we have differing ideas.
For me I'd rather not let woo woo concepts get ingrained from the start: some are hard to shake.

Pfft, Pseudosci is pretty much an "anything goes" zone.

This is why I don't understand why this forum needs a Mod.
I mean, what would there job be? To get rid of sensical posts????
This is why I don't understand why this forum needs a Mod.
I mean, what would there job be? To get rid of sensical posts????
Possibly for the same reason we have one in the "Religion" sub forum: to halt the back-slapping "Yeah, I agree" threads that ignore any science.
My "anything goes" comment referred more to the insults than topics/ claims.
But but but... Didn't you just advocate letting them continue to post unheeded?
"If that fails to dissuade the idle fantasy then simply let them rant and ignore them, leaving their threads to provide the amusement that a special forum like this can afford."
You have to forgive me, I just learned some shocking news ... sort of like the butterfly thing. I may be emotionally damaged for a long time. Oh well, pffst. Life goes on.

No, I mean rebut them, let them rant until the veins in your neck almost burst and then close their threads with a warning. That is what I meant :D.
quantum_wave said:
If that was true then the only noble course of action is to admit that there are questions that we don't have the answers for and that the only possible answers come from speculation, and from speculation upon speculation. Then do a quick review of the ideas that appear in Pseudo, whether originated here or relegated to here, and try to disqualify the "idiots that persist in posting stuff that's already been debunked" by pointing out the science that debunks them. If that fails to dissuade the idle fantasy then simply let them rant and ignore them, leaving their threads to provide the amusement that a special forum like this can afford.

But to be truly honorable you must deal further with the ideas that cannot be debunked so easily. If they cannot be refuted but are clearly fairy dust isolate the key phrases or earliest statement that prove your point and clearly point them out and make some reasonable and responsible case for why they are fairy dust. Saying you are a professional is the weakest proof that you have the ability to distinguish between reasonable and responsible speculation that is connected to some scientific consensus, and some fantasy that emerges from what could be a drug induced stupor. Taking on the mantel of professionalism should result in the exercise of professional ethics even in dealing with pseudo idiots.

Exactly! Everyone should read this!

And here is a perfect example of the exact opposite of the great advice that quantum_wave gave:

dwydyr said:
No you couldn't.

Like the two slit experiment. You have it behaving like a liquid..


What if a slow pulse was like a diver with his arms, and legs straight, and a large pulse was like a belly flop?

What if you actually made sense for once?

This of course indicates the Aether inside the experiment. So indicating that a wave particle duality is actually a particle crashing into a wave is a common sense solution to put QS back into normal science.

The fact that you're ignorant of "normal" science and lack common sense doesn't help your case.

What if I said that action at a distance was caused yet again by a liquid.

You can say whatever you like: you're still wrong and still ignorant.

Proving my theory is wrong is proving nature wrong, or proving that I am struggling to figure something out.. like DNA... which is bugging me.

You don't have a theory, what you do have is a load of disconnected waffle and no clue.

Why not point out the science that debunks these claims? That would help not only the "woo-woo" but also any of those overly impressionable people you claim you're trying to protect. What good do your empty condemnations do ANYBODY?
Exactly! Everyone should read this!
And here is a perfect example of the exact opposite of the great advice that quantum_wave gave:
Why not point out the science that debunks these claims? That would help not only the "woo-woo" but also any of those overly impressionable people you claim you're trying to protect. What good do your empty condemnations do ANYBODY?
Because it has been pointed out that science debunks his claims: Pincho is a returnee* who has consistently ignored any and all pointers to science and always falls back on the claim "science got it wrong" - without doing anything more than repeating (and escalating) his nonsensical double talk.

* He flounced off in a huff months ago vowing never to return.
Because it has been pointed out that science debunks his claims: Pincho is a returnee* who has consistently ignored any and all pointers to science and always falls back on the claim "science got it wrong" - without doing anything more than repeating (and escalating) his nonsensical double talk.

* He flounced off in a huff months ago vowing never to return.

So instead of repeating the irrefutable science that debunks him or continually referring him to it you think it's more productive to just call him an idiot or woo-woo and repeat empty condemnations that don't help anybody that might still be reading?
Because it has been pointed out that science debunks his claims: Pincho is a returnee* who has consistently ignored any and all pointers to science and always falls back on the claim "science got it wrong" - without doing anything more than repeating (and escalating) his nonsensical double talk.

* He flounced off in a huff months ago vowing never to return.

Nothing debunked me, what you and others actually did was point me in the direction of science, which I can also debunk, so pointless. Or you didn't understand what I was saying.
Read my lips

No. More. Moderators.

We already have too many people telling us what to think and how.

This is the Pseudoscience forum. Leave this one be.
So instead of repeating the irrefutable science that debunks him or continually referring him to it you think it's more productive to just call him an idiot or woo-woo and repeat empty condemnations that don't help anybody that might still be reading?
I've explained to him the scientific method, the level of detail any 'theory of everything' would require, the experimental observations (relating to his particular area of interest) which would need to be explained, the requirement of quantitative predictions and he's ignored ALL of them.

He has made it abundantly clear that he has no interest in science, he simply wants to try and convince people he's not wasting his time. It is honestly difficult to tell if he's just monumentally thick or a wind up. He failed science in school and doesn't study it at all yet he started a thread asking how to go about getting science funding to do his 'work'! PhDs struggle to get funding (I know, I'm one of them!) and he thinks he'll get it because he can draw pretty pictures which lack any substance?! That is either deliberate trolling or stupidity of the highest magnitude.

Assuming he isn't a troll then he is one of the most naive, ignorant and delusional people I've come across. He can't accept that some things he doesn't understand (a common trait in cranks) and thus has convinced himself its not his fault, its everyone else. This is the very definition of delusional, when you hold a belief without evidence or rationale.

Nothing debunked me,
Other than everything you've said about biology, chemistry and atomic physics.

what you and others actually did was point me in the direction of science, which I can also debunk, so pointless. Or you didn't understand what I was saying.
You haven't provided a single experimentally testable prediction or working model. You haven't actually said anything which could be understood in terms of science.

Most people realise at a young age that life and the universe is an extremely complex place and some things are just beyond their grasp. Macroeconomics, medicine, foreign languages, pure mathematics, the popularity of Jedward (its a UK X Factor reference for those going "ugh?"). Most people concentrate on what they are good at or like most and move on with their lives. But a small number don't. They are 'that guy' in the office who likes to think he can always do things better than everyone else and has to let people know. It's not that he did crap at exams, he just didn't find it interesting. It's not that he's a thick clod, the interviewer didn't grasp his ideas. When sitting exams they weren't very good but now they are past exams and they don't think anyone will challenge them suddenly they are (as you put it) 'da Vinci geniuses'. When you look at all the 'I've got a theory of everything' stuff put online its always by people who work in bland office jobs. Perhaps I'm reading too much into this but I get the distinct impression their "I've solved the universe, I've done it and you haven't!" cries are to do with trying to convince themselves they aren't another face in the crowd, stuck in a world too complex for them to grasp. Unfortunately apart from the exceptionally rare we all are just faces in a crowd, stuck in a world too complex for us to fully grasp.

Every single person who has contributed to theoretical physics in the last century demonstrated an aptitude for mathematics and physics in their younger days. And before anyone says, Einstein is often said to have been crap at maths, he had a PhD in physics! At the very least you won't find such a person who got D's in maths and physics at school, yet once they are out in the big wide world suddenly they are mathematics/physics geniuses.

PP, you have repeatedly been demonstrated to be wrong. Continuing to cling to the false view that you've got all the answers when you can't answer direct simple questions is delusional.
You keep debunking me with both your own lack of ability to understand, and then wanting me to look more at science. I have studied science for about 15 years, and now I have enough information to tell you that it is mostly back to front. The problem is that you can't picture what that means. It means that your maths works, but in the wrong way.

But you just can't understand it. You haven't got the intelligence to debunk me. You are debunking me with God. You just say that you debunked me, which is actually slanderous. You debunked me with squashing a fish, which I never said, then you debunked me with squeezing radium, but I showed in the brain how a muscle can be used to release particles of photons. You debunked my by saying that the Aether doesn't exist, but I have showed that it does, you have debunked me with Saturn's rings containing matter, but my black holes can contain matter as they have 0 gravity.. so you haven't debunked me.
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I have studied science for about 15 years
What are your sources of information? Please list the last 5 textbooks, 5 published papers and 5 lecture notes you read. Notice I don't ask for pop science books or websites since they are insufficient.

, and now I have enough information to tell you that it is mostly back to front.
And you think you've garnered more information than someone who works in the science research community would have in that time? You have said your jobs are not in science research so any 'study' you have done is in your spare time. Do you think that over 15 years you'd learn more than someone whose full time job is science? Do you think you've somehow attained a level of knowledge as yet unreached by any other person?

You haven't got the intelligence to debunk me.
Any time you want to go toe to toe on physics or mathematics I'm game.

You are debunking me with God
You claimed squeezing Radium would make it glow. This is a demonstrably false statement. Thus, by experiment, your claims are false. That isn't invoking God, its invoking reality.

You just say that you debunked me, which is actually slanderous.
Slander is when I make statements about you which portray a negative image. Saying "Your claim is falsified by experiment" is not slander since it doesn't give a sleer against you and its something which is factually true. Though of course it doesn't come to that I would have no problem saying in a court of law that your claims are falsified by experiment and providing evidence to that effect. Hence my statement of fact cannot be slander. Saying I think you've a moronic idiot is slander but given its against your internet pseudonym and in no way harming you financially its hardly a crime.

, then you debunked me with squeezing radium, but I showed in the brain how a muscle can be used to release particles of photons
What has the brain got to do with the fact applying pressure to Radium causes an emission of light? It shouldn't matter how you squeeze the Radium, in your fist or under a block of concrete, if your original claim were true it would glow because its under pressure. Muscles and the brain are something entirely seperate.

You debunked my by saying that the Aether doesn't exist, but I have showed that it does,
You have provided no evidence aether exists. Again, my statement is not slander given it is a statement of fact. If I'm wrong about this submit your work to a journal and let people much more intelligent than I evaluate your work.

Every time I actually put a direct challenge to you you ignore me. Speaks volumes.
I understand pseudo is about the more fringe ideas but when people refuse to answer direct questions or even attempt to justify a claim it does get a little frustrating.

Ooooh woulnt it be fun to have a mod on here that was able to force the woo woos to answer direct questions - or address specific challenges.

Could it be done in such a ay that this sub-forum wouldnt lose its entertainment value?
What are your sources of information? Please list the last 5 textbooks, 5 published papers and 5 lecture notes you read. Notice I don't ask for pop science books or websites since they are insufficient.

And you think you've garnered more information than someone who works in the science research community would have in that time? You have said your jobs are not in science research so any 'study' you have done is in your spare time. Do you think that over 15 years you'd learn more than someone whose full time job is science? Do you think you've somehow attained a level of knowledge as yet unreached by any other person?

Any time you want to go toe to toe on physics or mathematics I'm game.

You claimed squeezing Radium would make it glow. This is a demonstrably false statement. Thus, by experiment, your claims are false. That isn't invoking God, its invoking reality.

Slander is when I make statements about you which portray a negative image. Saying "Your claim is falsified by experiment" is not slander since it doesn't give a sleer against you and its something which is factually true. Though of course it doesn't come to that I would have no problem saying in a court of law that your claims are falsified by experiment and providing evidence to that effect. Hence my statement of fact cannot be slander. Saying I think you've a moronic idiot is slander but given its against your internet pseudonym and in no way harming you financially its hardly a crime.

What has the brain got to do with the fact applying pressure to Radium causes an emission of light? It shouldn't matter how you squeeze the Radium, in your fist or under a block of concrete, if your original claim were true it would glow because its under pressure. Muscles and the brain are something entirely seperate.

You have provided no evidence aether exists. Again, my statement is not slander given it is a statement of fact. If I'm wrong about this submit your work to a journal and let people much more intelligent than I evaluate your work.

Every time I actually put a direct challenge to you you ignore me. Speaks volumes.

But you made a mistake, you said squeeze it under concrete, you can't squeeze it with the wrong alignment of particles. You have to squeeze the dark particles which is more difficult, as they are polarised to atomic structure. Like magnets opposed to each other, but a different scale to that.
Read my lips

No. More. Moderators.

We already have too many people telling us what to think and how.

This is the Pseudoscience forum. Leave this one be.

I don't want anyone telling us what to think...I just want someone to stop the derails and insults.

This thread about moderation is already being derailed.